Beginner mandarin lessons: It turns out that foreign elites are teaching their children this

Years ago, on CCTV’s “Classic Odes”, the two daughters of the financial tycoon Rogers took to the stage to sing the Chinese elementary school classic “Sound Enlightenment”, once again demonstrating their proficiency in Beginner mandarin lessons.

The 15-year-old American girl and her 11-year-old sister, who have a Chinese level of 666, both started to be Chinese teachers last year, and the class fee is 25 dollars an hour.

So, what is the level of this teacher?
The Chinese pronunciation of this word is straight and round. If you don’t look at the picture, you think it’s a native Chinese child. There is no crooked nut accent…

And the reason why these two blond-haired and blue-eyed American children can speak Chinese so well is of course thanks to their parents.

Their father is the famous Jim Rogers, a man of modern Wall Street, known as the most visionary international investor, as famous as Soros and Buffett.

However, the American “financial tycoon” said: “The best investment in my life is to let my daughter learn Chinese.”
When Rogers first came to China in 1986, “I realized that everything people told me about China was wrong.”

Therefore, after his daughter was born, he decided to let her learn Chinese from an early age.

He has hired Chinese tutors for his daughters since they were young, so that they can communicate with the children in Mandarin.

In his self-published book “12 Letters from Investment Master Rogers to His Baby Daughter”, he also wrote a special letter to tell his daughter the importance of Chinese: “Because China’s economy is taking off, it will become a distant future. A world-class player who is more important than he is now.”

In order for his daughter to better learn Chinese and understand Asia, he even moved his family to Singapore.
Hard work pays off, and Rogers’ return on investment is very obvious.

Rogers has said in public more than once:

“Wherever I give speeches, especially in the West, I tell people that when you have children, you should let them learn Chinese. Because Chinese will be the most important language for the rest of their lives.”

Indeed, it has become a popular trend for children all over the world to learn Chinese from an early age.

Everyone knows that Trump’s granddaughter’s family also learned Chinese in elementary school, and they are very fluent in Chinese. They can sing Chinese songs, recite “San Zi Jing” and ancient poems.

Prince George of the United Kingdom not only had to learn English, mathematics, ballet and other courses since he was a child, but also learned Mandarin Chinese.
The King of Spain has two daughters—12-year-old Princess Leonor and 10-year-old Princess Sofia, who have also been learning Chinese for several years.

In addition to Dutch and French, Princess Elizabeth, the future successor of the Belgian royal family, is also learning Chinese and can already communicate in Chinese.

Princess Amalia of the Netherlands is studying at a secondary school in The Hague, and she also took Chinese courses as an elective.

In addition to the president and the royal family, some elite families abroad have also begun to let their children learn Chinese.

Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, not only has been learning Chinese for many years, but also made every effort to let his two daughters learn Chinese after they were born.

The business of Beginner mandarin lessons in the United States is also extremely hot. Because they are in high demand, Chinese nannies can earn an average annual salary of 20,000 US dollars more than other nannies.
A Chinese woman once got an annual salary of up to 70,000 US dollars because both families wanted to sign her, and this was only the market price in 2006.
What is Chinese Immersion Education︖

Beginner mandarin lessons

Even if you don’t think it, you’ve actually learned about immersive
study. This is the one your kids have been using since they were babbling you
way. This is how all babies learn to talk – by People around them talk to them and learn to speak. no child is born will speak. Instead, their brains hear the sounds around them,
Gradually begin to master the patterns, and eventually form the language. child
They realize that if they say “more,” they get more
Much; if they say “hug,” they get picked up. because
The brain already has the function of learning language, children’s understanding ability
Competence and communication skills improve rapidly. By the age of five or six, they have
Spoken fluently, although vocabulary and grammatical structures remain limited.
Immersion programs take full advantage of young children’s innate language learning abilities
power, start them in kindergarten, preschool or first grade Learn bilingual.

The children have already started talking for three or four years at this time
Yes, but the level is still quite rudimentary. while they are still learning
The first language is also the best time to start learning a second language
In the immersion program, from the first day of school, your
Your child’s Mandarin teacher will only speak Mandarin in class. on the surface
It is impossible for your child to understand what is going on in class, but
Children are actually very good at making sense of language they don’t understand
understand its meaning. This is what they use every day in English (or in
any language the family speaks). think about how you use the same
way to teach them all the words (milk! bottle! car!
flower! ), you will be able to understand the reason why Beginner mandarin lessons!

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~

Beginner mandarin lessons:Why should children learn Mandarin as early as possible?

Beginner mandarin lessons is the common language of our country, now Mandarin has become the “mainstream”, while dialects are gradually declining. After many children are born, their parents will educate them in Mandarin.
However, in some places, the penetration rate of Mandarin is not very high, and many children still cannot speak Mandarin well after they go to school.
The neighbor’s children were sent to their grandparents’ homes in the countryside when they were young, and they were not picked up until they were in elementary school.

But what the neighbor couple didn’t expect was that the child is now in the third grade and still can’t speak Mandarin well, so he is always laughed at by his classmates.

Situations like the neighbor’s children are not uncommon in real life. Many parents did not pay attention to the cultivation of Mandarin when their children were young, so when their children grow up, they are prone to delay in speaking Mandarin.
Parents should cultivate their children’s ability to speak Mandarin when they are young.
Why should children learn Mandarin as early as possible? There are three reasons

In fact, there are many reasons for letting children learn Mandarin as early as possible. This is not only because it follows the child’s growth law, but also allows children to learn without hindrance. Therefore, letting children learn Mandarin as early as possible has many benefits for children.

[Reason 1]: Dialects affect children’s Mandarin learning

There are many parents who leave their children to the elderly because of their busy work, but the popularization of Putonghua by the older generation is not perfect, which makes the children who can speak Mandarin become dialects.

Why do dialects have such a big impact on children’s learning of Mandarin? Because dialects are more integrated into emotions when expressing and communicating, it is easier for children to use dialects as their first language in such an atmosphere.

Especially in some areas, it is easy to confuse the flat tongue sound with the warped tongue sound when expressing in dialects, so children under this influence will affect the learning of Mandarin.
[Reason 2]: The younger the child, the better at imitation learning

When many children are learning English, they will have heard the saying that the younger the child learns English, the more they can use it as their mother tongue. This is because the younger the children, the stronger their imitative learning ability, so it is actually a more appropriate time for them to learn Mandarin when they are young.

