Beginner mandarin lessons: It turns out that foreign elites are teaching their children this

Years ago, on CCTV’s “Classic Odes”, the two daughters of the financial tycoon Rogers took to the stage to sing the Chinese elementary school classic “Sound Enlightenment”, once again demonstrating their proficiency in Beginner mandarin lessons.

The 15-year-old American girl and her 11-year-old sister, who have a Chinese level of 666, both started to be Chinese teachers last year, and the class fee is 25 dollars an hour.

So, what is the level of this teacher?
The Chinese pronunciation of this word is straight and round. If you don’t look at the picture, you think it’s a native Chinese child. There is no crooked nut accent…

And the reason why these two blond-haired and blue-eyed American children can speak Chinese so well is of course thanks to their parents.

Their father is the famous Jim Rogers, a man of modern Wall Street, known as the most visionary international investor, as famous as Soros and Buffett.

However, the American “financial tycoon” said: “The best investment in my life is to let my daughter learn Chinese.”
When Rogers first came to China in 1986, “I realized that everything people told me about China was wrong.”

Therefore, after his daughter was born, he decided to let her learn Chinese from an early age.

He has hired Chinese tutors for his daughters since they were young, so that they can communicate with the children in Mandarin.

In his self-published book “12 Letters from Investment Master Rogers to His Baby Daughter”, he also wrote a special letter to tell his daughter the importance of Chinese: “Because China’s economy is taking off, it will become a distant future. A world-class player who is more important than he is now.”

In order for his daughter to better learn Chinese and understand Asia, he even moved his family to Singapore.
Hard work pays off, and Rogers’ return on investment is very obvious.

Rogers has said in public more than once:

“Wherever I give speeches, especially in the West, I tell people that when you have children, you should let them learn Chinese. Because Chinese will be the most important language for the rest of their lives.”

Indeed, it has become a popular trend for children all over the world to learn Chinese from an early age.

Everyone knows that Trump’s granddaughter’s family also learned Chinese in elementary school, and they are very fluent in Chinese. They can sing Chinese songs, recite “San Zi Jing” and ancient poems.

Prince George of the United Kingdom not only had to learn English, mathematics, ballet and other courses since he was a child, but also learned Mandarin Chinese.
The King of Spain has two daughters—12-year-old Princess Leonor and 10-year-old Princess Sofia, who have also been learning Chinese for several years.

In addition to Dutch and French, Princess Elizabeth, the future successor of the Belgian royal family, is also learning Chinese and can already communicate in Chinese.

Princess Amalia of the Netherlands is studying at a secondary school in The Hague, and she also took Chinese courses as an elective.

In addition to the president and the royal family, some elite families abroad have also begun to let their children learn Chinese.

Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, not only has been learning Chinese for many years, but also made every effort to let his two daughters learn Chinese after they were born.

The business of Beginner mandarin lessons in the United States is also extremely hot. Because they are in high demand, Chinese nannies can earn an average annual salary of 20,000 US dollars more than other nannies.
A Chinese woman once got an annual salary of up to 70,000 US dollars because both families wanted to sign her, and this was only the market price in 2006.
What is Chinese Immersion Education︖

Beginner mandarin lessons

Even if you don’t think it, you’ve actually learned about immersive
study. This is the one your kids have been using since they were babbling you
way. This is how all babies learn to talk – by People around them talk to them and learn to speak. no child is born will speak. Instead, their brains hear the sounds around them,
Gradually begin to master the patterns, and eventually form the language. child
They realize that if they say “more,” they get more
Much; if they say “hug,” they get picked up. because
The brain already has the function of learning language, children’s understanding ability
Competence and communication skills improve rapidly. By the age of five or six, they have
Spoken fluently, although vocabulary and grammatical structures remain limited.
Immersion programs take full advantage of young children’s innate language learning abilities
power, start them in kindergarten, preschool or first grade Learn bilingual.

The children have already started talking for three or four years at this time
Yes, but the level is still quite rudimentary. while they are still learning
The first language is also the best time to start learning a second language
In the immersion program, from the first day of school, your
Your child’s Mandarin teacher will only speak Mandarin in class. on the surface
It is impossible for your child to understand what is going on in class, but
Children are actually very good at making sense of language they don’t understand
understand its meaning. This is what they use every day in English (or in
any language the family speaks). think about how you use the same
way to teach them all the words (milk! bottle! car!
flower! ), you will be able to understand the reason why Beginner mandarin lessons!

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Primary 4 Chinese tuition: Chinese-style education, or Western-style education?

