Primary 4 Mandarin tuition: what’s your idea for a new learning?

Are you thinking of Primary 4 Mandarin tuition but not sure which one to choose?

We don’t blame you. There are many wonderful languages out there, and depending on your tastes (for example, if you like K-drama or French indie cinema), you may find yourself drawn to one in particular.

If you’re still undecided, we’ll explain why learning Mandarin is the best decision you’ve ever made.

1. It will set your resume apart.

The unemployment rate in Malaysia has recently increased from 4.5% in 2020 to 3.3% in 2019. While the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the labor market, anything that can give you an edge should be accepted with open arms.

The ability to communicate in Mandarin is an obvious benefit. Of course, knowing a foreign language can greatly improve your professional image. After all, many international companies today have offices all over the world, and being multilingual will give you an advantage over other applicants.
However, since China is one of our most important trading partners, knowing Mandarin is very useful.

If you want to boost your employability, learning Mandarin could be a good place to start.

2. It creates unique job opportunities.

Mandarin also opens up unique job prospects that you wouldn’t get if you spoke another language.

First, Mandarin speakers make up a large portion of the population. Some careers, such as customer service and content creation, are only open to Mandarin speakers to cater to this market. Due to China’s unique position in the global economy, procurement executives can be found who are primarily responsible for establishing connections with Chinese companies. These opportunities will be available to you if you have Mandarin skills.

Also, you can take on some part-time jobs to supplement your income. Mandarin translators, subtitling translators, and teachers can find plenty of part-time jobs.

3. It has the potential to increase your salary.

Knowing another language not only opens up new avenues, but potentially better rewards as well.

Generally speaking, being proficient in Primary 4 Mandarin tuition can increase your earnings by 2% to 5%. Statistics vary based on various factors, but the general truth remains the same – knowing another language can positively impact your prospects as an employee.

While proficiency in any language can bring this benefit, Mandarin is especially beneficial. As you know, China is one of Malaysia’s largest trading partners. As more companies try to do business with China, the demand for speaking Mandarin will only increase. So will the pay.

4. it stimulates your brain function

Learning a foreign language means more exercise for your brain, improving your memory and brain function.

But did you know that only learning Mandarin can give you the added benefit?

The researchers found that, unlike English, which only stimulated the left temporal lobe, Mandarin stimulated both the left and right hemispheres. This may be due to Mandarin Chinese’s more complex use of tones and intonation to give meaning to words.

5. It keeps your mind sharp as you age

If you’re used to the Latin alphabet, Chinese characters in Mandarin can seem daunting because it uses strokes in all four directions, specifically up, down, left, and right.

But there are benefits too — learning and writing new symbols, such as Chinese characters, can help activate neural activity and improve motor and cognitive skills, the researchers say. Additionally, some studies have shown that learning a new language can prevent and delay the onset of cognitive decline by 4.5 years.

In short, learning a foreign language, especially Mandarin, can help you slow down the aging process of your brain. This is one big benefit you don’t want to miss out on.

6. It will help you connect with more people

Just be aware of this – Mandarin is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world, second only to English. There are 917 million native Mandarin speakers and over 100 million non-native speakers, which means 1 out of every 100 people can converse in Mandarin.

This will give you the opportunity to connect with as many people as possible around the world. After all, speaking a common language is a great unifying tool, and you can actually get to know them better when you know their first language.

Proficiency in Mandarin is also helpful in various social situations. The language is used everywhere from business transactions to social and cultural interactions. You’re wrong to think it’s only useful in China – there are many Chinatowns around the world, and there are plenty of Mandarin speakers even outside of those communities.

A logical conclusion is that learning the second largest language in the world is very helpful in connecting you with as many people as possible.

7. It helps you stay relevant in this challenging climate

The reality is that China is one of the giants of the world economy. Second only to the United States, China’s 2019 gross domestic product (GDP) was $14.34 trillion. And it’s growing fast. With an annual growth rate of 6.1%, the largest compared to other countries, it is only a matter of time before the United States is overtaken.