Especially in early childhood, it is actually the most suitable stage for them to learn language. Because during this period, children have shown the appearance of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers in terms of imitation ability and communication ability, so they have a very strong ability to learn things.

Therefore, parents should let their children learn Mandarin when their children are young. Otherwise, it may be more difficult for their children to learn Mandarin after the dialect has formed a stereotype in their minds.
[Reason 3]: It is beneficial for children to communicate and read in the future

Children learn Mandarin as early as possible, in fact, it is also beneficial to their communication and reading. Because after children learn Mandarin, they can learn and understand the things in the books, which can help children develop a sense of language early.

Because when children are young, let them learn Mandarin, so that they can learn to communicate and express earlier, and at the same time, they can develop the ability to learn independently, which is more beneficial to their future study.

Parents can let their children learn Beginner mandarin lessons early, so that they can develop good reading and learning skills as soon as possible, which is very beneficial to the growth of children.
How can parents help their children learn Mandarin?

In some families, parents may communicate in dialects, so how to let their children learn Mandarin has become a very tangled matter for these parents.

Therefore, parents can help their children learn to speak Mandarin as soon as possible through the following aspects, which will help them improve their language expression ability in the future.

▲Parents try their best to create a context for speaking Mandarin

In fact, the reason why children are unable to learn Mandarin has something to do with their lack of a Mandarin-speaking context, so parents should try their best to create a Mandarin-speaking context for their children to learn Mandarin as soon as possible.
When the child is around, parents should try their best to speak Mandarin in front of the child. If the child speaks a dialect, the parents should also actively guide the child to speak Mandarin in the context.

Some children may not be able to speak standard when they first start speaking. Parents should actively guide their children so as not to dampen their confidence in speaking Mandarin.

Then, parents can also intentionally create some Mandarin-speaking situations in their lives, so that children can naturally learn Mandarin through dialogue.

Beginner mandarin lessons

▲Try not to let the elderly at home speak in dialect in front of their children

Because of the influence of the environment, it will affect the progress of the child in learning Mandarin, so if there are elderly people in the family, try to make an agreement with the elderly so that they will not speak the dialect in front of the children.

It may be difficult for some elderly people to adapt for a while, but they should also be allowed to abandon the vulgar expressions in the dialect as much as possible, so that children’s language learning can be more standardized.

▲You can learn through games, reading, etc.

Although creating an atmosphere of learning Mandarin at home can help children learn better, some children will inevitably find it boring, so parents can take some more lively and interesting ways to help them.
For example, many children like to watch cartoons very much, so parents can choose some excellent cartoons to show to their children. This will not only arouse their interest, but also allow them to enter the context of Mandarin.

In addition, telling stories between parents and children is actually a relatively good way of learning. Parents can use Mandarin to tell stories to their children before their children go to bed or when they are free.

In this way, it can not only improve children’s interest in learning Mandarin, but also improve their language expression ability, so it is also a relatively good method.
The learning of Mandarin is very important for the growth of children, so as parents of children, we must not ignore the importance of learning Mandarin for them.

Then when children are learning Mandarin, they will inevitably encounter various problems. Parents should try their best to help their children solve them, so that their Mandarin learning can be improved.

Do you think Beginner mandarin lessons should be taught to children? Does your child speak in tongues?

Online mandarin learning: common choice for your guys!

Mandarin is the common language of Chinese, Online mandarin learning also!
On November 24, 2001, the Putonghua Education Research and Development Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong held a Putonghua Education Forum. Two business friends were invited to host a short speech;

Mr. Wang Wei of the group. Mr. Wu told everyone this experience: Recently, when he went to Xingma for business, the local Chinese like to talk to him in Mandarin (Mandarin), thinking that it is kind enough and it is easy to establish a relationship of mutual trust.

Mr. Wu also said that some talents who came back from the United States and Canada to Hong Kong, or professionals who lost their jobs due to layoffs, partly regretted that they could not catch the economic express train of China’s accession to the WTO because of their poor Mandarin. Based on his experience in job hunting and service in the Mainland,

Mr. Wang told us that Mandarin has opened up his career, won the trust of clients, and established a good cooperative relationship.

The son of one of my colleagues had just returned to Hong Kong from a vacation at the University of Melbourne in Australia, and he couldn’t wait to ask his mother to find a Mandarin teacher for him.

Native language rights are a beautiful misunderstanding

Online mandarin learning

“Mother tongue” is the language learned from the mother, and it is usually the family language. When it comes to the benefits of the mother tongue, anyone can cite a lot: comfort, naturalness, kindness, etc.

so it is no wonder that some people think that the mother tongue is a basic human right, and even insist on the mother tongue Education, and in Hong Kong, a Cantonese community, learning Cantonese is a matter of course.

It’s a pity that the so-called “native language teaching” in Hong Kong is just a misunderstanding: we speak Cantonese, but read and write standard written language, and it is difficult for Hong Kong people to fully accept Cantonese.

This phenomenon of separation of language and writing is projected on education, which does not meet the requirements of mother tongue teaching. It can be said that mother tongue teaching has never been really implemented in Hong Kong.


The reason is that family language, communication language, working language, academic language and teaching language are often not integrated.

Facts tell us that language policy and teaching language policy are determined by factors such as politics, economy, culture and the user population, not by personal factors. Love and hate and transfer.
English as the teaching language is conducive to creating an environment for language learning and comprehensively improving students’ English proficiency.

The use of Putonghua as the medium of instruction has the same assumptions as the use of English as the medium of instruction.

If we are not worried that teaching Chinese in English will weaken students’ Chinese ability and hinder their understanding of Chinese culture, we are worried that teaching Chinese in Mandarin will affect dialect culture. This is a double standard.

Those who oppose teaching Chinese in Putonghua think that the teaching of Putonghua and Chinese subjects are two different things.

This phenomenon of separation of language (Mandarin) and Wen (modern Chinese written language) is the reality of Chinese teaching in Hong Kong and the result of long-term maintenance of dialect teaching, but it does not adapt to the current social development. Let’s think about it: What is the main goal of Chinese teaching?

Isn’t it to help students master the ability to listen, speak, read and write standard language?

Is Chinese teaching that cannot help students complete standard language education considered effective Chinese teaching?

Putonghua is currently an independent subject, and it is difficult to play its role under limited resources and conditions.