Like many “little sea turtles” who returned to live in Hong Kong from the United States, our 7-year-old son Dongdong entered the “Singapore International School [Hong Kong]”. Speaking of which, Primary 4 Chinese tuition is a bit hasty.
We don’t know much about the teaching style of this school. We only know that this is a school established by the Ministry of Education of Singapore in Hong Kong. Quite a good reputation.
We guessed that the child has stayed in the United States for a long time and is not very adaptable to the local traditional school model in Hong Kong, so we hope that the child can have a relaxed environment after entering the “international school”.
When one semester was about to end, at four o’clock in the afternoon, my husband and I came to the classroom on time according to the agreed time to attend the parent meeting at the end of the semester.
The classroom is quiet and tidy, and there is no more noise from the children on weekdays; outside the classroom, parents are waiting for their seats in a quiet and orderly manner.
The three main teachers lined up and greeted the parents with smiles on their faces. On the table was Dongdong’s report card.
“This is the highest score in the grade, this is the lowest score in the grade, and this is the average score. Also, your child’s score.” The head teacher, any teacher, first handed over a small note full of numbers.
Before I had time to greet politely, my brain immediately entered the state of mathematical calculations, and quickly judged the ranking of my son’s grades.
The meeting with the teacher was only 15 minutes long. But when we came out of the classroom, sweat oozed from the foreheads of our husband and wife. This scene is no stranger to students and parents in Singapore.
But for us who have just returned from the United States, we are still a little unprepared.
The grades we got from school touched our nerves. I never imagined that an international school would also have test scores. What is the difference between this kind of invisible fierce competition and traditional local schools?
For those who don’t know much about Singapore’s education, it is obviously too simple to cover its educational philosophy with just the word “international school”.
When it comes to successful education in Singapore, we have to start with PISA. The full name of PISA is Program for International Student Assessment, which is managed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) headquartered in Paris.
By measuring and comparing the language, mathematics and science levels of 15-year-old students in more than 70 countries and regions, this project reflects the knowledge and skills that students in different countries will have in their future life, and also reflects the different countries.
Participation in education. The project is implemented every three years.
According to the latest report provided by the OECD in 2009, Singaporean students ranked third, second and third in the three tests of reading, mathematics and science respectively.
In order to achieve their ideal academic performance, most Singaporean students inevitably have to sacrifice their personal freedom at the expense of their personal freedom.
They start to face competition with their parents at an early age.
“I have already enrolled my son in 5 training classes, even though he is only 2 and a half years old.” When I heard the words of any teacher, the class leader, I couldn’t help being shocked.
“There is no way. I know that the first few students in my Primary 4 Chinese tuition class have spent money and effort to fight this way. It is because I know this too well that I have to do this.” Teacher He also looked helpless.
Facing Dongdong’s report card again, the child’s father and I seemed to understand a lot.
Our children are normal and intelligent. And that series of sighing grade-level rankings can only show that other people’s children are too advanced, and the parents of those children are too advanced.
Since that parent meeting, the number of times Dongdong appeared in the community playground after school has decreased significantly.
In order to make my son’s academic performance reach a “reasonable” level in the class, Dongdong also participated in math and English remedial classes after school, and I did extra Chinese exercises at home by myself. As for the school’s swimming class, there is also an extra “additional meal”, because last semester, Dongdong only got a C in swimming class.
This grade seems to make Dongdong doubt her athletic ability.
Remedial, remedial. This is the content of life that students in local schools in Hong Kong are accustomed to.
From kindergarten to high school, without exception. What we didn’t expect was that our own children had to join this team when they were in an international school.
We have to admit that we need to re-understand this international school, or in other words, re-understand the Singapore-style modern basic education it represents.
Most parents believe that the teaching environment of international schools is relaxed, without the competitive pressure of examinations and rankings, and parents and students will not work too hard.
In fact, they are both international schools, some are free and open, while others are traditional and rigorous. Among the international schools in Hong Kong, the British “English School Foundation”, the American “Hong Kong International School” and the “Canadian International School” are typical Western styles.
The “German Swiss International School” and the “Hong Kong Singapore International School” are traditional and rigorous.
Take the local primary schools in Singapore as an example, the schooling period is six years, and the first four years are the basic education stage.
English, mother tongue (such as Chinese), mathematics and science are the main subjects. Starting from the fourth grade, students are divided into classes based on subjects (such as Chinese and mathematics), that is, Chinese fast class or math fast class.
Mathematics and science are core subjects throughout primary and secondary school. Upon graduating from primary school, all students take graduation examinations and are admitted to secondary schools of different levels according to their test scores.
It can be said that Primary 4 Chinese tuition test scores are basically dominated by parents and students.
Pick up a Singapore elementary school mathematics textbook, and you will find that the content of the book, and even the thickness of the book, are not much different from other ordinary mathematics textbooks.
Although the mathematics material used by Singaporean teachers is not extensive, it is deep and flexible. Just looking at the sixth-grade mathematics test in Singapore, the difficulty is about two years higher than that of most American schools.

