Learn Chinese online for kids what did I do?

Is it better to Learn Chinese online for kids earlier? Pay attention to these key points!
Bilingual teaching can positively stimulate children’s brain development.

Many parents have many doubts about when they should start learning English for their children. Should I learn Chinese first and then start learning English? Or Chinese and English can be done at the same time?
According to Gigi Luk, an American research institute on bilingual learning – Harvard education scholar, bilingualism is a lifelong experience that shapes our brains.
Moreover, he believes that learning at a young age has a positive stimulating effect on the development of the brain. Why do you say that?
According to statistical analysis, bilingual education can improve concentration. Many children of Chinese families in the United States use English at school and Chinese at home.
The child will say “goodbye” to his mother before going out. When he arrives at school, he will automatically switch the language system and say “Good Morning” to the teacher. a named vocabulary. In their cognitive and language systems, both Chinese and English grammatical habits are also built-in.
Children have a strong learning ability, they will automatically switch languages, and choose which language to use in which environment.
According to research by scientists, such children have a very special experience in learning languages, and their bilingual reading ability is significantly better than that of children of the same age.
Moreover, the ability to understand articles and vocabulary is not inferior to children with Learn Chinese online for kids.
Because of this, American public schools have already largely set up bilingual programs, allowing many second-generation immigrant students to learn both their mother tongue and English at the same time. Bilingual instruction is currently being expanded in New York City, North Carolina, Delaware, Utah, Oregon, and Washington state.
Therefore, the sooner children start learning English, it will not cause confusion, but it will allow children to win at the starting point.
Choose an English learning mode that suits your child early.

Learn Chinese online for kids

As mentioned earlier, in the trend of innovation and change in modern science and technology, education has developed an emerging experience that is completely different from traditional teaching.
To learn English, you must also abandon the traditional way of sitting in the classroom and listening to lectures.
Instead of letting children listen and be in a passive absorption posture, I am willing to say that active learning will be better through play.
That said, encourage children to express themselves, allow for failure and the possibility of making mistakes, and don’t take away the joy of learning in the first place.
Children are just starting to learn Chinese, isn’t it the same?
They will go through the stage of babbling, and the use of vocabulary and syntax may not be correct, but they find it fun, can express their opinions, and learn the language from constant mistakes.
This is the way of learning that is close to daily life.
Therefore, smart parents should also change their concepts, and stop letting their children think that learning English is just to meet the requirements of cram school teachers or parents’ expectations.
Learning a new language can be fun, interesting and stress-free.
When they are babbling, they can combine DVD bilingual, YOUTUBE bilingual programs and various online learning platforms at the same time. Let them absorb at the same time at the stage of building the language.
Don’t be afraid to try. You can start with topics that each child is interested in, such as nursery rhymes, numbers, colors, toys, and cartoons. You can watch Chinese movies for the first time, and English movies for the second time, alternately.
How parents learn English with their children

Many parents are wondering, their English pronunciation is not standard, and they know the skills to cope with exams, but they cannot use colloquial English in their daily life, so how should they provide their children with an English learning environment?
Actually, there are many different solutions to this.
First of all, in terms of co-reading English picture books, you can start with reading books with simple sentences. Let children get used to basic English first, such as the names of items, characters, and animals that they use every day.
When children have a general understanding of these vocabulary, it will be easier to advance in Learn Chinese online for kids.
Furthermore, parents can search for the names of English picture books on the Internet Youtube. There are many foreign teachers who will record the content of the picture books.
These videos are free, and they are foreign accents, which can relieve many parents from worrying about their English pronunciation. Incorrect doubts.
These videos can also be a bridge to help children get in touch with English picture books, because some children’s books are available in both Chinese and English, and parents can make good use of these online resources.
Or, there are many popular cartoons, such as Pepe Pig, which are available in both English and Chinese. This is also a teaching material that parents can make good use of.
When children watch these cartoons, because they really want to know what happened to the protagonist of the story, those words are only auxiliary for him, and they will not be afraid.
Even if you don’t understand it at first, you won’t feel frustrated because there are many animations to assist.
According to statistics, if it lasts for 30 minutes a day, after half a year, the child’s English ears will be formed naturally.
Create an English environment that schools cannot provide
Breaking away from the traditional learning mode of classrooms, combining advanced technology in the industry, and connecting with global learning resources is an inescapable trend in future learning. How should parents of the new generation choose?

