
中國越來越擔心學生心理健康問題激增。但“零 COVID”也給教師帶來了驚人的損失。
當於 2021 年搬到中國東部城市杭州開始她的第一份教學工作時,她滿懷希望和理想主義來到這裡。這位應屆畢業生立志要教育下一代,把她照顧下的每一個少年都當成獨立的個體來對待。
這並沒有持續多久。幾週之內,於發現自己難以應付。她有 80 名學生要教,要遵循嚴格的、以考試為導向的課程,以及達到遠大的成績目標的巨大壓力。她開始患上焦慮症。
“我覺得自己像一台機器,而學生們都是模子,”Yu 說,出於隱私原因,他使用化名與 Sixth Tone 交談。 “在我工作的第一年,我每天都在哭。有很多事情我無法適應。”
近年來,中國越來越關注學生的心理健康。 2020 年,中國科學院下屬研究人員估計,中國近 25% 的青少年患有某種形式的抑鬱症——這一發現引發了一波改善中國學校心理支持服務的改革浪潮。
然而,人們很少關注影響教師的日益嚴重的心理健康危機。許多中國教育工作者在 2020 年之前就已經在苦苦掙扎,因為學校和咄咄逼人的家長施加了不懈的壓力來提高學生在該國最重要的全國考試中的成績。但在大流行期間,情況變得更糟。
與其他地方一樣,封鎖和在線教學使中國教師的壓力水平飆升。但與大多數國家不同的是,大流行病“新常態”從未結束。本月,中國學校在“零 COVID”限制下第三個學年復課。快照鎖定和耗時的病毒控制協議仍然很常見。


許多人無法應對壓力。去年發表的一項研究發現,超過 75% 的中國教師有中度至重度焦慮,而 34.4% 的小學教師和 28.3% 的中學教師有患抑鬱症的高風險。

在中國每年 9 月 10 日的教師節之前,來自全國各地的 10 位教育工作者進行了交談。由於疫情或“雙減”,他們中的大多數人工作時間比以前更長,因此承受著壓力和焦慮。然而,許多人表示,他們的學校提供的支持很少,心理健康服務往往側重於學生。


考試前的一年是日復一日的緊張補習——這對老師和學生來說都一樣累人。 Yu 從早上 7 點工作到晚上 9:30。工作日,週六也有課。她的命運取決於她學生的成績,因為中國的小學中文作文補習推薦幾乎完全取決於他們的高考成績。


1.學習拼音。學習中文拼音同時也是在為中文的學習打好堅實基礎~ 不僅口語上發音更加準確,也能讓小朋友更好表達自己,學習和理解中文。




學習一切你所能學,任何時間,無論向誰,總有一天你會為你所做感到欣慰。–薩拉 考德威爾


1.增加閱讀量。顧名思義,擴充你的詞匯量,閱讀文章數量。這不僅僅帶來的是更多的閱讀經歷,在這個過程中,同時會引發更多小朋友們自己的想法和思考,與此同時增強語感,鍛煉也提高了思維能力。“讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神。”“熟讀唐詩三百首,不會作詩也會吟。” “問渠那得清如許,為有源頭活水來。”無一不證明了閱讀和寫作之間密不可分的聯繫,小朋友們想要文筆出眾,必要先做好充足準備基礎。
以上就是我向大家分享的小秘訣!希望小朋友們在學習過程中寓教於樂,感興趣而積極學習,取得更多收穫! 小學中文作文補習推薦還是要因人而異~




2.學習拼音的發音規則,例如什麼時候需要加聲調、什麼時候需要變調等。這點很重要~ 在學習過程中也要加上自己的親身練習,記憶才會更加深刻。


你在疑惑為什麼一定要加入小學中文作文補習行列對嗎?Read it!三分鐘快速解答你的疑問~
也許你會好奇,“Why I choose Sinobus”??




香港兒童學習中文拼音不用擔心~ 這篇文章輕鬆讓你愛上學習中文!







Online Chinese Class for kids What should I do ?

