primary 2 mandarin tuition: cost or speed right now!

How to choose a primary 2 mandarin tuition class? In the third grade of elementary school, the reading is advanced, and students are also beginning to face the challenge of composition.
Many parents want to enroll their children in private composition remedial classes and composition camps outside the school classroom, and make arrangements for the entrance examination in advance.
There are many types of composition classes in the market, and the demands are also different. How to find the most suitable composition class for your child? Below is advice from schools and remedial teachers.
The child can’t speak Mandarin well? Let’s take a look at the primary 2 mandarin tuition in Hong Kong…

Children learning Mandarin will be delighted to discover that Mandarin has no verb conjugations and no irregular spelling or grammar.
That said, Mandarin has a reputation for being a challenging language—so, for parents interested in having their kids learn Mandarin, we’ll take a look at the challenges and how to address them.
 Chinese characters

Let’s start with one of the biggest challenges in learning Mandarin – the Chinese characters.
Unlike English, Spanish, French, German, and other European languages, Mandarin Chinese is written using glyphs, or pictographs, in which one or a few characters represent a word.

primary 2 mandarin tuition

Although Chinese has more than 80,000 “hanzi” or Chinese characters, it is said that learning the 1,000 most commonly used characters covers 92% of the written language.
Pinyin is the official romanization of Mandarin Chinese and helps students understand the pronunciation of words.

Chinese has two types of characters – Traditional and Simplified. Simplified characters were introduced by the Chinese government in the 1950s as a way to increase literacy.
As the name suggests, simplified characters generally have fewer strokes and are easier to learn and write.

Simplified characters are used in Mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia. Traditional characters are used in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.

Simplified characters are taught in most Mandarin courses in the United States. How are the roles different?

Some words, such as you (you) are the same in both traditional and simplified Chinese. Other characters are quite different — for example, body is a simplified version of body.
Hong Kong Chinese tutoring online courses have over 80,000 different Chinese characters – it sounds overwhelming. However, 1,000 commonly used Chinese characters are estimated to cover 92% of written information, and 3,000 Chinese characters are estimated to cover 99%.

Most college-educated adults use about 5,000 words in their daily life, work and study, and it is said that they only need about 3,500 to read China Daily.

challenge? Unlike English, where you can pronounce an unknown word using pinyin, for starters, Chinese characters give you no clues about how the word is pronounced or what it means.

To help cross that bridge, beginner books often spell out words in Pinyin, the official Roman phonetic system for Standard Chinese in mainland China, so students can learn to pronounce characters when they don’t know them.

 Idioms

China’s rich history and its wealth of stories and poems has led to the frequent use of idioms in speech.
These idioms can often be quoted in short phrases in conversation, and unless you know the idiom, it can be difficult to understand the meaning. For example, if you say “I threw a brick” at a business meeting, it sounds like an act of hostility. In fact, it references the Chinese idiom “throwing bricks to attract jade”.

In this context, it means “I offer some clichés to start with so others can offer valuable input.” It can be a very useful idiom once you know what it means.

Listen to Mandarin as much as possible
For the first month or two, just focus on listening.

Start by focusing on listening. Just getting used to the sound. You should read whatever you’re listening to, but do so using a phonetic writing system such as pinyin to better understand what you’re hearing. You’ll eventually have to learn the characters, but you can leave them alone and try to gain a little momentum in the language.

Take the time to memorize Chinese characters

Learning Chinese, Mandarin, is a long-term project. It will expose you to the languages and cultures of over 20% of humanity and have had a major impact on world history. For this reason, I always recommend learning Chinese characters if you are going to learn the language.
Once you decide to learn Chinese characters, study them every day. Spend half an hour to an hour every day learning Chinese characters. Use whatever method you want, but set aside a dedicated character study time each day. Why every day? Since you forget the characters almost as quickly as you learn them, you need to relearn them again and again.