We should look at the planning of Online mandarin learning as a whole, make reasonable arrangements for the long-term development needs of students, and let Chinese teaching realize its due goals.

However, the language skills and creativity of Hong Kong students have always been criticized, and they may not necessarily surpass those in Beijing, Shanghai, and Taiwan. Putonghua and Cantonese belong to the same Chinese system and share a common written foundation, but they differ greatly in pronunciation, spoken grammar and vocabulary.

Many schools that are currently teaching Chinese in Putonghua told us that after one or two months, students can already understand the teacher’s Putonghua explanations, and some students can’t keep up verbally. It does not mean that their minds are not active.

This generalized observation ignores the fact that language listening, speaking, reading, and writing do not necessarily develop simultaneously.

In recent years, there has been a saying in the education circle: In the Putonghua community, there are people who can speak Mandarin but have very poor reading and writing skills.

Therefore, it is not necessarily true that teaching Chinese in Putonghua can improve students’ Chinese ability. Teaching Chinese in Mandarin is indeed not the only effective way to improve students’ Chinese ability, but students should listen to and speak more Mandarin.

Is it possible to evaluate Chinese ability by only reading and writing indicators, or adding an indicator of Cantonese ability?

From 1997 to the present, we have done several surveys, and we have also visited the classroom many times to discuss with teachers and students the issue of teaching Chinese in Putonghua.

According to the responses of teachers and students, teaching Chinese in Putonghua has brought the following benefits: improving the ability of listening and speaking of Putonghua, enhancing the ability to express standard written language, enhancing the language sense of modern Chinese, and increasing the interest in learning Chinese styles.

In particular, the earlier the teaching of Mandarin is started, the better the students’ Mandarin ability will be developed. We believe that language ability is affected by many factors, including intelligence, motivation, language habits, learning patterns, etc.

Therefore, we do not agree that teaching Chinese in Putonghua can greatly improve the Chinese level of local students and completely solve the problem of language education.

Under the simultaneous planning of oral education, at least the distance between the two has been shortened, so that students can develop their standard oral English ability early and avoid repeating the painful experience of adults learning language.

If the listening and speaking ability is not developed in time, it will cause great obstacles to communication.

If a student’s Mandarin ability has matured in primary and junior high school, we can shorten the Mandarin curriculum, saving useful time and resources for Online mandarin learning.

How to learn mandarin fast: my top ideas!

Are there any foreign friends around you who want to learn mandarin? You know, learning Chinese is a very complicated thing, especially for English speakers.
However, it is possible to successfully master Chinese as long as you are determined and practice every day. If your friend asks you for advice on learning Chinese, you can let him practice Chinese through textbooks, or you can continue to practice with Chinese-speaking friends or through a large number of Chinese schools that exist online.

To get a basic idea of the most important things in the process of learning Chinese, How to learn mandarin fast? continue reading this guide~

Practice using the four tones of Chinese. Chinese is a tonal language, which means that words have different meanings with different tones, even though they are pronounced and spelled the same. Learning these different tones is certainly essential if you want to speak Chinese correctly. Chinese has the following four tones:

“Sound” is a flat tone. When pronouncing this key, your voice is flat, and it sounds like it neither rises nor falls. Let’s take ma as an example, we can indicate a sound by using the symbol above the letter: mā

“Second tone” is a rising tone. In this key, your voice rises from low to mid-range, like you would say “Huh?” or “Huh?” when asking someone to repeat what they said. The second tone is represented by the symbol má.

“Three tones” is a turning tone. When pronouncing this tone, the pitch drops and then rises rapidly, just like you would pronounce the letter B. When two three-tone syllables appear next to each other, the first tone is still three-tone, and the next one is pronounced four-tone. Three tones are represented by the symbol mǎ.

How to learn mandarin fast

Four tones” is the going sound. When pronouncing this tone, the tone drops from high to low quickly. It’s like you are giving an order, such as “Disband! ’ Or, like when you discover something new and interesting while reading a book: “Ha! “The four tones are represented by the symbol mà.

These are fairly simple, right?
If you don’t feel that way, don’t worry. We strongly recommend that you listen to the tones of native Chinese speakers, because it is difficult to imagine what the tones sound like just by reading textbooks.

Memorize simple vocabulary. No matter what language you study, the more vocabulary you have, the more fluent you will be. Therefore, the next thing to do is to memorize some useful words.

Some good vocabulary lists to start with include the following: time of day (morning: zǎoshàng, afternoon: xiàwǔ, evening: wǎnshàng) body parts (head: tóu, feet: jiǎo, hands: shǒu) food (beef niúròu, chicken : jī, eggs: jīdàn, noodles: miàntiáo) as well as colors, days of the week, months, means of transportation, weather, etc.

When you hear an English word, think about how the word is said in Chinese.
If you don’t know how to say it, write it down and look it up in a dictionary later. For this purpose, you can carry a small notebook with you, which is very convenient.

Put Chinese labels (Chinese characters, pinyin and pronunciation) on objects in your room, such as mirrors, coffee tables, and sugar bowls. You’ll see these words so often that you’ll pick them up before you know it.
While a large vocabulary is good, keep in mind that accuracy is more important when it comes to Chinese.

If you can’t pronounce a word correctly, how to learn mandarin fast, it’s useless to learn it, because different pronunciations can mean completely different things.

For example, a mispronunciation (pronouncing “má” as “mā”) makes the same difference as saying “I want cake” and “I want a coke”—two very different meanings.

Learn how to count. Chinese does not have an alphabet, which makes it difficult for Westerners to learn it. Fortunately, the Chinese number system is fairly straightforward and fairly logical, and once you learn the first ten numbers, you’ll be able to count to 99.

Below, you’ll see the numbers one through ten in Simplified Chinese, followed by Pinyin and the correct pronunciation. When practicing pronunciation, you want to make sure you use the correct intonation.

Once you have mastered the numbers one through ten, you can move on to two-digit numbers by saying the tens digit, then the shi sound, and then the ones digit. for example:

The number 48 is written as sì shí bā, which literally means “four times ten plus eight”. The number 30 is written thirty, which literally means “three times ten”.
The number 19 is written as 一九, which literally means “one multiplied by ten plus nine” (however, for most Chinese, the initial yī in the numbers 10-20 is omitted because it is redundant .)

The word hundred is written (百) or baǐ in Chinese, so 100 is written yī baǐ, 200 is written èr baǐ, 300 is written sān baǐ, and so on.
Learn some basic conversational phrases. Once you have a basic grasp of vocabulary and pronunciation, you can move on to basic conversational phrases that can be used in everyday Chinese conversation.
Hello = nǐhǎo,读作 [nee how]
What’s your name? = nín guì xìng, 读作 [neen gway shing]
Yes = shì, 读作 [sher]
No = bú shì, 读作 [boo sher]
Thank you = xiè xiè,读作 [sheh sheh]
You’re welcome = bú yòng xiè, 读作 [boo yong sheh]
Excuse me = duì bu qǐ,读作 [dway boo chee]
I don’t understand = wǒ tīng bù dǒng, 读作 [wore ting boo dong]
Goodbye = zài jiàn, 读作 [zi gee’en]

Learn basic grammar. People often think that Chinese has no grammar, which is wrong. Chinese grammars do exist, but they are very different from grammars in European or other language systems.

Unlike these languages, Chinese is a very analytical language, which is both good news and bad news for language learners.

For example, there are no complicated rules in Chinese in terms of collocation, consistency, gender, plural changes or tenses. Most words consist of only one syllable, which is then combined to form compound words. This makes the sentence structure fairly simple and straightforward.

However, Chinese also has its unique grammatical rules, which are not found in English or other European languages. For example, Chinese uses grammatical rules such as classification, topic prominence, and preference, which are not found in English. Therefore, it is quite difficult for beginners to master these rules.

How to learn mandarin fast

However, these differences aside, Chinese does use the same word order as English, such as subject-verb-object, so word-for-word translation becomes a lot easier.

For example, “he likes cats” in English is directly translated as “tā (he) xǐhuān (likes) māo (cats).
Learn how to use pinyin. Pinyin is a system for writing Chinese using the Latin alphabet. Hanyu Pinyin is the most common form of Latinization and is used in many textbooks and instructional materials.

Pinyin enables learners of Chinese to concentrate on their pronunciation, while at the same time enabling them to read and write without having to learn complex characters.

Although Pinyin uses the Latin alphabet, the pronunciation of the alphabet is often not intuitive for English speakers, which is why it is necessary to study Pinyin carefully.

For example, the pinyin letter “c” is pronounced like the “ts” sound in the word “bits”, the pinyin letter “e” is pronounced like the “er” sound in the word “hers”, and the pinyin letter “q” Pronounced like the “ch” sound in the word “cheap”.

Because of these differences, you need to learn the correct pronunciation of Pinyin before using it, which is a basic requirement.

Although the process of learning pinyin pronunciation seems painful, it is extremely useful for you to learn mandarin, how to learn mandarin fast and it is much easier to learn pinyin pronunciation than to memorize traditional Chinese.

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~

Primary 4 Chinese tuition: Chinese-style education, or Western-style education?

Like many “little sea turtles” who returned to live in Hong Kong from the United States, our 7-year-old son Dongdong entered the “Singapore International School [Hong Kong]”. Speaking of which, Primary 4 Chinese tuition is a bit hasty.
We don’t know much about the teaching style of this school. We only know that this is a school established by the Ministry of Education of Singapore in Hong Kong. Quite a good reputation.
We guessed that the child has stayed in the United States for a long time and is not very adaptable to the local traditional school model in Hong Kong, so we hope that the child can have a relaxed environment after entering the “international school”.
When one semester was about to end, at four o’clock in the afternoon, my husband and I came to the classroom on time according to the agreed time to attend the parent meeting at the end of the semester.
The classroom is quiet and tidy, and there is no more noise from the children on weekdays; outside the classroom, parents are waiting for their seats in a quiet and orderly manner.
The three main teachers lined up and greeted the parents with smiles on their faces. On the table was Dongdong’s report card.
“This is the highest score in the grade, this is the lowest score in the grade, and this is the average score. Also, your child’s score.” The head teacher, any teacher, first handed over a small note full of numbers.
Before I had time to greet politely, my brain immediately entered the state of mathematical calculations, and quickly judged the ranking of my son’s grades.
The meeting with the teacher was only 15 minutes long. But when we came out of the classroom, sweat oozed from the foreheads of our husband and wife. This scene is no stranger to students and parents in Singapore.
But for us who have just returned from the United States, we are still a little unprepared.
The grades we got from school touched our nerves. I never imagined that an international school would also have test scores. What is the difference between this kind of invisible fierce competition and traditional local schools?
For those who don’t know much about Singapore’s education, it is obviously too simple to cover its educational philosophy with just the word “international school”.
When it comes to successful education in Singapore, we have to start with PISA. The full name of PISA is Program for International Student Assessment, which is managed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) headquartered in Paris.
By measuring and comparing the language, mathematics and science levels of 15-year-old students in more than 70 countries and regions, this project reflects the knowledge and skills that students in different countries will have in their future life, and also reflects the different countries.
Participation in education. The project is implemented every three years.
According to the latest report provided by the OECD in 2009, Singaporean students ranked third, second and third in the three tests of reading, mathematics and science respectively.
In order to achieve their ideal academic performance, most Singaporean students inevitably have to sacrifice their personal freedom at the expense of their personal freedom.
They start to face competition with their parents at an early age.
“I have already enrolled my son in 5 training classes, even though he is only 2 and a half years old.” When I heard the words of any teacher, the class leader, I couldn’t help being shocked.
“There is no way. I know that the first few students in my Primary 4 Chinese tuition class have spent money and effort to fight this way. It is because I know this too well that I have to do this.” Teacher He also looked helpless.
Facing Dongdong’s report card again, the child’s father and I seemed to understand a lot.
Our children are normal and intelligent. And that series of sighing grade-level rankings can only show that other people’s children are too advanced, and the parents of those children are too advanced.
Since that parent meeting, the number of times Dongdong appeared in the community playground after school has decreased significantly.
In order to make my son’s academic performance reach a “reasonable” level in the class, Dongdong also participated in math and English remedial classes after school, and I did extra Chinese exercises at home by myself. As for the school’s swimming class, there is also an extra “additional meal”, because last semester, Dongdong only got a C in swimming class.
This grade seems to make Dongdong doubt her athletic ability.
Remedial, remedial. This is the content of life that students in local schools in Hong Kong are accustomed to.
From kindergarten to high school, without exception. What we didn’t expect was that our own children had to join this team when they were in an international school.
We have to admit that we need to re-understand this international school, or in other words, re-understand the Singapore-style modern basic education it represents.
Most parents believe that the teaching environment of international schools is relaxed, without the competitive pressure of examinations and rankings, and parents and students will not work too hard.
In fact, they are both international schools, some are free and open, while others are traditional and rigorous. Among the international schools in Hong Kong, the British “English School Foundation”, the American “Hong Kong International School” and the “Canadian International School” are typical Western styles.
The “German Swiss International School” and the “Hong Kong Singapore International School” are traditional and rigorous.
Take the local primary schools in Singapore as an example, the schooling period is six years, and the first four years are the basic education stage.
English, mother tongue (such as Chinese), mathematics and science are the main subjects. Starting from the fourth grade, students are divided into classes based on subjects (such as Chinese and mathematics), that is, Chinese fast class or math fast class.
Mathematics and science are core subjects throughout primary and secondary school. Upon graduating from primary school, all students take graduation examinations and are admitted to secondary schools of different levels according to their test scores.
It can be said that Primary 4 Chinese tuition test scores are basically dominated by parents and students.
Pick up a Singapore elementary school mathematics textbook, and you will find that the content of the book, and even the thickness of the book, are not much different from other ordinary mathematics textbooks.
Although the mathematics material used by Singaporean teachers is not extensive, it is deep and flexible. Just looking at the sixth-grade mathematics test in Singapore, the difficulty is about two years higher than that of most American schools.

Primary 4 Chinese tuition

There is competition when there are exams, and pressure when there are rankings. In such a teaching environment, children’s academic performance is generally outstanding.
“After my daughter graduated from primary school in Hong Kong Singapore International School, she was able to successfully enter another well-known international school ‘Chinese International School’ (Chinese International School) for secondary school, relying on solid basic skills. Can take exams and answer questions Strong, it is still very practical.”
Nan Nan’s mother is very glad that she made the right choice for her daughter a few years ago.
As for why the middle school had to be transferred, “the pressure is still too great,” Nan Nan’s mother said, “It is said that Singaporeans are afraid of losing, and they can’t lose.
We Hong Kong people are similar. In such a competitive atmosphere, I don’t know how adults and children How long can it last?”
With its solid elite education, Hong Kong Singapore International School has increasingly become the new favorite of the “elite” class in Hong Kong. Its expensive tuition fees are beyond the reach of ordinary working families.
In 2013, the school’s kindergarten half-day class tuition fee was 78,000 Hong Kong dollars/year, the primary school’s full-day class tuition fee was 102,000 Hong Kong dollars/year, and the middle school tuition fee was 120,000 Hong Kong dollars/year.
The children of Singaporeans naturally have the priority to enter the school, accounting for about 1/3 of the total number of students, and enjoy the tuition subsidy of the Singapore government (16,100 Hong Kong dollars/year).
The remaining 2/3 places are contested by mainlanders in Hong Kong (especially overseas returnees stationed in Hong Kong from Europe and the United States) and local Hong Kong people.
“Unless your child is particularly outstanding, it is difficult to enter the threshold of this school.
Even if you are lucky enough to be a member of it, you dare not relax in the slightest. Many mothers who work full-time have to quit their jobs or stay at home part-time.” Nan Nan’s mother sighed.
Kevin is a playmate that Dongdong met in the playground downstairs, and he is also a little returnee who speaks Mandarin.
He studied Primary 4 Chinese tuition at the Canadian International School, without any exams and pressure, so he always had a lot of time wandering around in the playground.
As time passed, he had a group of loyal friends around him.

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Online mandarin learning: Why Mandarin is so important for you?

Putonghua(Online mandarin learning) has become the core curriculum of primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong.
the scene of the award ceremony of the first “Bauhinia Culture Cup” Chinese Culture Putonghua Competition for Primary and Secondary Schools in Hong Kong.

Recently, Hong Kong’s “Belt and Road” project specialist recruitment positions are on fire.
The annual salary of this position offered by the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau of the Special Administrative Region Government is as high as 3.358 million Hong Kong dollars, but there is also a striking requirement: you must be able to speak fluent Mandarin.

Some people say that Putonghua has undergone a transformation from a bonus item to a must-have item, which shows that it is getting more and more attention in Hong Kong.
The Director of the Civil Service Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Yang Ho Pui-yin, recently stated in the Legislative Council that it will continue to strengthen the Mandarin training of civil servants and improve the overall ability to use Mandarin.
She also introduced that after years of hard work, the proportion of Chinese used in official affairs within the government has continued to increase, and more and more civil servants directly write official documents in Chinese.
Both Chinese and English are the official languages of Hong Kong. Zheng Weiyuan, director of the Beijing Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, who is already a senior civil servant, recalled that before Hong Kong returned to the motherland in 1997, civil servants and government employees rarely used Chinese in the system, and everyone communicated mainly in English.
After the reunification, the first SAR government began to focus on “two languages” (that is, Chinese and English) and “trilingualism” (that is, Cantonese, Putonghua and English), and made a lot of efforts.

In the second year after Hong Kong returned to the motherland, Putonghua began to become the core curriculum of primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, and the learning of Putonghua by the younger generation gradually became popular.
According to statistics from the Census and Statistics Department of the SAR Government, the proportion of the population in Hong Kong who can speak Mandarin was 18.1% in 1991, and will increase to 54.2% by 2021.
With the increasingly close exchanges with the mainland, the frequency of use of Chinese and Mandarin has increased significantly.
Yang He Beiyin introduced that the policy of the SAR government is to maintain a civil servant team proficient in “two languages and three languages”.
When handling official business and conveying information within the government, appropriate languages will be used according to operational needs, the nature of affairs and the recipients of the text.

The “Belt and Road” project commissioner who has received attention with a high salary is responsible for leading the Hong Kong “Belt and Road” Office and participating in the construction of the “Belt and Road”. Zheng Weiyuan served in this position from 2021 to 2022.
He introduced that this position requires contacts with different agencies in the Mainland, such as the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and other relevant ministries and commissions, the Hong Kong Liaison Office of the Central Committee of the Central People’s Government, the Trade Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and state-owned enterprises, etc.
and participate in activities and conferences, etc.
Therefore, Online mandarin learning skills are essential .
When Zheng Weiyuan was interviewed by reporters, he skillfully introduced various situations in Mandarin.
When he was studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the 1980s, he began to learn Mandarin, and then traveled to the mainland every year, from Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan to other provinces, autonomous regions and cities, sometimes staying for a month or two.
He communicated more face-to-face with mainland compatriots, and his Mandarin level has also improved. This has benefited him a lot on the road of being a political officer.
From the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong in the early years, to the “Belt and Road” project specialist later, and now to the Hong Kong Office in Beijing, fluent Mandarin is inseparable from any position.

He said modestly that most older Hong Kong people like himself who speak Mandarin in simplified characters are “half-way monks”, so they are “congenitally deficient”.
For example, the four tones are unclear, and the speech script is difficult to read in Mandarin; the vocabulary cannot keep up, and Chinese and English are mixed when in a hurry; easy to distinguish.
He has thought of many ways to do this, one of the tricks is to listen to and watch more news broadcasts and current affairs documentaries in the Mainland, and learn to expand his vocabulary through correct narration and some subtitles.
The Civil Service Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR government has also seen similar demand.
The Civil Service Academy under the bureau continues to promote Mandarin training for civil servants and provides courses covering different levels for civil servants of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government.
Available data shows that from 2017 to 2021, the Civil Service Bureau of the Special Administrative Region has held nearly 500 Mandarin training courses and lectures, with a total of about 13,000 participants.
At the same time, in order to facilitate and encourage civil servants to use Chinese more in official affairs, the Official Language Affairs Department of the Civil Service Bureau of the Special Administrative Region Government compiled the “Manual for Writing Government Documents” with examples to provide language support services including Chinese, and opened online learning resources and a telephone inquiry hotline.

deepen cognition

The ability to use Putonghua is one of the assessment items under the current performance assessment mechanism for civil servants in the HKSAR.
Online mandarin learning not only brings convenience to work and life, but also enhances learners’ knowledge and understanding of the country.
Hong Kong should grasp the opportunities brought by the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the national “14th Five-Year Plan” and actively integrate into the overall development of the country.
It is very important for all Hong Kong people, including civil servants, to learn Mandarin well.

Online mandarin learning

The HKSAR Civil Service Academy will launch exchange programs with other cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and discuss feasible plans for deepening exchanges with relevant mainland units, so that Hong Kong civil servants have the opportunity to spend a longer period of time in the Mainland for exchanges and in-depth experience of local urban development.
While improving the ability of civil servants to use Mandarin, actively integrate into the overall situation of national development.

Mak Ganchu, chairman of the Council of the Hong Kong Putonghua Institute, believes that if the civil service system does not pay enough attention to Putonghua, it will affect their cognition and recognition of national development and policies.
He suggested that consideration should be given to adding Mandarin qualification requirements when recruiting civil servants.
On the one hand, it can help college students continue to learn and use Mandarin well.

Yang He Beiyin, who visited the mainland, said that during this trip, she communicated with local Hong Kong students, introduced to them the recruitment of Hong Kong civil servants, and welcomed students who aspire to serve Hong Kong citizens to join the civil service after graduation.
In recent years, as more and more Hong Kong young people receive Mandarin training in schools, the ability of Hong Kong civil servants to use Mandarin when they enter the job has also been continuously improved.
Zheng Weiyuan believes that this highlights the “biliterate and trilingual” characteristics of Hong Kong under the “one country, two systems”, as well as the unique advantages of being backed by the motherland and Online mandarin learning.

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Online mandarin learning: “putonghua” in Hong Kong that’s so cool!

“For those who have no distinction between N and L and weak retroflex sounds, we can do a tongue-to-cheek exercise, using your tongue to press your left and right cheeks 20 times.” April 12, in Hong Kong In the Zhongshang Art Building on Queen Victoria Street, there was such a vivid and interesting scene: Online mandarin learning led about 20 young students from Hong Kong to use a special training method of “oral exercises” to improve their Putonghua level.
This is a “Mandarin Fun Class” co-organized by the Hong Kong Reporter Station of Guangzhou Daily and the Guangzhou Federation of Hong Kong.
During the training time of nearly 2 hours, these Hong Kong young people from Hong Kong lawyers, finance and entrepreneurship circles, all Feedback is rewarding. The most important thing is that this interesting class taught these students the skills of mouth muscles and tongue exercises, allowing them to practice at home.
After the training, a Hong Kong female trainee named polly was still full of confidence and asked about the national Putonghua proficiency test.
She thought that as long as she worked hard and practiced hard, “A native Hong Kong person can pass the national Putonghua proficiency test. It’s not a hard thing to imagine.”

One of the organizers of this event, the chairman of the Guangzhou Federation of Hong Kong, Zhou Qianhe, told reporters that since the resumption of customs clearance between Hong Kong and the mainland this year, she has visited Tianhe and Nansha in Guangzhou with young people in Hong Kong many times, especially in Nansha, Guangzhou.
It has become the first choice for many Hong Kong young people to go north to start a business and integrate into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. “In this case, learning Mandarin is a very important thing. Mastering this language can not only integrate into the Greater Bay Area, There is also a lot to do in the vast world of the motherland.
But any learning is a matter of self-effort, so this activity co-organized with Guangzhou Daily is mainly to teach students pronunciation skills and let them go home and practice hard.”
During this activity, Chairman Zhou Qianhe also learned the “remedial skills” in the Mainland. Among the gifts for each student, there are “Mandarin Proficiency Test Full-Authentic Simulation Test Paper” and “Putonghua Proficiency Test Special Textbook”. This “thoughtful gift” is not at all resisting.
A Hong Kong student who is preparing to obtain a mainland lawyer’s license in the Greater Bay Area told reporters, “Hong Kong people study very hard, and this gift is very suitable.” Zheng Zonghan, a senior lawyer in Hong Kong, also participated in the whole course of this lecture.
He believed that it is very meaningful to hold such an activity, and young people in Hong Kong need such a class to continuously improve their pronunciation.
The keynote speaker of this lecture is Ms. Zheng Xue, who has lived in Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore for many years and is currently teaching Mandarin in an international school in Singapore.
She introduces her “international career” for many years to the students. English is of course the common language, but Putonghua is also receiving more and more attention internationally.
“For example, when I was in Australia at the beginning of this year, I found that there were many foreigners who spoke Mandarin very well. When I returned to Hong Kong three years after the epidemic, I also found that the Mandarin level of Hong Kong people There has also been great improvement.
For example, when I met a staff member in a hotel, his Mandarin was very standard, which was hard to imagine before.” Zheng Xue said, “On the premise that Hong Kong people have a certain level of Mandarin , My teaching this time is mainly to teach them pronunciation skills, and let them go home to practice and improve. After all, some Mandarin pronunciations are not available in Cantonese. The teaching effect of this time is also very good.