Primary 4 Mandarin tuition

So it is not an exaggeration to say that the future of business is in China. If you’re looking for a way to future-proof yourself and ensure your relevance in this fast-paced and ever-changing world, maybe learning Mandarin, China’s official language, is a good place to start.

Primary 4 Mandarin tuition with its own unique writing system can be disconcerting. But you now live in a digital world with so many resources at your fingertips. The benefits will come to you if you are willing to lend a helping hand.

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~




我 50 年前學習普通話。
我花了九個月的時間才達到可以將報紙社論從英文翻譯成中文、從中文翻譯成英文、閱讀小說和為人們翻譯的水平,我在開卷式錄音機時代做到了這一點,遠早於互聯網、在線詞典、語言學習應用程序、MP3 文件和 YouTube。





播客和有聲讀物對此非常有用。 LingQ 上的中文普通話小故事就是這種觀點故事的一個例子,大量重複高頻動詞,現在可以買到。
這些在 50 年前是我無法獲得的。看電影和電視節目是另一種吸引大量中國人傾聽的好方法。
學習漢語,普通話,是一項長期的工程。啟思中文補習將帶您接觸超過 20% 的人類的語言和文化,並對世界歷史產生重大影響。出於這個原因,如果你要學習這門語言,我總是建議學習漢字。


無論您的孩子學習需求如何 我們都有量身定制的解決方案 了解更多~



在一個擁有 6,800 多種語言的世界中,普通話是迄今為止世界上使用最多的語言。
標準化漢語被稱為普通話,被認為已有 1200 多年的歷史,約有 12 億人使用。它是中國、新加坡和台灣的官方語言;它不僅僅是一種語言;這是一種充滿歷史的文化。還有其他變體,例如廣東話,但說普通話有很多優勢。
學習起來並不復雜;有許多課程和在線應用程序,因此您的孩子和青少年可以練習他們的語言技能。如果你想讓你的學齡前兒童感興趣,也有一些適合他們的有趣課程。 Sinobus 探索了幾乎無窮無盡的選擇,並在這本全面的普通話語言指南中將其縮減為他們最喜歡的課程、課程、學校和應用程序。快xuéxí!






如果您的粵語知識僅局限於“mm goi”和點您最喜歡的菜餚,或者您一直在工作中錯過說普通話的客戶——也許是時候硬著頭皮學習一門中文了。

無論您的孩子學習需求如何 我們都有量身定制的解決方案 了解更多~



雇主在中文教師職位描述中使用前三位的關鍵詞是 Chinese Speaking 佔 25.94%,Instruction 佔 16.02%,而 Mandarin Speaking 佔 12.42%。
54.38% 的中文教師職位發布中至少有一個這樣的術語,表明雇主在招聘候選人時通常看重這些經歷。
課程開發、英語口語和協作在雇主的中文教師職位發布中所佔比例也很高,合計佔 26.73%。家教、溝通技巧、行為分析和教學證書出現的頻率要低得多,佔 18.89%,但仍然是雇主認為的 10 大中文教師技能和要求中的重要部分。
Chinese Teacher description列在簡歷中排名前三的關鍵詞分別是Chinese Speaking(19.49%)、English Speaking(18.99%)和Mandarin Speaking(13.16%)。 51.64% 的帶有中文教師描述的簡歷中至少有一個這樣的術語。
簡歷清單將幫助您了解雇主是否也需要這些技能。課程開發、教學和輔導在中文教師的簡歷中佔據了非常可觀的技能份額,佔總數的 25.06%。翻譯、協作、中文和 MS Office 出現的頻率為 23.3%,但在簡歷中發現的 10 大中文教師技能和資格中仍然佔很大比例。
這是自 2018 年 1 月以來雇主在中文教師職位發布中列出的前 10 大技能和資格的簡單表格,隨後是在簡歷上擁有中文教師頭銜的人最常列出的前 10 大技能和資格。


然後應用各種啟發式方法最終創建兩個前 20 名的最重要和最重要的技能、證書和要求的列表,這些列表在中文教師職位發布和簡歷中找到。

雇主的工作清單很少將英語口語、注重細節、課後教育、MS Office 或翻譯列為中文教師職位描述中的重要技能或資格。

Primary 2 mandarin tuition: proper teacher how to be?

What are the requirements to be a Mandarin tutor?It is difficult to find a Primary 2 mandarin tuition, but it is not easy.
The reason why I say this is because this major is easy to learn but difficult to master. Just think about it, even if you can speak Cantonese yourself, do you have the confidence to teach this language to others? Next, let’s take a look at what it takes to be a competent Mandarin tutor.

  1. Language proficiency

Mandarin contains a variety of dialects, mainly from the southwestern and northern regions of China.
Nearly a billion people speak it as their first or second language. Unless you are lucky enough to speak Mandarin fluently, your first step in becoming a Mandarin tutor is to learn the language.
You can do this with language courses or with your own personal tutor, but many experts recommend that teachers learn the foreign language in their country of origin.
You also have to develop your teacher skills. There are many courses and programs you can take online and in person to earn a teaching degree or certificate, many of which are geared toward teaching foreign languages.
Whether you plan to teach students one-on-one or tutor an entire class, it’s important to understand the basics in teaching.

  1. Teaching experience

Teaching experience is very helpful, but not required. Beyond practical skills, if you want to be a Mandarin tutor, you need to find a way to source and screen prospective students.
As a Mandarin tutor, you develop lessons, which include designing step-by-step lesson plans to fit your specific class schedule. You must develop testing and assessment procedures to ensure that your students actually learn the material.

  1. Designate teaching objects

The curriculum that is developed depends largely on your students. For example, if you wish to be a Mandarin tutor with only one-on-one adult students, the lesson plan you develop may be very different from the lesson plan you develop for a large class of mixed-age students.
Therefore, before embarking on your quest to become a Mandarin tutor, it is important to consider what type of students you intend to teach.

While most teaching and language skills can be learned, there is no substitute for experience.
Before you tutor yourself, you might consider serving as a student teacher for a while. Consider advertising at local colleges and universities, and place an ad in your local newspaper.
Social networking sites are also invaluable in finding potential students. Be a member of different forums or other sites that may attract people with a particular interest in the Primary 2 mandarin tuition and ensure that other members are aware of your tutor wishes.
“Your Mandarin level is really poor, how could it be so poor?”

Primary 2 mandarin tuition

Xu Li (pseudonym) couldn’t help teasing her classmates when they couldn’t describe a simple idiom.

Xu Li, who was born in Hong Kong, taught Mandarin in Hong Kong for 4 years. Xu Li started teaching initials and finals, and guided students to upgrade step by step to fight monsters and overcome language barriers.
“Not all students like to learn Mandarin, but they especially like my Mandarin class.”

Since Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, Putonghua has become one of the core courses in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, and the SAR government has also begun to train Putonghua teachers.
In 2009, Hong Kong’s senior high school reformed its academic system, and the Putonghua curriculum covers Primary One to Secondary Three (equivalent to the Mainland’s third grade—reporter’s note).
Public institutions are the main force in teaching Mandarin courses.

In 2014, after graduating with a master’s degree in Chinese Education, Xu Li joined the Chinese Department of a college affiliated to her alma mater as a teacher. She mainly teaches three courses: Practical Mandarin, Mandarin Communication and Communication, and Chinese Reading and Writing.
Most of the students enter colleges and universities to study courses because of their unsatisfactory grades in the middle school graduation examination.
The pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar of Mandarin are different from Cantonese.
Whether in class or between classes, Hong Kong students whose native language is Cantonese always communicate with Xu Li in Cantonese.
When answering questions, when encountering situations that cannot be expressed in Mandarin, students always throw out a sentence in Cantonese and ask Xu Li to translate it.

“Please speak Mandarin with me.” Xu Li asked the students to communicate in Mandarin throughout the Mandarin course.

Slowly, Xu Li worked out a set of advanced course content. In the first class, Xu Li evaluated the students’ Mandarin foundation based on the students’ self-introduction. If the average level of the students in the class is not good, she will start from the simplest initials and finals, and then guide the students to translate between Cantonese and Mandarin and practice in context.
If most of the students have a certain foundation in Mandarin, she will teach them step by step in the order of vocabulary, sentences, and context.

