Online mandarin learning: common choice for your guys!

Mandarin is the common language of Chinese, Online mandarin learning also!
On November 24, 2001, the Putonghua Education Research and Development Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong held a Putonghua Education Forum. Two business friends were invited to host a short speech;

Mr. Wang Wei of the group. Mr. Wu told everyone this experience: Recently, when he went to Xingma for business, the local Chinese like to talk to him in Mandarin (Mandarin), thinking that it is kind enough and it is easy to establish a relationship of mutual trust.

Mr. Wu also said that some talents who came back from the United States and Canada to Hong Kong, or professionals who lost their jobs due to layoffs, partly regretted that they could not catch the economic express train of China’s accession to the WTO because of their poor Mandarin. Based on his experience in job hunting and service in the Mainland,

Mr. Wang told us that Mandarin has opened up his career, won the trust of clients, and established a good cooperative relationship.

The son of one of my colleagues had just returned to Hong Kong from a vacation at the University of Melbourne in Australia, and he couldn’t wait to ask his mother to find a Mandarin teacher for him.

Native language rights are a beautiful misunderstanding

Online mandarin learning

“Mother tongue” is the language learned from the mother, and it is usually the family language. When it comes to the benefits of the mother tongue, anyone can cite a lot: comfort, naturalness, kindness, etc.

so it is no wonder that some people think that the mother tongue is a basic human right, and even insist on the mother tongue Education, and in Hong Kong, a Cantonese community, learning Cantonese is a matter of course.

It’s a pity that the so-called “native language teaching” in Hong Kong is just a misunderstanding: we speak Cantonese, but read and write standard written language, and it is difficult for Hong Kong people to fully accept Cantonese.

This phenomenon of separation of language and writing is projected on education, which does not meet the requirements of mother tongue teaching. It can be said that mother tongue teaching has never been really implemented in Hong Kong.


The reason is that family language, communication language, working language, academic language and teaching language are often not integrated.

Facts tell us that language policy and teaching language policy are determined by factors such as politics, economy, culture and the user population, not by personal factors. Love and hate and transfer.
English as the teaching language is conducive to creating an environment for language learning and comprehensively improving students’ English proficiency.

The use of Putonghua as the medium of instruction has the same assumptions as the use of English as the medium of instruction.

If we are not worried that teaching Chinese in English will weaken students’ Chinese ability and hinder their understanding of Chinese culture, we are worried that teaching Chinese in Mandarin will affect dialect culture. This is a double standard.

Those who oppose teaching Chinese in Putonghua think that the teaching of Putonghua and Chinese subjects are two different things.

This phenomenon of separation of language (Mandarin) and Wen (modern Chinese written language) is the reality of Chinese teaching in Hong Kong and the result of long-term maintenance of dialect teaching, but it does not adapt to the current social development. Let’s think about it: What is the main goal of Chinese teaching?

Isn’t it to help students master the ability to listen, speak, read and write standard language?

Is Chinese teaching that cannot help students complete standard language education considered effective Chinese teaching?

Putonghua is currently an independent subject, and it is difficult to play its role under limited resources and conditions.

We should look at the planning of Online mandarin learning as a whole, make reasonable arrangements for the long-term development needs of students, and let Chinese teaching realize its due goals.

However, the language skills and creativity of Hong Kong students have always been criticized, and they may not necessarily surpass those in Beijing, Shanghai, and Taiwan. Putonghua and Cantonese belong to the same Chinese system and share a common written foundation, but they differ greatly in pronunciation, spoken grammar and vocabulary.

Many schools that are currently teaching Chinese in Putonghua told us that after one or two months, students can already understand the teacher’s Putonghua explanations, and some students can’t keep up verbally. It does not mean that their minds are not active.

This generalized observation ignores the fact that language listening, speaking, reading, and writing do not necessarily develop simultaneously.

In recent years, there has been a saying in the education circle: In the Putonghua community, there are people who can speak Mandarin but have very poor reading and writing skills.

Therefore, it is not necessarily true that teaching Chinese in Putonghua can improve students’ Chinese ability. Teaching Chinese in Mandarin is indeed not the only effective way to improve students’ Chinese ability, but students should listen to and speak more Mandarin.

Is it possible to evaluate Chinese ability by only reading and writing indicators, or adding an indicator of Cantonese ability?

From 1997 to the present, we have done several surveys, and we have also visited the classroom many times to discuss with teachers and students the issue of teaching Chinese in Putonghua.

According to the responses of teachers and students, teaching Chinese in Putonghua has brought the following benefits: improving the ability of listening and speaking of Putonghua, enhancing the ability to express standard written language, enhancing the language sense of modern Chinese, and increasing the interest in learning Chinese styles.