Primary 4 Chinese tuition

There is competition when there are exams, and pressure when there are rankings. In such a teaching environment, children’s academic performance is generally outstanding.
“After my daughter graduated from primary school in Hong Kong Singapore International School, she was able to successfully enter another well-known international school ‘Chinese International School’ (Chinese International School) for secondary school, relying on solid basic skills. Can take exams and answer questions Strong, it is still very practical.”
Nan Nan’s mother is very glad that she made the right choice for her daughter a few years ago.
As for why the middle school had to be transferred, “the pressure is still too great,” Nan Nan’s mother said, “It is said that Singaporeans are afraid of losing, and they can’t lose.
We Hong Kong people are similar. In such a competitive atmosphere, I don’t know how adults and children How long can it last?”
With its solid elite education, Hong Kong Singapore International School has increasingly become the new favorite of the “elite” class in Hong Kong. Its expensive tuition fees are beyond the reach of ordinary working families.
In 2013, the school’s kindergarten half-day class tuition fee was 78,000 Hong Kong dollars/year, the primary school’s full-day class tuition fee was 102,000 Hong Kong dollars/year, and the middle school tuition fee was 120,000 Hong Kong dollars/year.
The children of Singaporeans naturally have the priority to enter the school, accounting for about 1/3 of the total number of students, and enjoy the tuition subsidy of the Singapore government (16,100 Hong Kong dollars/year).
The remaining 2/3 places are contested by mainlanders in Hong Kong (especially overseas returnees stationed in Hong Kong from Europe and the United States) and local Hong Kong people.
“Unless your child is particularly outstanding, it is difficult to enter the threshold of this school.
Even if you are lucky enough to be a member of it, you dare not relax in the slightest. Many mothers who work full-time have to quit their jobs or stay at home part-time.” Nan Nan’s mother sighed.
Kevin is a playmate that Dongdong met in the playground downstairs, and he is also a little returnee who speaks Mandarin.
He studied Primary 4 Chinese tuition at the Canadian International School, without any exams and pressure, so he always had a lot of time wandering around in the playground.
As time passed, he had a group of loyal friends around him.

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Primary 2 mandarin tuition: proper teacher how to be?

What are the requirements to be a Mandarin tutor?It is difficult to find a Primary 2 mandarin tuition, but it is not easy.
The reason why I say this is because this major is easy to learn but difficult to master. Just think about it, even if you can speak Cantonese yourself, do you have the confidence to teach this language to others? Next, let’s take a look at what it takes to be a competent Mandarin tutor.

  1. Language proficiency

Mandarin contains a variety of dialects, mainly from the southwestern and northern regions of China.
Nearly a billion people speak it as their first or second language. Unless you are lucky enough to speak Mandarin fluently, your first step in becoming a Mandarin tutor is to learn the language.
You can do this with language courses or with your own personal tutor, but many experts recommend that teachers learn the foreign language in their country of origin.
You also have to develop your teacher skills. There are many courses and programs you can take online and in person to earn a teaching degree or certificate, many of which are geared toward teaching foreign languages.
Whether you plan to teach students one-on-one or tutor an entire class, it’s important to understand the basics in teaching.

  1. Teaching experience

Teaching experience is very helpful, but not required. Beyond practical skills, if you want to be a Mandarin tutor, you need to find a way to source and screen prospective students.
As a Mandarin tutor, you develop lessons, which include designing step-by-step lesson plans to fit your specific class schedule. You must develop testing and assessment procedures to ensure that your students actually learn the material.

  1. Designate teaching objects

The curriculum that is developed depends largely on your students. For example, if you wish to be a Mandarin tutor with only one-on-one adult students, the lesson plan you develop may be very different from the lesson plan you develop for a large class of mixed-age students.
Therefore, before embarking on your quest to become a Mandarin tutor, it is important to consider what type of students you intend to teach.

While most teaching and language skills can be learned, there is no substitute for experience.
Before you tutor yourself, you might consider serving as a student teacher for a while. Consider advertising at local colleges and universities, and place an ad in your local newspaper.
Social networking sites are also invaluable in finding potential students. Be a member of different forums or other sites that may attract people with a particular interest in the Primary 2 mandarin tuition and ensure that other members are aware of your tutor wishes.
“Your Mandarin level is really poor, how could it be so poor?”

Primary 2 mandarin tuition

Xu Li (pseudonym) couldn’t help teasing her classmates when they couldn’t describe a simple idiom.