In her class, there are generally about 30 students, and each class is 3 hours. According to the allocation ratio of Sanqi, Xu Li always guides students to give seven points and herself three points in course design.
“Students need to speak a lot to practice using the language.”
She found that sometimes students did not speak very well, but instead stimulated the attention and enthusiasm of other students. “Among the laughter, I realized that half of the ten classmates would not make the same mistake.”

But some mistakes are difficult to correct for a while. The student nodded after being corrected, and continued to make the same mistake next time.

For example, when Hong Kong students express “you eat first” and “you go first”, they always say “you eat first” and “you go first”. This is because in Cantonese grammar, adverbs often come after verbs, that is, “you eat first” and “you walk first”.

Another habit that cannot be broken is that students like to add the word “then” at the beginning of every sentence. Xu Li explained that it is easier for students to learn Taiwanese Mandarin because Cantonese and Taipu have no tongue-twisting sounds. Influenced by Taiwanese culture, Hong Kong students like to start a sentence with “then”.

“Many students work very hard, and their notes are filled with pinyin.” Xu Li observed that after the oral English practice in class, some students would practice oral English by themselves after returning home.
Two weeks before the Primary 2 mandarin tuition final exam, she will announce the exam questions of 6 scenarios in advance, and the students will prepare them by themselves. During the exam, the students selected one of the topics and expressed it one-on-one in front of her.
“I will design some spoken language scenarios, for example, if you are the sales manager of a restaurant, what should you do when a customer is dissatisfied.”

Some diligent people thought out the answers to the six scenes in advance, wrote them down on paper, and began to recite them.
Xu Li always guides them not to use this method as much as possible: “What is written on the paper is written language, and I hope what they speak is spoken language.”

In her spare time, Xu Li once asked her students: “What are your hobbies?”

One of the answers is “look at the original novels on Qidian”.

Xu Li herself reads it every day, and reads a chapter or two when she suffers from insomnia. “This is a cultural exchange and a student’s hobby, but it works.”

In class, Xu Li does not deliberately teach simplified characters, and students rarely read mainland newspapers, but students can basically understand the original novels of Qidian Chinese website.
Some new Internet vocabulary, such as “very good” and “moving bricks”, Hong Kong students may not be able to react for a while, but in the context, it is easy to understand.
“There is no problem in reading, but I just don’t understand pinyin to text.” Chen Ke (pseudonym), born in 1997, is a student of Xu Li’s class of 2015.
When he was studying in Hong Kong, he went to Tsinghua University for exchange and also worked as an intern at CCTV.

As early as in elementary and middle school, Chen Ke had already learned Mandarin.

Putonghua has been a core subject in Hong Kong primary schools since 1998. Students enrolled in 1998 and later will learn Mandarin from the first grade of primary school to the third grade of junior high school.
In 2000, Putonghua became a subject of the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination. Primary 2 mandarin tuition become more and more useful.

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~

primary 2 mandarin tuition: cost or speed right now!

How to choose a primary 2 mandarin tuition class? In the third grade of elementary school, the reading is advanced, and students are also beginning to face the challenge of composition.
Many parents want to enroll their children in private composition remedial classes and composition camps outside the school classroom, and make arrangements for the entrance examination in advance.
There are many types of composition classes in the market, and the demands are also different. How to find the most suitable composition class for your child? Below is advice from schools and remedial teachers.
The child can’t speak Mandarin well? Let’s take a look at the primary 2 mandarin tuition in Hong Kong…

Children learning Mandarin will be delighted to discover that Mandarin has no verb conjugations and no irregular spelling or grammar.
That said, Mandarin has a reputation for being a challenging language—so, for parents interested in having their kids learn Mandarin, we’ll take a look at the challenges and how to address them.
 Chinese characters

Let’s start with one of the biggest challenges in learning Mandarin – the Chinese characters.
Unlike English, Spanish, French, German, and other European languages, Mandarin Chinese is written using glyphs, or pictographs, in which one or a few characters represent a word.

primary 2 mandarin tuition

Although Chinese has more than 80,000 “hanzi” or Chinese characters, it is said that learning the 1,000 most commonly used characters covers 92% of the written language.
Pinyin is the official romanization of Mandarin Chinese and helps students understand the pronunciation of words.

Chinese has two types of characters – Traditional and Simplified. Simplified characters were introduced by the Chinese government in the 1950s as a way to increase literacy.
As the name suggests, simplified characters generally have fewer strokes and are easier to learn and write.

Simplified characters are used in Mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia. Traditional characters are used in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.

Simplified characters are taught in most Mandarin courses in the United States. How are the roles different?

Some words, such as you (you) are the same in both traditional and simplified Chinese. Other characters are quite different — for example, body is a simplified version of body.
Hong Kong Chinese tutoring online courses have over 80,000 different Chinese characters – it sounds overwhelming. However, 1,000 commonly used Chinese characters are estimated to cover 92% of written information, and 3,000 Chinese characters are estimated to cover 99%.

Most college-educated adults use about 5,000 words in their daily life, work and study, and it is said that they only need about 3,500 to read China Daily.

challenge? Unlike English, where you can pronounce an unknown word using pinyin, for starters, Chinese characters give you no clues about how the word is pronounced or what it means.

To help cross that bridge, beginner books often spell out words in Pinyin, the official Roman phonetic system for Standard Chinese in mainland China, so students can learn to pronounce characters when they don’t know them.

 Idioms

China’s rich history and its wealth of stories and poems has led to the frequent use of idioms in speech.
These idioms can often be quoted in short phrases in conversation, and unless you know the idiom, it can be difficult to understand the meaning. For example, if you say “I threw a brick” at a business meeting, it sounds like an act of hostility. In fact, it references the Chinese idiom “throwing bricks to attract jade”.

In this context, it means “I offer some clichés to start with so others can offer valuable input.” It can be a very useful idiom once you know what it means.

Listen to Mandarin as much as possible
For the first month or two, just focus on listening.

Start by focusing on listening. Just getting used to the sound. You should read whatever you’re listening to, but do so using a phonetic writing system such as pinyin to better understand what you’re hearing. You’ll eventually have to learn the characters, but you can leave them alone and try to gain a little momentum in the language.

Take the time to memorize Chinese characters

Learning Chinese, Mandarin, is a long-term project. It will expose you to the languages and cultures of over 20% of humanity and have had a major impact on world history. For this reason, I always recommend learning Chinese characters if you are going to learn the language.
Once you decide to learn Chinese characters, study them every day. Spend half an hour to an hour every day learning Chinese characters. Use whatever method you want, but set aside a dedicated character study time each day. Why every day? Since you forget the characters almost as quickly as you learn them, you need to relearn them again and again.

You might want to use Anki or some other modern computer learning system. I developed my own spaced repetition system. I have a set of 1,000 little cardboard flashcards of the most common 1000 characters. I have a few sheets of graph paper to practice writing these characters.

I would take a card and write the character 10 times in one column on graph paper, then write the meaning or pronunciation in a few columns. Then I’d grab another flashcard and do the same thing.

Soon I encountered the meaning or sound of the previous character I wrote there.

Then I wrote that character a few more times, hopefully before I completely forget about primary 2 mandarin tuition.

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~


參與教育部普通話卓越計劃 (MEP) 的英格蘭學校現在已經進入強化語言教學模式的第六個年頭,每週提供 8 小時的普通話學習:4 小時與老師一起學習,4 小時獨立學習學習。該計劃由倫敦大學學院教育學院 (IOE) 與英國文化協會合作提供,旨在提供消除障礙以成功將普通話作為一門學科引入所需的時間和支持。
我們在 UCL IOE 的團隊定期提供有針對性的教師培訓、評估、針對個別學校情況的專家指導、教師製作的教材、支持建立大學合作夥伴關係以及其他實際支持。
通常,倫敦大學學院 IOE 和英國文化協會還提供面對面的強化學習體驗,以最大限度地提高學生的積極性和參與度——2021 年,我們轉向虛擬和混合學習方法,以保持學生的技能敏銳。

我們在大流行期間對 MEP 採取的方法是盡可能地發現和利用遠程學習的優勢。因此,MEP 學生有獨特的機會通過以下方式磨練他們的技能:

  • 通過自導項目調查目標語言和文化
  • 在引人入勝的新環境中與母語人士互動
  • 將他們的中文知識應用於現實世界的在線創意項目,以及
  • 在專業環境中在線嘗試中文補習技巧
    MEP 不規定特定的工作計劃或固定的家庭作業格式——但為了幫助提供每週 4 小時的自學,我們提供補充的現成學生項目。
    這些項目涵蓋了豐富的主題,從如何輸入中文(另一項關鍵技能!)的自學課程到高級 GCSE 水平的普通話探索聯合國可持續發展目標。

像這樣的學生項目在學校停課期間仍然可以使用。但是 MEP 提供的面對面學習體驗又如何呢?
當 9 年級學生無法在 2021 年夏季訪問中國時,英國文化協會和 IOE 與中國 14 所大學和語言教育與合作中心合作,為 1,400 名 9 年級學生提供了大規模的虛擬中國體驗,以磨練他們的跨文化能力和在線人際語言技能。
為期兩週的活動由中國合作大學虛擬主辦,我們在 UCL IOE 的課程團隊提供學習設計支持。


9 年級活動涵蓋四個不同的主題,選擇這些主題是為了幫助建立相關的 GCSE 詞彙。
在整個課程中,學生必須用中文聽、說、讀、寫。為了提高學生的文化意識,中國主辦大學還對名勝古蹟進行了虛擬參觀,並舉辦了互動講座——例如,作為大熊貓學習週期的一部分,學生們使用 Microsoft Teams 和問答平台 Kahoot 與熊貓專家進行了互動.

10 年級學生將在 2021 年舉辦他們自己的強化學習活動,重點是專業技能和中文職業未來。
MEP 旅遊營銷項目要求學生以小組為單位,用普通話製作專業的營銷活動,鼓勵中國遊客將來訪問當地。以前在諾丁漢舉行的面對面的住宿活動,原來為期四天的學習順序經過重新設計,
採用了混合學習方法。我和我在 IOE 的同事設計並構建了該課程的在線版本,該課程在線挑戰學生的團隊合作、計劃和數字創意技能,並鞏固他們的 GCSE 水平的普通話口語和中文補習技巧

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比方說,如果你為你的中文聘請了一位面授導師,而你根據自己的喜好覺得與那個導師不相容,並且你想為自己而改變,那麼告訴他/她是不是很困難只是去?如果選擇Online Chinese tutor,那就另當別論了。


不用說,與母語老師一起進行在線輔導肯定會讓您免於在最佳發音和 covid-19 之間進退兩難。


無論您的孩子學習需求如何 我們都有量身定制的解決方案 了解更多~





  1. 讓中文成為日常生活的一部分


  1. 用普通話與您的孩子交談



  1. 讓您的家人沉浸在中國文化中



無論您的孩子學習需求如何 我們都有量身定制的解決方案 了解更多~


隨著電暈日復一日地威脅著世界,人們越來越害怕出門。即使他們正在學習,他們也打算放棄學習,回到原來的地方。由於講師和學生都拒絕外出,面對面的中文課程已被故意關閉。另一方面,網上中文補習正在迅速普及。以下是在這場災難中在線學習中文的 10 大好處。
如果大人或小孩要參加戶外課程,監護人或本人必須考慮到到達目的地的時間,並必須提前 1 小時或更短時間離開家。

然而,如果我們考慮到負擔能力,可能的選擇會再次縮小。唯一剩下的就是在線輔導,因為 1 對 1 的家庭輔導成本太高,而且導師已經考慮了他們到達客戶所需的距離和所花費的時間。因為這次危機,中文網課的收費會有所上漲。但是,它可以被認為是“值得購買”。
我們如何為我們用靈魂愛的孩子選擇最好的導師?一種錯誤的教學方法……一切都會結束…… .我們通常會選擇最相處的那個嗎?








無論您的孩子學習需求如何 我們都有量身定制的解決方案 了解更多~