Online interactive learning materials and Learn Chinese online for kids are innovative learning methods in this trend. Why not start now?



習慣 #1:讓您孩子的中文學習成為一種有趣的家庭體驗!



  1. 用中文問孩子簡單的問題來建立他們的信心

我是如何讓我 7 歲的孩子開始小一中文補習的?

“在一個風和日麗的早上(一個晴朗的早晨)……”——如果這句話貫穿了你虛偽的 B4 中文作文學校生活,那麼恭喜你,你已經成為了“千禧一代的父母”普通話,怎麼用拼音教我的孩子?”俱樂部。
以下是我在 7 歲時將普通話引入兒子日常生活的方式:
“我不是中國人甚麼的,那我為什麼要學普通話?”我 7 歲的半歐亞混血兒打趣道,我 100% 的新加坡華人,有時是阿蓮靈魂,難以置信地盯著他看。我在腦海裡想方設法告訴他,僅僅因為他的出生證明上寫著“歐亞混血兒”。


問題 #2:我們的環境主要由講英語的人組成
那個,作為單親父母,傳授普通話的責任完全落在了我的肩上。儘管我能用普通話讀、說、寫,但我一生都用英語與父母交談,與 Lucien 也是如此。我們所有的親密家人和朋友也會說英語,包括 Lucien 的學校夥伴
事實上,普通話的基礎從一開始就不存在。即使我嘗試加入偶爾的中文問候語和高頻詞,也不足以牢牢掌握這門語言的基礎知識。我每天晚上都可以說“睡覺”(shuì jiaò – 睡覺),對他來說是“一隻耳朵進,一隻耳朵出”。
另外,如果您有一個上小學的孩子,您的設備很可能會被 Roblox 和 Minecraft 等遊戲劫持。您的 YouTube 帳戶可能包含正在隨機播放的遊戲主播。
問題?屏幕時間太多,小一中文補習相關練習太少。雖然 Lucien 可以拋出“POV”和“IDK”等首字母縮略詞,但他的普通話是 CMI。
“為什麼都是英文的?”有一天我問他,希望他這個 7 歲的孩子能明白,這實際上是一個讓他多看普通話節目的神秘信息。他毫不猶豫地聲稱自己還觀看了俄語版的動畫坦克視頻。
Lucien 是在進入學前班後才接觸到普通話的,我說他們的普通話水平比我喝兩杯酒後還高,我不騙你。他被要求抄寫連我都聽不懂的單詞的文章。沒有基礎,加上陡峭的學習曲線等同於他絕對討厭他的母語。

香港中文網課補習的現實 你不得不知道

迷你普通話學習中心創辦人岑麗娟表示:“普通話是世界上使用最多的語言。作為父母,如果您要選擇一種語言來增加孩子的技能組合,您可能會希望選擇一種被廣泛使用的語言,這種語言在社會和經濟上都有好處。” Anita認為,除了說普通話的巨大交流潛力外,學習這門中文還可以讓孩子在中國的商業世界中有機會。