Online mandarin learning

Some students are learning on the topic After mastering my pronunciation skills, Online mandarin learning immediately became standard, which is an immediate change, and of course it has a lot to do with the level of Mandarin they have mastered.”
This interesting Mandarin class is open to the public free of charge. A young woman who works in Central came here admiringly.
After the class, she took a photo with Zheng Xue and said on WeChat, “I want to go to Guangzhou and Shenzhen. You learn.”
After being affirmed by many students, Zheng Xue finally told everyone that now in Hong Kong, “learning Mandarin is a very cool thing. I hope that one day you will be able to speak fluent standard Mandarin as Hong Kong people. mandarin.”
Both Chinese and English are the official languages of Hong Kong. Zheng Weiyuan, director of the Beijing Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, who is already a senior civil servant, recalled that before Hong Kong returned to the motherland in 1997, civil servants and government employees rarely used Chinese in the system, and everyone communicated mainly in English.
After the reunification, the first SAR government began to focus on “two languages” (that is, Chinese and English) and “trilingualism” (that is, Cantonese, Putonghua and English), and made a lot of efforts.

In the second year after Hong Kong returned to the motherland, Putonghua began to become the core curriculum of primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, and the learning of Putonghua by the younger generation gradually became popular.
According to statistics from the Census and Statistics Department of the SAR Government, the proportion of the population in Hong Kong who can speak Mandarin was 18.1% in 1991, and will increase to 54.2% by 2021.

With the increasingly close exchanges with the mainland, the frequency of use of Chinese and Mandarin has increased significantly.
Yang He Beiyin introduced that the policy of the SAR government is to maintain a civil servant team proficient in “two languages and three languages”.
When handling official business and conveying information within the government, Online mandarin learning will be used according to operational needs, the nature of affairs and the recipients of the text.

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Primary 4 mandarin tuition: the principle?

Since 1995, based on the principles and theories of Primary 4 mandarin tuition, we have done a series of
A study on the acquisition of Putonghua by Hong Kong people 1, in which a four-year systematic survey and study of small
The process by which students acquire Mandarin. We researched the immersion
(immersion) Putonghua teaching, for a group of students in the school who are learning Mandarin from scratch
A year-long longitudinal study of students investigating general
How do elementary school students who speak Mandarin acquire Mandarin. We also studied the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Sin Ci
Students in Yun Elementary School have two Mandarin lessons per week, and their Putonghua
ability development. We are in the school for a first-grade student enrolled in 1998
Three years of experimental teaching (from September 1998 to August 2001), analyzed the
The development of Putonghua ability of students in this class in three years. According to our research over the years
and the knowledge and understanding of the development of Putonghua proficiency of primary school students in Hong Kong, here we would like to talk about
Discuss several principles of Putonghua teaching in primary schools in Hong Kong. These questions, we are
Both have been mentioned and discussed in previous articles. In this article, we will compare the
Detailed and focused analysis and discussion.
Hong Kong primary school students learning Putonghua as first language acquisition or second language acquisition
The problem of positioning in language acquisition
This positioning issue is a very important issue, not only directly related to Hong Kong
The teaching design of Putonghua courses is still related to the Chinese subjects of many primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong.
Adjustment of the language of instruction. On this important issue, however, scholars differ in their views,
Some people think it belongs to the first language acquisition, some people think it is the second language acquisition, and some people think it belongs to the second language acquisition.
Put forward the idea of “one and a half languages” (Li Ouyang Ruying, 1997).
In fact, this positioning problem is not difficult to solve. Language acquisition is an academic problem, I
We should strictly follow the principles of linguistics to define. First of all, we must put politics,
Brainstorming (Part Three): The Practice and Discussion of Putonghua Learning and Teaching
Geographical, cultural and historical factors are separated from language, and then written and spoken language are separated,
Because the language acquisition discussed in linguistics refers to the acquisition of oral language. Linguists use “interactive
Mutual intelligibility (mutual intelligibility) test criteria to determine language and method
The boundaries of words. Mutual intelligibility refers to the ability to understand the words of others and to make others understand
The ability to speak your own words. People in the two communities can understand each other when speaking and communicating
Solution, then, they speak the same language. If people from two communities meet and talk
If they can’t understand each other, they can’t communicate, then they use two different
language. Now, let’s look at the Cantonese and Mandarin questions. Cantonese and Mandarin
With different speech systems, Cantonese speakers and Mandarin speakers cannot communicate with each other when speaking together.
cannot communicate verbally, so from a linguistic point of view, Mandarin cannot
It is the mother tongue of Hong Kong people, and it is not halfway between the first language and the second language.
language. From the perspective of the learning environment and methods, we can look at the determination of Hong Kong primary school students’ Mandarin acquisition.
bit problem. Hong Kong is a mainly Cantonese-speaking society, the home language of Hong Kong children
It is Cantonese. They are exposed to Cantonese in a natural language environment and naturally acquire Cantonese. but
Yes, Mandarin is a completely different situation. The vast majority of Hong Kong children live in environments without
have mandarin, they have to learn mandarin through classroom environment, through mandarin teacher
of professors acquire Primary 4 mandarin tuition. It is clear that Hong Kong primary school students learning Mandarin is a second language
Acquisition 2.
However, the acquisition of Mandarin by Hong Kong students is a special kind of second language learning.
have to. Mandarin is a second language for Hong Kong people, but it is not a completely foreign language.
Second language. The grammar between Mandarin and Cantonese is basically the same, the basic vocabulary is the same, and
have the same written language, have the same written characters, people from the Mandarin community and the Cantonese community
People in the district share the same Chinese culture, history and customs, Hong Kong students are familiar with them
Learn Mandarin in a familiar Chinese cultural environment. The main difference between Mandarin and Cantonese is that
In terms of pronunciation, people in Hong Kong focus on learning Mandarin pronunciation. So, incense
Learning Mandarin for Hong Kong people is different from learning a completely unfamiliar second language.

There are two important meanings in figuring out this positioning relationship. First, since it belongs to the second

Primary 4 mandarin tuition

Language acquisition, Hong Kong people learning Mandarin is dominated and influenced by the laws of second language acquisition.
ring. We all know that complete second language acquisition is
The overall success rate is low. The main factors affecting second language acquisition are: age, mother tongue, learning
Learning environment, learning attitude, learning purpose, learning methods and methods, etc. In addition,
Second language acquisition is also governed by general tendencies.
general disposition refers to second language acquisition
Several Principles of Putonghua Teaching in Primary Schools in Hong Kong
In the process, learners from different mother tongues reflect the common laws, these laws
It is consistent with the law in children’s mother tongue acquisition.
Because of the influence of second language acquisition factors, not only ordinary teachers in Hong Kong
Chinese cannot be learned quickly, and Hong Kong elementary school students cannot learn Putonghua quickly. primary school students
Although there is an age advantage in language learning, age is only one of the factors in second language acquisition.
First, second language acquisition is restricted by many factors. We studied in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Primary School for one year
investigation and research. Suzhe Primary School is one of the very few schools in Hong Kong that adopts fully immersive 4 Mandarin teaching
One of the Primary 4 mandarin tuition I have learned is a school that has successfully taught Mandarin.
Their teachers are mainly from mainland China and Taiwan
Bay, 95% of the teachers are native speakers of Mandarin, 5% of the teachers are native speakers of Cantonese and Hokkien
etc., but their Mandarin ability is completely close to that of the Mandarin-speaking teachers. in su
Zhejiang Primary School, not only in the classroom, but also in the whole campus is an environment where Mandarin is used.
environment, their school’s morning meetings, class meetings and extracurricular activities all use Mandarin as the medium.
Our research found that even in such an ideal Mandarin immersion environment,
Primary one students in Jiangsu and Zhejiang primary schools also go through the developmental stage of Primary 4 mandarin tuition.

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Primary 4 Mandarin tuition: what’s your idea for a new learning?

Are you thinking of Primary 4 Mandarin tuition but not sure which one to choose?

We don’t blame you. There are many wonderful languages out there, and depending on your tastes (for example, if you like K-drama or French indie cinema), you may find yourself drawn to one in particular.

If you’re still undecided, we’ll explain why learning Mandarin is the best decision you’ve ever made.

1. It will set your resume apart.

The unemployment rate in Malaysia has recently increased from 4.5% in 2020 to 3.3% in 2019. While the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the labor market, anything that can give you an edge should be accepted with open arms.

The ability to communicate in Mandarin is an obvious benefit. Of course, knowing a foreign language can greatly improve your professional image. After all, many international companies today have offices all over the world, and being multilingual will give you an advantage over other applicants.
However, since China is one of our most important trading partners, knowing Mandarin is very useful.

If you want to boost your employability, learning Mandarin could be a good place to start.

2. It creates unique job opportunities.

Mandarin also opens up unique job prospects that you wouldn’t get if you spoke another language.

First, Mandarin speakers make up a large portion of the population. Some careers, such as customer service and content creation, are only open to Mandarin speakers to cater to this market. Due to China’s unique position in the global economy, procurement executives can be found who are primarily responsible for establishing connections with Chinese companies. These opportunities will be available to you if you have Mandarin skills.

Also, you can take on some part-time jobs to supplement your income. Mandarin translators, subtitling translators, and teachers can find plenty of part-time jobs.

3. It has the potential to increase your salary.

Knowing another language not only opens up new avenues, but potentially better rewards as well.

Generally speaking, being proficient in Primary 4 Mandarin tuition can increase your earnings by 2% to 5%. Statistics vary based on various factors, but the general truth remains the same – knowing another language can positively impact your prospects as an employee.

While proficiency in any language can bring this benefit, Mandarin is especially beneficial. As you know, China is one of Malaysia’s largest trading partners. As more companies try to do business with China, the demand for speaking Mandarin will only increase. So will the pay.

4. it stimulates your brain function

Learning a foreign language means more exercise for your brain, improving your memory and brain function.

But did you know that only learning Mandarin can give you the added benefit?

The researchers found that, unlike English, which only stimulated the left temporal lobe, Mandarin stimulated both the left and right hemispheres. This may be due to Mandarin Chinese’s more complex use of tones and intonation to give meaning to words.

5. It keeps your mind sharp as you age

If you’re used to the Latin alphabet, Chinese characters in Mandarin can seem daunting because it uses strokes in all four directions, specifically up, down, left, and right.

But there are benefits too — learning and writing new symbols, such as Chinese characters, can help activate neural activity and improve motor and cognitive skills, the researchers say. Additionally, some studies have shown that learning a new language can prevent and delay the onset of cognitive decline by 4.5 years.

In short, learning a foreign language, especially Mandarin, can help you slow down the aging process of your brain. This is one big benefit you don’t want to miss out on.

6. It will help you connect with more people

Just be aware of this – Mandarin is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world, second only to English. There are 917 million native Mandarin speakers and over 100 million non-native speakers, which means 1 out of every 100 people can converse in Mandarin.

This will give you the opportunity to connect with as many people as possible around the world. After all, speaking a common language is a great unifying tool, and you can actually get to know them better when you know their first language.

Proficiency in Mandarin is also helpful in various social situations. The language is used everywhere from business transactions to social and cultural interactions. You’re wrong to think it’s only useful in China – there are many Chinatowns around the world, and there are plenty of Mandarin speakers even outside of those communities.

A logical conclusion is that learning the second largest language in the world is very helpful in connecting you with as many people as possible.

7. It helps you stay relevant in this challenging climate

The reality is that China is one of the giants of the world economy. Second only to the United States, China’s 2019 gross domestic product (GDP) was $14.34 trillion. And it’s growing fast. With an annual growth rate of 6.1%, the largest compared to other countries, it is only a matter of time before the United States is overtaken.

Primary 4 Mandarin tuition

So it is not an exaggeration to say that the future of business is in China. If you’re looking for a way to future-proof yourself and ensure your relevance in this fast-paced and ever-changing world, maybe learning Mandarin, China’s official language, is a good place to start.

Primary 4 Mandarin tuition with its own unique writing system can be disconcerting. But you now live in a digital world with so many resources at your fingertips. The benefits will come to you if you are willing to lend a helping hand.

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