In particular, the earlier the teaching of Mandarin is started, the better the students’ Mandarin ability will be developed. We believe that language ability is affected by many factors, including intelligence, motivation, language habits, learning patterns, etc.

Therefore, we do not agree that teaching Chinese in Putonghua can greatly improve the Chinese level of local students and completely solve the problem of language education.

Under the simultaneous planning of oral education, at least the distance between the two has been shortened, so that students can develop their standard oral English ability early and avoid repeating the painful experience of adults learning language.

If the listening and speaking ability is not developed in time, it will cause great obstacles to communication.

If a student’s Mandarin ability has matured in primary and junior high school, we can shorten the Mandarin curriculum, saving useful time and resources for Online mandarin learning.







  1. 聽完整錄音


  1. 閱讀音頻文字記錄


  1. 邊閱讀抄本邊再聽一遍










  1. 選擇音頻類型
  2. 放鬆地聆聽
  3. 重複,可選擇多任務處理
















當考試臨近時,找到合適的導師可能會帶來壓力,對於“O”水准或 PSLE 中文補習來說更是如此。



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雖然我們相信我們可以幫助他們在短期內提高成績,但那些希望孩子取得 A 成績的家長如果允許孩子多年來不斷提高對中文的掌握,就會發現事情會更容易。





我的孩子怎樣做才能在 PSLE 華文考試中取得好成績?



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PSLE mandarin tuition: you must catch up with us~

China Overseas Chinese News: Singapore’s “Lianhe Zaobao” published an article by a language teacher, saying that whether it is from the Chinese family background or from the PSLE mandarin tuition in Singapore, a large number of students need Chinese language tutoring, and tutoring is beneficial to middle schools.

It is important for students. An excerpt from the article is as follows:

With the start of school approaching, parents began to make plans for their children’s one-year study.

Having been a language teacher for more than ten years, I would like to express my thoughts on Chinese language teaching for everyone to discuss.

I think it is very necessary for children in Singapore to receive Chinese tutoring for the following reasons:

1.Most of the ancestors of Chinese families came from the south of China. The dialect pronunciation is very different from the standard Mandarin. Although there were Chinese schools in the past, they spoke dialects at home. Later, those who went to English schools spoke less Chinese. Therefore, correct pronunciation is particularly important in basic education in Singapore.
The mastery of characters in Chinese textbooks is divided into two parts: literacy and test writing. In the PSLE, oral English accounts for 50 points, which is a quarter of the total score of 200 points.

These fully demonstrate the importance of oral English. Only by mastering the standard pronunciation, can children dare to speak and truly apply Chinese in their lives.

The school’s class-based Chinese teaching cannot teach students according to their aptitude, and parents have not received special training, and their own language is not accurate, so they cannot teach at all.

2.The learning of Chinese is mainly based on typical modern vernacular works as the grammatical norms.
There is no special grammar class in Singapore’s Chinese learning, but in fact, grammar knowledge runs through the lines of the text. The official language of Singapore is English, the textbooks are also in English in addition to the Chinese textbooks, and the students’ conversations after class are mainly in English. Therefore, students’ compositions often have grammatical barriers and improper use of words.

Composition learning lies in practice, and it is far from enough to have one composition class a month in school, and it is impossible for students to learn without a teacher.

  1. Chinese tutoring in secondary schools is particularly important. During the few years in the Chinese language school, I had the opportunity to teach Primary One to Secondary Four, and even had the opportunity to meet K1 and K2 children. If I used to teach only one or two grades a year in government schools and all I saw were one or two trees, now I see a small forest. I can compare children of different ages, and I feel that the overall level of secondary school students in Singapore is not as high as that of primary school students.

First of all, when middle school students were in elementary school, the Singaporean government did not pay as much attention to Chinese as they do now, so they learned less.

Some of them had never participated in Chinese tutoring at all, and their foundation was very weak, and they could only speak some basic daily conversations.

Secondly, the difficulty of teaching materials and exams is not low. School teachers follow this difficulty, but for some students, they can’t digest it.

Reading Chinese books is like reading a bible, and they don’t do the whole chapter during the exam, because they don’t understand at all.

That is to say, the teaching of Chinese language in middle schools is somewhat eager for quick success.

Therefore, a large part of students need PSLE mandarin tuition, which is very important for middle school students.