Xu Li, who was born in Hong Kong, taught Mandarin in Hong Kong for 4 years. Xu Li started teaching initials and finals, and guided students to upgrade step by step to fight monsters and overcome language barriers.
“Not all students like to learn Mandarin, but they especially like my Mandarin class.”

Since Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, Putonghua has become one of the core courses in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, and the SAR government has also begun to train Putonghua teachers.
In 2009, Hong Kong’s senior high school reformed its academic system, and the Putonghua curriculum covers Primary One to Secondary Three (equivalent to the Mainland’s third grade—reporter’s note).
Public institutions are the main force in teaching Mandarin courses.

In 2014, after graduating with a master’s degree in Chinese Education, Xu Li joined the Chinese Department of a college affiliated to her alma mater as a teacher. She mainly teaches three courses: Practical Mandarin, Mandarin Communication and Communication, and Chinese Reading and Writing.
Most of the students enter colleges and universities to study courses because of their unsatisfactory grades in the middle school graduation examination.
The pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar of Mandarin are different from Cantonese.
Whether in class or between classes, Hong Kong students whose native language is Cantonese always communicate with Xu Li in Cantonese.
When answering questions, when encountering situations that cannot be expressed in Mandarin, students always throw out a sentence in Cantonese and ask Xu Li to translate it.

“Please speak Mandarin with me.” Xu Li asked the students to communicate in Mandarin throughout the Mandarin course.

Slowly, Xu Li worked out a set of advanced course content. In the first class, Xu Li evaluated the students’ Mandarin foundation based on the students’ self-introduction. If the average level of the students in the class is not good, she will start from the simplest initials and finals, and then guide the students to translate between Cantonese and Mandarin and practice in context.
If most of the students have a certain foundation in Mandarin, she will teach them step by step in the order of vocabulary, sentences, and context.

In her class, there are generally about 30 students, and each class is 3 hours. According to the allocation ratio of Sanqi, Xu Li always guides students to give seven points and herself three points in course design.
“Students need to speak a lot to practice using the language.”
She found that sometimes students did not speak very well, but instead stimulated the attention and enthusiasm of other students. “Among the laughter, I realized that half of the ten classmates would not make the same mistake.”

But some mistakes are difficult to correct for a while. The student nodded after being corrected, and continued to make the same mistake next time.

For example, when Hong Kong students express “you eat first” and “you go first”, they always say “you eat first” and “you go first”. This is because in Cantonese grammar, adverbs often come after verbs, that is, “you eat first” and “you walk first”.

Another habit that cannot be broken is that students like to add the word “then” at the beginning of every sentence. Xu Li explained that it is easier for students to learn Taiwanese Mandarin because Cantonese and Taipu have no tongue-twisting sounds. Influenced by Taiwanese culture, Hong Kong students like to start a sentence with “then”.

“Many students work very hard, and their notes are filled with pinyin.” Xu Li observed that after the oral English practice in class, some students would practice oral English by themselves after returning home.
Two weeks before the Primary 2 mandarin tuition final exam, she will announce the exam questions of 6 scenarios in advance, and the students will prepare them by themselves. During the exam, the students selected one of the topics and expressed it one-on-one in front of her.
“I will design some spoken language scenarios, for example, if you are the sales manager of a restaurant, what should you do when a customer is dissatisfied.”

Some diligent people thought out the answers to the six scenes in advance, wrote them down on paper, and began to recite them.
Xu Li always guides them not to use this method as much as possible: “What is written on the paper is written language, and I hope what they speak is spoken language.”

In her spare time, Xu Li once asked her students: “What are your hobbies?”

One of the answers is “look at the original novels on Qidian”.

Xu Li herself reads it every day, and reads a chapter or two when she suffers from insomnia. “This is a cultural exchange and a student’s hobby, but it works.”

In class, Xu Li does not deliberately teach simplified characters, and students rarely read mainland newspapers, but students can basically understand the original novels of Qidian Chinese website.
Some new Internet vocabulary, such as “very good” and “moving bricks”, Hong Kong students may not be able to react for a while, but in the context, it is easy to understand.
“There is no problem in reading, but I just don’t understand pinyin to text.” Chen Ke (pseudonym), born in 1997, is a student of Xu Li’s class of 2015.
When he was studying in Hong Kong, he went to Tsinghua University for exchange and also worked as an intern at CCTV.

As early as in elementary and middle school, Chen Ke had already learned Mandarin.

Putonghua has been a core subject in Hong Kong primary schools since 1998. Students enrolled in 1998 and later will learn Mandarin from the first grade of primary school to the third grade of junior high school.
In 2000, