Learning Chinese language for beginners free From Mandarin

Learning Chinese language for beginners free through immersive mandarin Chinese learning? What’s that mean? Is it what we usually call imitation training, or is it the repeated practice of what the teacher said in class?
Even if you don’t agree with my point of view now. In fact, you have accepted it subtly and started immersive learning, which is what children have been learning all the time.
Through their babbling or everyday language in their daily life. They communicate in this way with those around them, by imitating and repeating what they need to say, which of course they do, because no one is born with the ability to speak.
In addition, when the children’s brains hear and accept the sounds of the surrounding environment, they will begin to form a pattern, and through long-term repetition in the brain, they will form an understanding and learning a new language.
In the process, children will realize. If they say “more”, they will get more of what they want. It just like, if they say “baobao” ,they will get a hug. Since the brain already has the function of learning language at this time, their comprehension and communication skills will be improved rapidly.

Learning Chinese language for beginners free

When I was five or six years old, I was already able to speak Mandarin Chinese very fluently, although sometimes the grammatical structure may be ambiguous~
That’s okay~ Learning Chinese language for beginners free through immersive way is to give full play to the innate language ability of children. From the first day of school, the teacher may use mandarin in the classroom, but in fact, at this time, the children are in the initial stage of accepting this new language for the first time.
In fact, they cannot fully understand or even understand the content of the class. This is actually equivalent to what they communicate with their families in English every day at home. For example, “milk”, “bottle”, “flower”. You must be wondering, so how do we let the children get it?
Let’s take a look at the conclusions of the research on immersion Mandarin Chinese learning.
The immersive language learning environment allows children to learn Mandarin as if they were exposed to their mother tongue. Research has shown that our brains can adapt to new languages, just like learning new methods!

Learning Chinese language for beginners free

  1. Children who use immersive learning methods learn vocabulary five times faster than students in traditional classrooms. –Milton, James & Meara. Paul 1995
  2. Immersive language teaching mode stimulates brain activity similar to learning a native language. –Morgon-Short K. Steinhauer K.2012
  3. Language learning works best when children are so engaged that they forget they are learning. –Kroshen, S.D. 1987 Principles and Practice of Second Language Acquisition
    Then, what I will share with you is the stage of the immersive language teaching mode!
  • Children first repeat what the teacher said in class through imitation. Pictures, body language, songs or nursery rhymes used in the lesson;
    *Kids learn to answer simple yes-no questions, and they begin to try to make sentences. But generally speaking, there will be many mistakes at this stage at the beginning, which is inevitable~
  • Gradually, they can speak longer sentences and begin to correct grammatical errors. The teaching at this time pays more attention to dialogue.
    What’s more, with more and more practice and improvement, little ones make greater progress, and they can use complex long and difficult sentences in speaking and writing. The focus of the course now is to speak up and learn to express yourself.
    Finally, one of the biggest improvements in learning Mandarin Chinese is the improvement of oral expression skills. What are the advantages of deep immersion learning? “Children’s brains are wired to learn language.” Research suggests immersion may be the only path to native language fluency~
    Learning Chinese language for beginners free Not only in mainland China, parents at home and abroad are seeking high-quality and efficient Chinese language teaching for their children, which has greatly promoted the vigorous development of Chinese language learning and education.
    Language learning is a long process. Due to the pressure of entering a higher school and the needs of the actual situation, most students need to constantly consolidate and improve their weak Chinese foundation to a certain extent, and continuously improve their Chinese learning ability and cognitive level, so as to promote the overall development of children and promote more Hong Kong children. Study Chinese class.
    Furthermore, with the significant improvement of China’s comprehensive national strength and international status, the Chinese language is also playing an increasingly important role in the exchanges between people from all over the world. Such a big environment has attracted more people to learn the Chinese language and prompted more Hong Kong children to learn Chinese.
    Overseas Chinese education is a long-term game and a great responsibility! –Xu Jialu, President of the World Association for Chinese Language Teaching.
    Last but not least, Learning Chinese language for beginners free offers all kinds of chance for everyone!