Recently, I received a message, about Online Chinese Class for kids from an American parent, saying that her daughter is 7 years old, and she will have Chinese lessons every weekend.
The child can use Chinese for daily communication at home and knows a lot of Chinese characters.
In order to expand the child’s Chinese vocabulary She bought Chinese books marked with pinyin for her child, but found that her child’s pinyin is not very good, and it is easy for her to make mistakes when encountering unfamiliar characters.
Once, the child encountered the word “can” and saw “càn” marked in pinyin, and directly pronounced it as “can” in English.
Another time when I saw “hèn”, it was also pronounced as “hen” in English. Although the two pronunciations are similar, there are still differences when you carefully distinguish them.
The mother also found that it is more difficult for the daughter to distinguish between “ou” and “uo”, and when encountering “hòu” and “huò”, she does not know which is which.
My mother would like to ask if there is any way to help her daughter learn pinyin well. If she keeps getting confused with English, will giving up pinyin have any effect on learning Chinese.
As native speakers of English, it is normal for Chinese children to be easily confused with English letters, words as well.

When learning Pinyin, because Pinyin is a form of phoneticizing Chinese characters with English letters.

For example, “A” can be pronounced as “ei” or “ɑ:”. After seeing it, it is understandable for children to be unsure which sound to pronounce for a while. Then pinyin is easy to make mistakes, as my mother said, can I just skip it?
After all, Pinyin is just a phonetic system for Chinese characters. The same sound can correspond to many words, and a word can have multiple pronunciations. When you see a pinyin, you can’t be sure which word it is.
Even if you learn it, you can’t spell it like the natural spelling in English Reading is the same, to achieve the effect that you can read the words when you see them, and you can spell them when you hear them.
Moreover, people in ancient times did not have pinyin. Didn’t scholars also learn how to read?
Some children do not learn pinyin, but this will require a higher vocabulary for the children, and in the future learning, it is difficult to determine how to read Chinese characters they do not know.
Even if they look up the dictionary through radicals, but because If you don’t know pinyin, you still can’t know how to read Chinese characters.
Online Chinese Class for kids every time you recognize a character, you need to ask teachers and parents for help. After learning Pinyin, the child can look up the dictionary independently, which is convenient for recognizing characters; it can also help the child increase the amount of reading. In the primary stage of Chinese, many books contain Pinyin.
After the child learns Pinyin, he can also read picture books alone, it can help improve their vocabulary.
Therefore, parents who want their children to learn pinyin but are hesitant can try to let their children learn pinyin.
In order to help children learn pinyin better, the teacher introduces three ways to learn pinyin well.
By practicing anytime and anywhere, it will naturally be different from English if you practice more.

For children who are just beginning to learn, when practicing pinyin pronunciation, you can find out which initials and finals are the same or similar to English pronunciation, and find a good pair, so that getting started will be very simple.
For example, the pronunciation of the initials “b, p, m, f, d, t, n, l, k, h” in Pinyin is the same as that of English consonants, so no special memory is required; another example is the sound “g” in There is a pronunciation [g] in English that is the same as Pinyin, and the same pronunciation can be used to assist in memorizing Pinyin.
Then pick out the pinyin with special pronunciation, such as “j, q, x, zh, ch, sh, z, c” and “ü”.

Such as individual pinyin with special pronunciation, memorize it separately, and the pronunciation of pinyin is basically no problem .
For children of this age, learning pinyin by playing games will make the practice more effective.
In the game of finding friends, write the initials and finals on different cards, and the mother reads a pinyin “guò” to let the children find the corresponding cards.
See if you can form pinyin, and then read it out, and compare who has formed more pinyin, so that in the process of playing games, children can understand the pronunciation of initials and finals more clearly, as well as the composition of pinyin.
Mothers can usually find some Chinese versions of English nursery rhymes for children, such as the song “Little Star”.

The melody is familiar to children, but the Chinese lyrics are changable.
You can sing and find the joy of learning pinyin from music.
In a similar way, you can also find some catchy tongue twisters, such as “eight hundred pacesetters rushing to the north slope”, which can strengthen children’s memory of the confusing “b” and “p”.
After practicing a few more times, record the tongue twisters she said, and then listen to them yourself.
It is easy to find the Online Chinese Class for kids you overlooked when speaking, so that the pronunciation will gradually become more and more accurate. After learning, you can also let others Kids can try it too, it’s a lot of fun.
In short, learning Pinyin is not difficult. Children tend to confuse it with English mainly because they don’t practice enough. Parents don’t have to worry too much.
If there is confusion in pronunciation, parents can correct it at any time.
At the same time, through the three methods introduced to you just now, parents can practice more with their children at home. After laying the foundation of Online Chinese Class for kids, it is no problem for children to correctly distinguish between pinyin and English.