PSLE mandarin tuition

The sub-examination will calculate the average score based on the students’ scores in Chinese, English, mathematics, general knowledge, visual arts, and music.
The ranking of students will be adjusted based on the performance of the students in the Secondary 1 class test and educational evaluation.
It is worth mentioning that the SSPA mechanism does not apply to DSS, private or international schools.
If you intend to be admitted to the above categories of schools, please check the admission requirements with the school.
The sub-examination will calculate the average score based on the students’ scores in Chinese, English, mathematics, general knowledge, visual arts, and music.
The ranking of students will be adjusted based on the performance of the students in the Secondary 1 class test and educational evaluation.
To achieve excellent results in the sub-examination, “manipulating papers” is always the most direct and effective method. In every paper practice training, students can become proficient in the test mode, strengthen their answering speed and scoring skills, and find out their weaker links to focus on training to improve their actual performance in the official test.
In fact, during this learning process, children will always lose more points in the reading comprehension and writing parts.
Here is a little suggestion for you~
Children will lose points due to carelessness in reading questions, such as filling in questions and copying wrong words. She suggests that some children with less ability read line by line with a ruler at the beginning to help them follow the text, and You can add key words in the answer and add numbers at the beginning of each paragraph to help you keep track of the answer.
And before writing, you must establish good habits, including seeing the requirements clearly, and you must first write down key words; use your own good organization method, you can draw brain maps, paragraph structure maps and other planning points, and you must watch the brain map step by step when writing. Click to complete,
and ask yourself to complete the topic within the time limit.
The PSLE mandarin tuition hopes that children will read carefully and perform stably in the sub-examination~

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如果你每天學習 5 個小時,那麼可以肯定地說,你會比那些每天上下班花 30 分鐘在手機上瀏覽中文應用程序的人說得更流利。

外交學院 (FSI) 將普通話列為對以英語為母語的人來說最具挑戰性的語言之一。據 FSI 稱,掌握普通話需要大約 2,200 小時的強化語言課程,這比幾乎任何其他語言都多.
如果你每天學習一個小時,每天,你需要六年多的時間才能達到流利的中文水平。相比之下,如果您想學習西班牙語或意大利語作為第二語言,FSI 指定了 600 小時的學習課程。





憑藉其直觀的方法,普通話藍圖方法提供了一條在大約 841 小時內識字的途徑。對於每天學習兩個或更多小時的堅定學生來說,有可能在一年多一點的時間裡熟練掌握普通話。






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  1. 不要問母語人士如何學習語言



  1. 準備好之前不要說話




(1.) 你需要知道每個字母發出哪個或哪些聲音,例如g在遊戲中的發音以及在健身房中的發音;
(2.) 如何將單詞中的各個音分開並混合,例如,對於 man,第一個音是 /m/,下一個音是 /ă/,最後一個音是 /n/;和
(3.) 一組字母如何一起發出單一的聲音,就像 Ship 中的 sh 一樣。





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How to learn mandarin fast: my top ideas!

Are there any foreign friends around you who want to learn mandarin? You know, learning Chinese is a very complicated thing, especially for English speakers.
However, it is possible to successfully master Chinese as long as you are determined and practice every day. If your friend asks you for advice on learning Chinese, you can let him practice Chinese through textbooks, or you can continue to practice with Chinese-speaking friends or through a large number of Chinese schools that exist online.

To get a basic idea of the most important things in the process of learning Chinese, How to learn mandarin fast? continue reading this guide~

Practice using the four tones of Chinese. Chinese is a tonal language, which means that words have different meanings with different tones, even though they are pronounced and spelled the same. Learning these different tones is certainly essential if you want to speak Chinese correctly. Chinese has the following four tones:

“Sound” is a flat tone. When pronouncing this key, your voice is flat, and it sounds like it neither rises nor falls. Let’s take ma as an example, we can indicate a sound by using the symbol above the letter: mā

“Second tone” is a rising tone. In this key, your voice rises from low to mid-range, like you would say “Huh?” or “Huh?” when asking someone to repeat what they said. The second tone is represented by the symbol má.

“Three tones” is a turning tone. When pronouncing this tone, the pitch drops and then rises rapidly, just like you would pronounce the letter B. When two three-tone syllables appear next to each other, the first tone is still three-tone, and the next one is pronounced four-tone. Three tones are represented by the symbol mǎ.

How to learn mandarin fast

Four tones” is the going sound. When pronouncing this tone, the tone drops from high to low quickly. It’s like you are giving an order, such as “Disband! ’ Or, like when you discover something new and interesting while reading a book: “Ha! “The four tones are represented by the symbol mà.

These are fairly simple, right?
If you don’t feel that way, don’t worry. We strongly recommend that you listen to the tones of native Chinese speakers, because it is difficult to imagine what the tones sound like just by reading textbooks.

Memorize simple vocabulary. No matter what language you study, the more vocabulary you have, the more fluent you will be. Therefore, the next thing to do is to memorize some useful words.