對於迄今為止只接觸過一種語言的孩子的父母來說,這是一種安慰。 Anita 解釋說:“他們自然而然地學習,吸收第二語言的聲音、結構、語調模式和規則,就像他們吸收母語一樣直觀。”
對於那些有 7 歲以上孩子的人來說,一切並沒有丟失,儘管他們的學習速度會比弟弟妹妹慢,而且他們的發音也不那麼令人信服。
Anita 解釋說,“年齡較大的學習者在 8-12 歲時失去了聽到和準確重現新聲音的能力,並且往往有‘口音’。年輕的學習者受益於靈活的耳朵和語言肌肉,它們仍然可以聽到第二語言聲音之間的關鍵差異,並以母語般的質量重現它們。”
Chinese International School中文教學負責人Cathy Zhang認同學習中文有很多實實在在的好處,“很多研究發現,學習另一種語言可以改變孩子的大腦,他們在很多方面都更靈活、更聰明。”


為什麼越來越多香港小朋友們開始學中文,各種中文網課補習一股浪潮。So what?
全球有超過 10 億講中文的人,而且中國正在崛起為全球強國,中文位居 2022 年最重要的學習語言列表之首,尤其是對於講英語的人。
Internet 已成為我們日常生活中的全球通信方式。它徹底改變了許多不同的領域——包括中文網課補習





通過與其他家長交談,Tao 還設法找到了被關閉的中心的替代品。現在,她將孩子送到兩名私人英語輔導老師、兩個中文閱讀和寫作技能輔導中心以及一個數學奧林匹克項目的班級。
“他們從不公開宣傳他們的服務;他們的聲譽通過口口相傳傳播開來,”Tao 說。 “我認識的大多數孩子的課程被取消的父母都找到了新的替代課程。”
“就像我在黑暗中看到了光,”吳說。 “所有大型補習中心都關門了,我不知道該去哪裡。有一件事我不會妥協:我的孩子不應該停止學習,只要她能應付得來。”
吳住在香港市中心——這個地區因名額競爭激烈而臭名昭著。雖然只有 7 歲,但她的女兒已經踏上了學業的跑步機。今年夏天,她將參加兩個英語課程、一個中文課程和數學課程,以及一系列非學術課程:繪畫、芭蕾舞、計算機科學和游泳。


在禁令之前,吳某每年只支付 2 萬多塊錢,就可以把女兒送到英語補習中心。現在,她為三對一的私人課程支付了雙倍的費用。加起來,女兒的額外學費每個月要花去她家一萬元左右。
對於吳和她的丈夫來說,費用是可以控制的:他們有一份不錯的白領工作,他們的年收入加起來超過 100 萬元。但很多家庭就沒那麼幸運了。香港夫婦的平均收入約為其中的四分之一。
“家教更貴……現在,連一般的中產家庭都負擔不起;只有中上階層才能做到,”Cherng 教授說。 “當制定這些政策時,往往是關於後續行動:政府如何執法,如何確保它不僅僅是為精英提供更多優勢。”
— Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng,學者
“我認為目前我的安排並沒有讓我的女兒處於非常緊張的境地,”吳說。 “但我不知道當她進入高年級時,是否會因為額外學習的壓力而感到困擾。”
但吳覺得她別無選擇:她知道女兒的很多同學整個暑假都要補課,她不想讓女兒落後。 “雙降”政策正是針對這種自我強化的社會競爭循環——在中國被稱為“內捲”——而設計的。
“有時候,我也很困惑,為什麼北京和上海的父母要如此瘋狂地準備孩子,”吳說。 “但當整體氛圍如此時,我覺得有必要讓我的女兒參加那些中文網課補習。我對此並不高興,但我必須這樣做。”

呈分試中文補習攻略學會了 然後呢?

家長們都希望自己小朋友可以順利入讀Band 1香港中學,大家也知道呈分試是決定小朋友們升讀中學的重要因素。不過,家長對於呈分試成績具體如何影響派位、呈分科目的比重有何重要等,似乎模煳不清。今天小編就給各位家長詳細介紹一下呈分試的具體細節以及呈分試中文補習攻略


而3次呈分試的比重相同,教育局會再用每所小學過往畢業生的中一入學前測驗的成績為作調整,給予每名小六學生一個分數,並以此分數排列,平均分為3個組別,即Band 1、Band 2及Band3學生。

Online Chinese class for kids How to choose?