Online Chinese class for kids start from “Pinyin”

Some parents think that the first thing to do when Online Chinese class for kids is to learn “Pinyin”.
Some parents think that they should wait for their children to learn the phonetic system of their first language before learning Pinyin.
Learning pinyin helps to make pronunciation more standard.
Pinyin can accurately help us obtain accurate listening information and express accurately in Chinese.
If you want to quickly improve your Chinese listening and reading ability, learn 4 tones, 23 initials, 24 finals, and 16 overall pronunciation recognition Festival is essential.
After learning pinyin, you can easily solve the learning problems of unfamiliar words. Even if there is no tool and no one to teach you how to pronounce it, you can spell it out.
This can also improve the efficiency of Chinese learning.
There are many parents in Hong Kong who prepare some Chinese picture books for their children to learn pinyin.
Although they contain pinyin, their children can’t recognize and read. Therefore, reading picture books basically depends on the guidance of their parents.
After nearly half a year of learning pinyin, most of the children can already complete some picture book reading independently, and will take the initiative to find picture books they are interested in.
Pinyin is an effective tool for literacy and learning Chinese, as well as an auxiliary tool for reading and writing.
Therefore, the answer to this question is obvious, “to learn Chinese, it is necessary to learn Pinyin”.
However, when it comes to “at what age is it better for children to learn pinyin? How to learn pinyin”, different people have different opinions.
As far as I am concerned, the age group suitable for children to learn pinyin is divided into the following three stages.
[Students aged 3-6]
Children at this stage have mastered their own first language and have entered the stage of forming sentences.
They can gradually realize that the words they express follow certain rules, and they can repeat the sentences they hear.
If you let your child enter pinyin learning in the preschool stage, you need to pay attention to two points.
One is to discover in time the impact of the child’s first language pronunciation on Chinese learning.
Most of the children in this age group have not fully acquired the first language phonetic system.
If they start to learn pinyin, the child’s phonetic discrimination ability is not yet mature. Undoubtedly, the two phonetics will interact and help each other. There are also implications.

Online Chinese class for kids

The second is to pay attention to the fun. Pinyin learning should be in line with the child’s age, cognition and psychological characteristics.
By means of games or storytelling, let the children master the initials, finals, and tones in Pinyin, which can attract children’s attention. In other words, we have to teach children to “speak and play Pinyin”, instead of parents “to speak and learn Pinyin”.
In addition, through years of classroom observation, we found that it is easier for children at this stage to acquire phonetic accuracy and clarity close to their native language when learning pinyin.
[Students aged 6-12]
Students in this age group start to study in primary school. From this age stage alone, it is not difficult to see that it is the strongest learning ability of children, and it is also the most critical stage for the formation of children’s language ability.
When children enter elementary school, they begin to learn the first language systematically, and have a more complete and clear understanding of the phonetic system of the first language.
This is especially important for Online Chinese class for kids, because students usually learn Chinese at this stage.
In my own mind, I actively compare some first language sounds with Pinyin, so as to reduce the troubles my first language brings to Pinyin learning. This is the age group with the best pinyin learning efficiency.
This is also the stage that this article believes is most suitable for overseas Chinese children to learn pinyin.
I hope that parents will not let their children miss this golden period of pinyin learning. Online Chinese class for kids at this stage, attention should be paid to correcting the child’s pronunciation, especially the tones in pinyin, because children can already realize that the four tones in pinyin do not exist in their first language.
Difficult-to-pronounce pinyin may have inaccurate pronunciation and intonation. Therefore, when parents accompany their children to study, they should correct their children’s pronunciation and intonation in time.
[ Students aged after12]
Students at this stage begin to enter secondary school.
They have formed a complete first language phonetic system, and when learning pinyin, they will consciously and accurately compare the phonetic systems of the two languages.
In addition, most Chinese middle school students already have a considerable level of Chinese foundation.
Middle school is more like a period of language advancement. It is necessary to complete a certain number of texts and literary works. The intensive content makes reading more difficult. For children to master Pinyin
The level of reading is also a test. What if, the child cannot read the content of the text fluently, it will, definitely, hinder the student’s understanding of the text. Thus, slowing down the pace of the child’s Chinese improvement.
For overseas Chinese children, learning Chinese, learning pinyin meets the needs of students’ physical and mental development, and also meets the characteristics of students’ second or foreign language learning.
If your child is learning Pinyin, let us encourage him to persevere, overcome this difficulty, and lay a good foundation for the development of Chinese “listening, speaking, reading, and writing”.
If you are still hesitating about Online Chinese class for kids for your child, you might as well try our suggestions.

Online Chinese class for Kids are necessary?

Parents often have questions like: “How important is Pinyin in learning Chinese?” , to help children improve their interest in reading, Online Chinese class for Kids is very helpful for them.
Today I will answer your questions about Chinese learning.
[The Importance of Learning Pinyin].
At the beginning of Chinese, there was no pinyin, and each Chinese character itself represented its pronunciation.
In order to standardize and unify pronunciation, from the Pronunciation Unification Conference held in Beijing in 1913 to 1958 after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the first National People’s Congress officially approved and promulgated the “Chinese Pinyin Program”, and in the autumn of the same year, primary schools across the country began to teach Chinese Pinyin.
Since then, the current Chinese Pinyin has become the first lesson in primary school Chinese textbooks, and it has continued for more than 60 years.
Compared with the thousands of years of Chinese characters, the 60-year history of Pinyin is relatively short.
In Chinese teaching, the role of pinyin is more of an auxiliary, mainly used for pronunciation and literacy, and it is also a bridge for children to transition from “passive literacy”to”autonomous reading”.
Pinyin is also essential when typing on computers and mobile phones in the future.
In the Sinobus teaching system, pinyin teaching is a very important part.
We found that children who are good at learning Pinyin are better at literacy speed, pronunciation accuracy, and independent Chinese reading speed.
However, without the help of pinyin, children can also directly establish a connection between Chinese characters and sounds.
The role of pinyin is more to provide unified pronunciation and standardized reference. The status of pinyin is similar to that of phonetic symbols in English.
Whether it is pinyin or phonetic symbols, it is only an accessory of the language, not a part of the language itself. Therefore, when learning Chinese, children must realize that Chinese characters are the main body of Chinese, and Pinyin is an auxiliary learning tool.
[Direct literacy].
Due to the different characteristics of Chinese characters and pinyin characters, they need to use different learning methods.
To learn to recognize pinyin characters, the most important thing is to develop spelling ability; while to learn to recognize Chinese characters, the most important thing is to develop the ability to distinguish glyphs.
Online Chinese class for Kids for the first time, their overall memorization ability is very strong.
They use a video camera to engrave Chinese characters into their minds one by one. This is the best time to learn Chinese characters.

Online Chinese class for Kids

At the initial stage of children’s learning of Chinese characters, the most important thing is to develop their keen ability to distinguish and understand Chinese characters in a timely manner. The teaching design of Sinobus pays special attention to children’s ability to develop direct literacy.
Direct literacy + pinyin assistance.
Learning Chinese characters first not only allows children to have a deep understanding of Chinese from the shape and meaning of Chinese characters, but also completely separates Chinese characters from pinyin characters, which can also cultivate children’s cognitive ability for Chinese characters.
It means. After getting acquainted with the basic shapes and structures of Chinese characters, introduce the systematic study of Pinyin, which will get twice the result with half the effort.
Will pinyin be confused with natural phonetics?
Phonics is a teaching method for children in English-speaking countries to learn English pronunciation and spelling, and improve reading and comprehension.
By directly learning the pronunciation rules of 26 letters and letter combinations in words, establish the perception of letters, letter combinations and pronunciation, and master the rules of English spelling.
So as to achieve the purpose of reading by reading and writing by listening.
For overseas children in the first and second grades of elementary school, phonics is the focus of the school’s teaching.
Because both pinyin and phonics are related to the Latin alphabet, it is easy for children to make mistakes when they first come into contact with the pronunciation.
In addition, if a child is exposed to phonics and pinyin at the same time, due to the excessive input of language signals, the brain needs to spend more time processing the information, which may cause confusion.
This is like the fact that children who learn to speak in a bilingual environment not only speak later than children who grow up in a single language environment, but also confuse the two languages in the early stages.
Online Chinese class for Kids (Pinyin letters) are abstract phonetic symbols and lack specific content, so learning them may be a bit boring.
Following the rules of children’s understanding of things, Sinobus carefully designs interesting and interactive courseware, adopts a variety of lively and vivid forms, and visualizes the boring content, so that children can master Pinyin in a relaxed and happy manner.
Online Chinese class for Kids, they are always confused by various words.
Obviously the pronunciation is the same, but the meaning is completely different; obviously it looks different, but it can express the same meaning.
Therefore, it is very important to sort out words with similar meanings, that is, synonyms.