You might want to use Anki or some other modern computer learning system. I developed my own spaced repetition system. I have a set of 1,000 little cardboard flashcards of the most common 1000 characters. I have a few sheets of graph paper to practice writing these characters.

I would take a card and write the character 10 times in one column on graph paper, then write the meaning or pronunciation in a few columns. Then I’d grab another flashcard and do the same thing.

Soon I encountered the meaning or sound of the previous character I wrote there.

Then I wrote that character a few more times, hopefully before I completely forget about primary 2 mandarin tuition.

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~


參與教育部普通話卓越計劃 (MEP) 的英格蘭學校現在已經進入強化語言教學模式的第六個年頭,每週提供 8 小時的普通話學習:4 小時與老師一起學習,4 小時獨立學習學習。該計劃由倫敦大學學院教育學院 (IOE) 與英國文化協會合作提供,旨在提供消除障礙以成功將普通話作為一門學科引入所需的時間和支持。
我們在 UCL IOE 的團隊定期提供有針對性的教師培訓、評估、針對個別學校情況的專家指導、教師製作的教材、支持建立大學合作夥伴關係以及其他實際支持。
通常,倫敦大學學院 IOE 和英國文化協會還提供面對面的強化學習體驗,以最大限度地提高學生的積極性和參與度——2021 年,我們轉向虛擬和混合學習方法,以保持學生的技能敏銳。

我們在大流行期間對 MEP 採取的方法是盡可能地發現和利用遠程學習的優勢。因此,MEP 學生有獨特的機會通過以下方式磨練他們的技能:

  • 通過自導項目調查目標語言和文化
  • 在引人入勝的新環境中與母語人士互動
  • 將他們的中文知識應用於現實世界的在線創意項目,以及
  • 在專業環境中在線嘗試中文補習技巧
    MEP 不規定特定的工作計劃或固定的家庭作業格式——但為了幫助提供每週 4 小時的自學,我們提供補充的現成學生項目。
    這些項目涵蓋了豐富的主題,從如何輸入中文(另一項關鍵技能!)的自學課程到高級 GCSE 水平的普通話探索聯合國可持續發展目標。

像這樣的學生項目在學校停課期間仍然可以使用。但是 MEP 提供的面對面學習體驗又如何呢?
當 9 年級學生無法在 2021 年夏季訪問中國時,英國文化協會和 IOE 與中國 14 所大學和語言教育與合作中心合作,為 1,400 名 9 年級學生提供了大規模的虛擬中國體驗,以磨練他們的跨文化能力和在線人際語言技能。
為期兩週的活動由中國合作大學虛擬主辦,我們在 UCL IOE 的課程團隊提供學習設計支持。


9 年級活動涵蓋四個不同的主題,選擇這些主題是為了幫助建立相關的 GCSE 詞彙。
在整個課程中,學生必須用中文聽、說、讀、寫。為了提高學生的文化意識,中國主辦大學還對名勝古蹟進行了虛擬參觀,並舉辦了互動講座——例如,作為大熊貓學習週期的一部分,學生們使用 Microsoft Teams 和問答平台 Kahoot 與熊貓專家進行了互動.

10 年級學生將在 2021 年舉辦他們自己的強化學習活動,重點是專業技能和中文職業未來。
MEP 旅遊營銷項目要求學生以小組為單位,用普通話製作專業的營銷活動,鼓勵中國遊客將來訪問當地。以前在諾丁漢舉行的面對面的住宿活動,原來為期四天的學習順序經過重新設計,
採用了混合學習方法。我和我在 IOE 的同事設計並構建了該課程的在線版本,該課程在線挑戰學生的團隊合作、計劃和數字創意技能,並鞏固他們的 GCSE 水平的普通話口語和中文補習技巧

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比方說,如果你為你的中文聘請了一位面授導師,而你根據自己的喜好覺得與那個導師不相容,並且你想為自己而改變,那麼告訴他/她是不是很困難只是去?如果選擇Online Chinese tutor,那就另當別論了。


不用說,與母語老師一起進行在線輔導肯定會讓您免於在最佳發音和 covid-19 之間進退兩難。


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  1. 讓中文成為日常生活的一部分


  1. 用普通話與您的孩子交談



  1. 讓您的家人沉浸在中國文化中



無論您的孩子學習需求如何 我們都有量身定制的解決方案 了解更多~


隨著電暈日復一日地威脅著世界,人們越來越害怕出門。即使他們正在學習,他們也打算放棄學習,回到原來的地方。由於講師和學生都拒絕外出,面對面的中文課程已被故意關閉。另一方面,網上中文補習正在迅速普及。以下是在這場災難中在線學習中文的 10 大好處。
如果大人或小孩要參加戶外課程,監護人或本人必須考慮到到達目的地的時間,並必須提前 1 小時或更短時間離開家。

然而,如果我們考慮到負擔能力,可能的選擇會再次縮小。唯一剩下的就是在線輔導,因為 1 對 1 的家庭輔導成本太高,而且導師已經考慮了他們到達客戶所需的距離和所花費的時間。因為這次危機,中文網課的收費會有所上漲。但是,它可以被認為是“值得購買”。
我們如何為我們用靈魂愛的孩子選擇最好的導師?一種錯誤的教學方法……一切都會結束…… .我們通常會選擇最相處的那個嗎?








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Primary 6 Chinese tutoring “dangerous” for everyone?

Does sending your child to Primary 6 Chinese tutoring? A teacher who has been in the supplementary education field for 19 years reveals the open secrets of this profession…
Basically, I don’t agree with students going to tutoring (I mean “subjects”). You may be surprised that a famous Tujia teacher actually said such a thing!
Usually, parents send their children to cram schools for only one purpose—improved grades.
Of course, ordinary parents are not as sure about the content of various subjects as cram school teachers, so they are less likely to interfere in the teaching process of cram schools, and only use the results of school examinations to make a conclusion.
And “cramming teaching”, giving formulas and sets of solutions is the fastest shortcut to score, but it is also the most effective way to stifle thinking.

When I was first admitted to the Mathematics Institute of National Taiwan University, I taught in a well-known cram school in Zhongyonghe.
At that time, I taught students in the sixth grade of elementary school.
Since the entrance examination for gifted and gifted classes is quite difficult for ordinary students, it is understandable that they need to prepare in advance.

Since I believe that “the foundation of mathematics lies in understanding, not formulas or solutions”, in order to avoid letting students learn too many formulas that they don’t understand, I would rather take a long way and explain to students to understand.
Therefore, although no specific formula is given, the problem can be solved.

 Primary 6 Chinese tutoring

At the beginning, the students were really uncomfortable, because their previous teacher was a college student of electrical engineering.
He copied the formulas on the blackboard first in class, and taught the students to formulate the formulas and get the correct answers.
However, the students only need simple solutions, and they have A clear set of formulas is basically incomprehensible; even if they know how to solve it to get the correct answer, they don’t know why it is solved that way.

But when they switched to my class, they were startled.
They had been expecting a formula to appear, but they never saw a simple formula. For the students in the class, it is very “wasting time”.
At this time, many parents also discovered: Why didn’t I see any formulas in the children’s handouts?
Is this teacher messing around? If they are not teaching, there will be no formulas for students!
Therefore, the parents and the director responded, “Can you remind the teacher to be more serious? Otherwise, how could there be no formulas at all in math class!”
When the director interviewed me, I stated my philosophy and said that I would stick to this teaching method. At this time, the director had no choice but to ask him to hand over the mathematics in the class, and he would do it. Excellent test questions.

Usually after class, I will not leave immediately, but will stay for a while to understand the child’s learning situation. In addition to answering some students’ questions, I also understand and correct my teaching methods from the interaction with them, and see if my teaching results feel good about myself.

Once, a student responded: “Teacher, when you first taught us, I couldn’t understand because there was no formula to substitute. But after a month, I gradually understood your teaching method, and I realized that I began to understand Math! But last week, the director taught us a question, which confused me!”
what is the problem in Primary 6 Chinese tutoring? “
“That’s 1+2+3+…(continued to add)…+10” (Related reports: How many “Fang Siqi” are there in Taiwan? The winner of the Shiduo Award sexually abused single-parent young girls for 2 years, revealing too many unspeakable secrets |More articles)

“Oh! So? How does the director teach?”
“He just taught us to add the first number to the last number, multiply by 10, divide by 2, and that’s the answer… I know the answer should be right, but I don’t know why!”
“Okay, I will teach you now. Let me ask you, is there any order in addition? For example, is the result of 3+5 and 5+3 the same?”
“Then the result of ‘1+2+3+…+10′ is the same as adding ’10+9+8+…+1’ in reverse, is it acceptable?”

“Now let’s add these two rows and transcribe them horizontally into two rows up and down, aligned. Take a look, the first numbers in the two rows aligned up and down are 1 and 10, how much does it add up?”
“So, what about the second aligned number, 2 and 9, that add up?”
“And what about the third aligned numbers 3 and 8?”
“It’s also 11… well, it’s all 11!”
“Yes! Why?”
“Well… because the numbers in the upper row are incremented by 1 successively, and the numbers in the lower row are gradually decreased by 1, so the changes are all offset!”

“Okay! How many ’11’ are there?”
“Good! So, (1+10)X10 is the answer?”
“Hmm…should be divided by 2!”
“Very well, why?”
“Because we originally only needed one row of results, but now we add them twice. So we have to divide by 2!”
“Then do you understand Primary 6 Chinese tutoring ?”
After two or three minutes of guidance, students will understand the truth behind it, why should they “hide their hands”? I never think that playing tricks means that the teacher is very good. On the contrary, I sincerely believe that “there are no students who can’t learn, only teachers who can’t teach.” If students don’t understand, who is stupid?

In fact, it is tiring to teach without formulas like me, and the difficulty and challenge are relatively high.

It takes a lot of time to prepare lessons in advance, and the way of guidance and explanation is designed in advance so that students can understand what they have learned from the inside.

Lesson preparation time and effort, at least more than 3 times the general teaching.

If it is to directly give formulas and sets of solutions, it is the easiest teaching operation mode.
Anyway, under the urging of the general environment, not many students would want to try to understand.
As long as you can score in the end. Moreover, if you teach in a model that is more difficult for students to understand, students will feel more inadequate and have to take tutoring, sticking to tutoring classes will be tighter, and the industry will earn more!

Why do I look far away?
Because if I don’t take a long way, students won’t really understand.
If I seek convenience everywhere, students will never develop the ability to think independently.

In this way, instead of memorizing a bunch of “mathematical formulas that I don’t understand”, it is better to memorize a few more English words!
However, under the results orientation of parents, can cram schools survive if they don’t pay attention to quick results? I am afraid that the parents will ask for a change of teacher or even a cram school during the exam period!

The result of “short-sightedness and short-sightedness” finally encourages children. Most tutoring students never know what they have learned, let alone “right, why it is right; wrong, where it is wrong”.
And when the child grows up and becomes a parent, because he has never had confidence in the subject, he can only send the child to a cram school, which eventually becomes a karmic cycle of “rewarding the world”-is this not miserable?

Therefore, if we want to cultivate children’s future competitiveness, we must start with the ability to think independently.

If you can only follow others’ sayings and set formulas, you can only follow the trajectory of your predecessors in the future, and you will not be able to become a great talent!

Therefore, my sincere suggestion: I would rather my child have bad grades than study hard, otherwise, what can a brain that doesn’t know how to adapt do?

I hope parents will carefully consider Primary 6 Chinese tutoring!

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~








● 第一堂課前的專業水平評估和詳細的學習計劃
● 密切關注學校課程並使用定制的學習材料
● 有趣的活動可幫助學生在特定的學習領域開展工作
● 學校考核指導細緻熟練
● 加強必要的文學知識和中文溝通能力
● 定期評估和與家長溝通,確保密切關注孩子的中文進步
● 您的家、我們的學校或網上——您選擇地點

我的女兒 Kallie 已經在放學後使用新概念普通話在線學習中文課程九個月了。在我們為她報名之前,我們擔心她不喜歡這些課程並想退出,因為在線中文課程的教學和學習都非常困難——尤其是對孩子們來說!

凱莉每周放學後都期待她的課程!而且她學了那麼多中文。這些課程很有趣而且內容豐富!老師總是準備有趣和有啟發性的課程!她與孩子們相處得很好,這就是為什麼 Kallie 每週都期待她的中文課!我強烈推薦網上中文補習輔導課程給任何孩子!

無論您的孩子學習需求如何 我們都有量身定制的解決方案 了解更多~

How To learn Chinese Fast make this plan for your child!

Some parents think that if there is a Chinese-speaking environment at home, the child’s Chinese level will naturally rise to a relatively high level. This view is one-sided. So how To learn Chinese Fast?
American psychologist Erika Hoff once said: “To master a language, you must have a lot of exposure to the language.”
Therefore, in order to improve children’s Chinese proficiency, a lot of exposure is required. At this time, the Chinese learning plan is particularly important.
The Chinese learning plan can help children establish good Chinese learning habits and make their Chinese learning more efficient. How to do it? Don’t worry, we will teach you how to make a study plan for your child.

How To learn Chinese Fast
  1. Listening and reading in the morning
    As the saying goes, “The plan for a day begins in the morning”. In the morning, the mind is clear and the memory is strong. Therefore, when making a study plan, you must grasp the time in the morning. Here I want to mention a concept of “language sense”.
    Language sense is the ability of people to intuitively perceive, comprehend and grasp language. Morning is the most suitable time to cultivate children’s sense of language.
    Parents can let their children listen to pure Chinese audio for half an hour every day when their children wake up in the morning. Parents can find some audios that can tell stories to their children. In addition to “listening”, “reading” is also necessary. Many language studies have shown that: “Learners reading aloud are very beneficial to the standard of language pronunciation and intonation and the formation of language sense.”
    Parents can listen to the audio after the child, Let the children imitate and read aloud, which can not only improve the children’s Chinese language sense, but also cultivate the children’s image thinking ability.
  2. Reading and animation in the afternoon
    Many parents let their children improve their vocabulary by memorizing Chinese words, but this method is inefficient, and children are easy to forget after memorizing.
    If you want to improve your child’s vocabulary, you need to let your child read. Remember words. Parents can arrange for their children to read for half an hour every day. For young children, parents can accompany them to read together.
    Parents can use actions to describe words that the children do not know, and let the children guess the meaning of the words. Through this interaction, the children can Accept input in comprehension.
    In addition to arranging children to read, watching Chinese animation is also a good choice. Chinese animation will show many daily expressions and language use scenes, which can make children’s Chinese level more natural and authentic.
    For the choice of Chinese animation, you can move to our previous issue. article push.
  3. Make a notepad at night to cultivate children’s writing habits
    Guide children with interest and stimulate children’s desire to create. Parents can work with their children or let them make notepads by themselves, and help them buy beautiful notebooks, stickers, colored pens, etc. How To learn Chinese Fast is actually every parents are worried about.
    After the production is completed, children can record their day in Chinese in the notebook through the combination of words and pictures, exercise Chinese expression and narrative skills, and stimulate children’s interest in Chinese in the process of creation.
    Targeted selection of books
    A good book is not necessarily suitable for children to read. When choosing Chinese books, you should focus on your child’s age, hobbies, and needs.
    For example, for Chinese children aged 3-9, you can choose short fables, preferably with pictures, such as “Aesop’s Fables” and “Andersen’s Fairy Tales”. Children aged 9-15 can choose novellas or idiom storybooks, such as “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” and “Education of Love”. Only children over the age of 15 who have years of Chinese learning foundation can buy him classics. At this time, the child has his own appreciation ability and accumulation needs. We can buy him some popular science books, including “Chinese Geography”, “Up and Down Five Thousand Years” and so on.
    In addition, when buying books, you should refer to your children’s opinions, and let your children choose according to their hobbies. Parents can’t buy books all over the place, so as not to keep the books they buy back on the shelf.
  4. Parent-child communication is very important
    Young children tend to gulp down the books when they read, and they read many books without actually acquiring any knowledge at all. Therefore, it is best for parents to have time to read with their children.
    If there is no time, it is recommended that parents communicate with their children about reading experience before eating or going to bed.
    You can ask them these questions: which character do you like (dislike) most in this book, what story is told in the chapter you read today, what did you learn, what did you understand, etc. Even if the child utters the simplest answer, parents should encourage in time and add positive reinforcement to the child’s reading, so as to improve the child’s reading self-control and reading passion.
  5. Help children develop good reading habits
    Many children feel that reading is boring and uncomfortable, and it is more because they do not have good reading habits, and children will feel physically and mentally exhausted.
    When reading, you should pay attention to your child’s reading posture, such as correct sitting posture, do eye exercises after reading, and look into the distance, which can reduce the physical pressure on your child when reading.
    In addition, it is best for parents to make a reading plan with their children. Including the fixed time and duration of reading every day, as well as the number of articles read.
    Avoid the disadvantages of children forgetting part after not reading for a long time after reading a part. Making children’s reading system continuous is also conducive to helping them form a good habit of persistent reading.
    It is best for parents to lead by example, create a good reading family atmosphere for their children, and let them fall in love with reading through hearing and seeing.
    How To learn Chinese Fast is not only a way to improve children’s reading ability, but also an effective channel to promote parent-child relationship. Parents may wish to pick up more books and actively join the reading team for their children and themselves! Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~

How To learn Chinese Fast attention Please!

How to help children build a sense of intimacy and How To learn Chinese Fast?
Interest first, positive psychological hint
Any active learning is based on interest. This is a commonplace topic, so how can we stimulate children’s interest and enthusiasm in learning Chinese?
That is not to instill in children the idea that Chinese is difficult, but to give children a hint that Chinese is very simple and very interesting, so that they will not resist learning Chinese psychologically.
Find the right way to get twice the result with half the effort
What kind of method is suitable for your child? Many parents are struggling with this problem.
We have summed up some tips that can stimulate children’s interest, and the operation is very simple.

1) Word cards – start with things that can be touched in daily life, whether it is furniture in the living room, food in the kitchen, or different types of clothes in the closet, we can make cards or use post-it notes to help children stay at home Find it, post it, learn and feel Chinese in the process of playing

2) Chinese songs – let children listen to Chinese songs, they can sing along and learn. Although the child may not be able to understand the meaning of the lyrics, he can exercise his pronunciation to a certain extent.

3) Chinese movies/animation works – In recent years, many excellent animation works have been released in China, such as: “The Return of the Great Sage”, “Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World”, “Jiang Ziya”, etc. We can use the film works to learn Stimulate children’s interest in learning Chinese.

4)Chinese mini-games – looking for pictures by reading words, opening treasure chests, clicking bubbles, cutting fruits, looking for Chinese characters, etc. Games are an effective channel to help children practice Chinese. Make good use of games, and let children learn Chinese happily during the game.
5)Chinese character enlightenment animation video – Find some animation videos related to the evolution of Chinese characters, which are interesting and allow children to feel the process of the development and change of Chinese characters more intuitively, thereby strengthening the image memory of Chinese characters.
Build children’s confidence in speaking Chinese
For many children living abroad, Chinese is a foreign language, and it is a long process to master a foreign language proficiently.
In this process, parents must give their children affirmation in time, encourage and praise their children’s efforts and dedication.
We are not afraid of children making mistakes, but to cultivate children’s confidence in speaking Chinese boldly, so as long as they try hard to express in Chinese, we should encourage and praise them.
The learning of children in the critical period of Chinese enlightenment is not accomplished overnight. So how To learn Chinese Fast
They cannot just seek more quickly, but need to use the right method, starting with basic listening and speaking, so that children can understand Chinese first and be able to communicate in Chinese.
Build children’s confidence in speaking Chinese
For many children living abroad, Chinese is a foreign language, and it is a long process to master a foreign language proficiently. In this process, parents must give their children affirmation in time, encourage and praise their children’s efforts and dedication.

We are not afraid of children making mistakes, but to cultivate children’s confidence in speaking Chinese boldly, so as long as they try hard to express in Chinese, we should encourage and praise them.
The learning of children in the critical period of Chinese enlightenment is not accomplished overnight.
They cannot just seek more quickly, but need to use the right method, starting with basic listening and speaking, so that children can understand Chinese first and be able to communicate in Chinese.
Encourage children to speak more Chinese at home. Parents can put stickers in both Chinese and English on refrigerators and other furniture, play Chinese songs in the car, and let their children speak more Chinese at home.

How To learn Chinese Fast

Join the Chinese class in the community or nearby to learn some simple Chinese vocabulary. It is not easy to learn a new language, especially Chinese, which is generally recognized as difficult.
Your child will learn Chinese more seriously and motivated because of seeing the parents’ efforts.
Take your children to eat in a Chinese restaurant or go shopping in a Chinese supermarket. Encourage children to communicate with staff in Chinese, and experience Chinese culture through food and shopping.
The various foods and Chinese characters in Chinese supermarkets can also make children feel authentic Chinese culture.
how To learn Chinese Fast?
Participate in Chinatown cultural activities and traditional Chinese cultural festivals. Every year during the Chinese New Year, many cities hold celebrations, including song performances, calligraphy, dragon and lion dances, Kung Fu performances, etc.
This kind of traditional cultural experience will bring a lot of fun to children and increase their curiosity in learning Chinese.
Let the children watch some Chinese movies and cartoons.
Parents can show their children some Chinese movies and cartoons that are suitable for their children to watch, and stimulate children’s interest in learning Chinese through vivid and interesting pictures. Knowledge of Chinese culture.

Create a Chinese environment at home
Set up a Chinese reading corner. If there are brothers and sisters learning Chinese together, let the children choose their favorite Chinese books to read in the reading corner. Set 20 minutes of free Chinese reading time every day to cultivate children’s reading habits.
After reading the book, let the children retell the story to each other in English.
Use online audio, video and various fun and interactive games to help children practice Chinese at home.
There are thousands of Chinese books in it, and they are equipped with audio recordings and pictures. The content includes stories, explanatory texts, nursery rhymes, picture books, etc. The themes cover all aspects of children’s lives and meet different reading needs.

If there is no Chinese language background or resources in the family, the child will face the situation of no Chinese input after returning home, which may lead to a decline in Chinese proficiency and make the child feel anxious.
Parents can help their children enhance their Chinese input through Sinobus live Chinese lessons.
The real teachers in Sinobus online courses will provide one-on-one tutoring with children, practice authentic Chinese, and improve their oral English and Chinese proficiency through rich and interesting activities.

Through the above activities, the children not only increased their Chinese input, broadened their horizons, and improved their curiosity, but also gradually developed their reading ability and self-learning ability. How To learn Chinese Fast actually the best answer is “I prefer to learn Chinese”!

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~


年輕的學習者有無數的語言選擇。每一種語言都是一種獨特的表達自我的藝術。許多父母希望他們的孩子學習中文,這不足為奇 – 幼兒中文拼音補習在全球範圍內使用,可以在孩子長大後提升他們的前景。

  • 創造性思維
  • 運動技能
  • 解決問題
  • 閃存卡
  • 歌曲
  • 剪紙工藝
  • 頁面著色
  • 書籍和視頻


無論您的孩子學習需求如何 我們都有量身定制的解決方案 了解更多~