Online Chinese class for kids, grasp the 3 main points and find a cram school suitable for your child.
Many parents will start to develop their children’s English ability and choose suitable cram schools for their children when their children are in junior high school.
However, in addition to choosing the right cram school, it is also very important to understand how to read Chinese and English and supplement enough Chinese and English vocabulary.
This article first introduces the advantages and trends of junior high school English cram schools for you, and teaches you the key points of choosing junior high school cram schools and how to increase your English vocabulary.
Finally, it provides junior high school cram school recommendations to prepare for learning English in advance.
If you are considering whether to let your child go to junior high school cram school to learn Chinese, then you first need to clarify the two purposes of attending cram school.
The first is to let your child broaden their knowledge and know that there is something in the future through healthy competition between the environment and peers.

Online Chinese class for kids

There are more things to learn, and through competition with classmates, the grades can be improved; while the second purpose is mainly to take care of and supervise, for example: parents will send children who are less spontaneous in reading to local schools In the cram school, accompanied by the cram school teacher, let the children complete the study questions and improve their grades.
From a long-term perspective, the purpose of the former will be better, just like the direction of hard work.
The cram school is not only an environment to urge children to learn, but also allows children to realize the general environment and the status of their school careers, so as to cultivate children’s ability to learn, and progressive awareness.
However, no matter what the purpose is, it is the key goal of choosing a cram school to let children start Chinese tutoring from the middle school period and accumulate Chinese proficiency.
The following are the three major advantages of online Chinese tutoring:
Training replaces companionship to improve children’s learning efficiency:
Since the school is compulsory education, under the normal division of classes, the teacher must take into account the learning progress of all students, but for children with higher levels, it may consume his interest in learning and motivation.
However, compared with the Chinese courses at school, the cram school will provide more logical teaching materials and extracurricular tutoring content to help children sort out the grammar they should learn in Chinese, and at the same time improve their speaking and reading skills, and learn from a more comprehensive perspective.
Training allows students to learn more efficiently, and then replaces the accompanying learning method.
Healthy competition with outstanding peers:
Junior high school teachers usually start teaching from a relatively simple foundation, but some children have already learned it, and what these children need is to compete with each other and help them move towards their goals.
This will not only target Students who do not perform well in the exam will be given extra reinforcement, and it will also let students feel the atmosphere that their peers in the cram school are working hard, increase learning motivation with healthy competition, and help children improve their Chinese learning ability!
Advance learning:
If the student is of a higher level, in the current situation that the content of the textbook is less, the student may waste time waiting for the progress of other students.
Online Chinese class for kids means that when others are building habits.
They have already completed the three-year junior high school courses ahead of time, and use the time to strengthen other weak subjects or extracurricular extensions.
How to choose the right Chinese tuition class?
Analyze 3 key points
Choosing the right cram school is the cornerstone of everything for your child’s Chinese learning.
The following 3 selection points will help you find the right Chinese cram school.
Parents can enter the class to understand:
Although some teachers are strict in management, the strictness is traceable and very fair and just.
By letting parents enter the class to understand the class situation and understand the content of the teacher’s class, you can know each teacher.
There are some differences in the way of teaching, so we can know more about the learning status of children.
Many parents are not aware of the above-mentioned adjustments, and the cram school not only allows children to consult, but also allows parents to know the current changes in the school system, examinations and learning methods.
Peer environment of healthy competition:
Having a good environment can improve children’s learning ability.
For example, the level of children in schools will also vary due to the gap between urban and rural areas. Choosing a cram school close to the city center can make students more willing to learn through peer competition.
For example: Most of the cram schools in Taipei are for middle-to-upper students who are willing to compete. In addition, through the list, you can understand the level of the cram school students.
If you can prove that your peers are strong enough, Online Chinese class for kids, he will work harder to keep up with everyone’s footsteps, which will help improve learning motivation.
How to increase Chinese vocabulary? 3 must-know points~
If you want to have a good Chinese ability, you must have enough vocabulary.
The following 3 methods will teach you to increase your Chinese vocabulary.
Systematic learning of words: Using the learning method of concentric circles, usually as long as one word is learned, similar words or synonyms will be more impressive.
In reading or writing, there are actually many commonly used words that appear together, so students must get used to memorizing words in concentric circles, so that the amount of words will continue to expand.
Clearly read aloud words: Usually, when reciting words, students will memorize Chinese first and then pronounce the pronunciation.
Although they have an impression of the syllables, but at the moment of examination or reading, the speed of association will be slow, so it is recommended to be clear when reciting words Read the word aloud to help improve the impression of the word.
Learn more words in advance: The amount of words in Chinese is like learning Chinese.
It needs long-term and regular accumulation, and it is necessary to develop the habit of reciting some words every day in order to quickly acquire enough words.
Chinese words are mostly composed of prefixes, roots and suffixes.
A deep understanding of the meaning of words can improve the efficiency of reciting.
Although most children know that they need to recite words, write sentences, and practice grammar.
But because children are less trained in reading at the elementary Online Chinese class for kids, their learning may not be in place and in-depth.