Some good vocabulary lists to start with include the following: time of day (morning: zǎoshàng, afternoon: xiàwǔ, evening: wǎnshàng) body parts (head: tóu, feet: jiǎo, hands: shǒu) food (beef niúròu, chicken : jī, eggs: jīdàn, noodles: miàntiáo) as well as colors, days of the week, months, means of transportation, weather, etc.

When you hear an English word, think about how the word is said in Chinese.
If you don’t know how to say it, write it down and look it up in a dictionary later. For this purpose, you can carry a small notebook with you, which is very convenient.

Put Chinese labels (Chinese characters, pinyin and pronunciation) on objects in your room, such as mirrors, coffee tables, and sugar bowls. You’ll see these words so often that you’ll pick them up before you know it.
While a large vocabulary is good, keep in mind that accuracy is more important when it comes to Chinese.

If you can’t pronounce a word correctly, how to learn mandarin fast, it’s useless to learn it, because different pronunciations can mean completely different things.

For example, a mispronunciation (pronouncing “má” as “mā”) makes the same difference as saying “I want cake” and “I want a coke”—two very different meanings.

Learn how to count. Chinese does not have an alphabet, which makes it difficult for Westerners to learn it. Fortunately, the Chinese number system is fairly straightforward and fairly logical, and once you learn the first ten numbers, you’ll be able to count to 99.

Below, you’ll see the numbers one through ten in Simplified Chinese, followed by Pinyin and the correct pronunciation. When practicing pronunciation, you want to make sure you use the correct intonation.

Once you have mastered the numbers one through ten, you can move on to two-digit numbers by saying the tens digit, then the shi sound, and then the ones digit. for example:

The number 48 is written as sì shí bā, which literally means “four times ten plus eight”. The number 30 is written thirty, which literally means “three times ten”.
The number 19 is written as 一九, which literally means “one multiplied by ten plus nine” (however, for most Chinese, the initial yī in the numbers 10-20 is omitted because it is redundant .)

The word hundred is written (百) or baǐ in Chinese, so 100 is written yī baǐ, 200 is written èr baǐ, 300 is written sān baǐ, and so on.
Learn some basic conversational phrases. Once you have a basic grasp of vocabulary and pronunciation, you can move on to basic conversational phrases that can be used in everyday Chinese conversation.
Hello = nǐhǎo,读作 [nee how]
What’s your name? = nín guì xìng, 读作 [neen gway shing]
Yes = shì, 读作 [sher]
No = bú shì, 读作 [boo sher]
Thank you = xiè xiè,读作 [sheh sheh]
You’re welcome = bú yòng xiè, 读作 [boo yong sheh]
Excuse me = duì bu qǐ,读作 [dway boo chee]
I don’t understand = wǒ tīng bù dǒng, 读作 [wore ting boo dong]
Goodbye = zài jiàn, 读作 [zi gee’en]

Learn basic grammar. People often think that Chinese has no grammar, which is wrong. Chinese grammars do exist, but they are very different from grammars in European or other language systems.

Unlike these languages, Chinese is a very analytical language, which is both good news and bad news for language learners.

For example, there are no complicated rules in Chinese in terms of collocation, consistency, gender, plural changes or tenses. Most words consist of only one syllable, which is then combined to form compound words. This makes the sentence structure fairly simple and straightforward.

However, Chinese also has its unique grammatical rules, which are not found in English or other European languages. For example, Chinese uses grammatical rules such as classification, topic prominence, and preference, which are not found in English. Therefore, it is quite difficult for beginners to master these rules.

How to learn mandarin fast

However, these differences aside, Chinese does use the same word order as English, such as subject-verb-object, so word-for-word translation becomes a lot easier.

For example, “he likes cats” in English is directly translated as “tā (he) xǐhuān (likes) māo (cats).
Learn how to use pinyin. Pinyin is a system for writing Chinese using the Latin alphabet. Hanyu Pinyin is the most common form of Latinization and is used in many textbooks and instructional materials.

Pinyin enables learners of Chinese to concentrate on their pronunciation, while at the same time enabling them to read and write without having to learn complex characters.

Although Pinyin uses the Latin alphabet, the pronunciation of the alphabet is often not intuitive for English speakers, which is why it is necessary to study Pinyin carefully.

For example, the pinyin letter “c” is pronounced like the “ts” sound in the word “bits”, the pinyin letter “e” is pronounced like the “er” sound in the word “hers”, and the pinyin letter “q” Pronounced like the “ch” sound in the word “cheap”.

Because of these differences, you need to learn the correct pronunciation of Pinyin before using it, which is a basic requirement.

Although the process of learning pinyin pronunciation seems painful, it is extremely useful for you to learn mandarin, how to learn mandarin fast and it is much easier to learn pinyin pronunciation than to memorize traditional Chinese.

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