對於希望獲得進入首選大學所需成績的 IB 和 A-level 學生來說,輔導尤其有用。對於這個群體,呈分試中文補習攻略通常可以幫助學生將“B”成績變成“A”。
第三組包括需要為 SAT 和 ACT 等標準化考試做準備的學生。


寒假是報名參加額外學費的好時機。 NTK 學習中心提供一系列冬季課程和私人團體,以滿足 IB、IGCSE、GCE AL 和美國考試準備。
NTK Academic Group 創始人兼董事總經理 T. K. Ng 先生認為,“成為一名優秀教師的是能夠與學生產生共鳴並確定每個學習者的獨特需求的能力。”

Online Chinese learning what’s wrong with that?

How to break through the bottleneck of overseas Chinese youth Online Chinese learning from the some troubles?
Parents should reflect on whether we have said too much about why we should learn Chinese, but rarely actively explore and listen to the reasons why children do not want to learn.
When facing children’s negative thoughts about learning Chinese, parents must understand the meaning behind the five words “I don’t want to learn Chinese” and grasp the problem in order to prescribe the right medicine.
The process from “I don’t want to learn Chinese!” to “I love Chinese!” must be inseparable from the correct guidance of parents and the firm belief that children must learn Chinese well.
Facing the child, we should be a listener, a guide who is not powerful or oppressive, and when the child wants to give up, walk with him gently and firmly, understand his emotions when the child needs help, and help rationally.
He solves problems.
First of all, from the perspective of students, firm cultural self-confidence is the prerequisite for Chinese learning. Most overseas Chinese teenagers were born and raised in the country of residence.
Only when they recognize the identity of their parents and grandparents as overseas Chinese and have a sense of closeness to China can they truly accept Chinese learning.
It can be said that the premise of Chinese learning is cultural self-confidence centered on national pride and belonging.
In the process of establishing a sense of national pride and belonging, we should teach students in accordance with their aptitude and make the best use of the situation.
For example, I want to make a video call with my grandparents in China, I want to know why dumplings are eaten during the Spring Festival, I want to understand Chinese cartoons, etc.
With the initial motivation, there will be an entrance to learn Chinese.
Forming a long-term interest is fundamental to determining the level of Chinese, because interest is the internal driving force for learning Chinese.
Chinese learning should not be limited to how many words and sentences must be mastered at any stage, but should always maintain interest in learning.
Whether the Chinese level can continue to improve, and whether they can continue to study after adulthood are also important factors.
Secondly, from the perspective of parents, parents are the main factors that constitute the family’s language environment.
Parents’ language strategies and cultural awareness largely determine the attitudes of overseas Chinese teenagers towards Online Chinese learning.
In my opinion, parents can promote their children’s Chinese learning from four aspects.
First, insist on speaking Chinese at home, even if the child does not answer in Chinese, parents must insist on speaking Chinese.

Online Chinese learning

second, take the children to go back to China for field experience, go to various places to see famous mountains and rivers, places of interest and historical sites, and feel and understand contemporary China.
third, Consciously create conditions for students to experience and experience Chinese culture and participate in activities with Chinese cultural characteristics.
fourth, let children eat the most authentic Chinese food, because through taste memory, children can get closer to China.
Third, from the perspective of teachers, in addition to basic factors such as teaching skills and working experience, the sense of mission and professional loyalty of overseas Chinese teachers also play an important role in the Chinese learning of Chinese students.
It is worth noting that it is necessary to take care of the continuity of the development of overseas Chinese language teachers, so as to cultivate local successors of Chinese language education and complete the intergenerational inheritance.
Fourth, from the perspective of overseas Chinese schools, it is necessary to create a Chinese language environment on campus.
As a platform and link to connect Chinese students, parents, and teachers, schools should consciously use Chinese as the language of campus communication.
In terms of specific operations, for example, Chinese cultural activities can be used to promote language life, because learning Chinese is not only about learning language knowledge and acquiring language skills in the classroom, but more importantly, using Chinese in cultural activities to experience the joy of learning Chinese.
Stimulate the internal drive to learn Chinese. Take my Yokohama Yamate Chinese School as an example.
For many years, the school has held Chinese speeches in succession. Students give speeches in Chinese to hundreds of audiences on the stage. In fact, they combine language learning with self-awareness, challenge themselves, and overcome themselves. Combined, I also gained the confidence brought by Chinese.
In addition, in order to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the school also held a lion dance activity. All students participated and danced 70 lion dances in Yokohama Chinatown.
The sense of national pride was beyond words. After participating in the activity, Students are more motivated to learn Chinese.
It is worth emphasizing that, since Chinese education is rooted in the overseas Chinese society and teaches the language and culture of the ancestral (home) country, the two have also become important influencing factors.
In short, breaking through the bottleneck of Chinese language learning for overseas Chinese teenagers requires joint efforts and systematic planning.
A friend once said to me: “Aren’t they all teaching Chinese? What’s the difference!”
He was only half right. Indeed, both overseas Chinese education and international Chinese education are taught in Chinese and have certain commonalities, but the two should not be confused.
The biggest difference between overseas Chinese education and international Chinese education is the difference in teaching objectives and teaching objects.
In short, the teaching goal of overseas Chinese education is “inheritance”, while the teaching goal of international Chinese education is “dissemination”;
The main teaching object of overseas Chinese education is the children of overseas Chinese, while the main teaching object of international Chinese education is non-Chinese foreigners.
Therefore, whether it is class arrangement, curriculum setting, textbook compilation, or teaching, it must be suitable for its diverse characteristics in order to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.
For example, in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, grammar teaching accounts for a large proportion.
However, in the teaching of overseas Chinese education, many grammatical rules do not need to spend time explaining, and students from Chinese families generally have a better sense of language.
For example, the “bi” sentence is an important grammatical point in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, but Chinese children may say “his apple is bigger than mine” since childhood. The teaching of Chinese characters is a “difficult point” in the teaching of Chinese international education, but it is not the key point. In the teaching of overseas Chinese education, the teaching of Chinese characters is just the opposite.
It is the “key point” rather than the “difficult point”.
The growth environment of Chinese children makes them no strangers to Chinese characters, and there is no “fear” in learning Chinese characters.
Compared with international Chinese education, the biggest feature of overseas Chinese language education is the diversity of its teaching objects, which is also the biggest difficulty of Online Chinese learning.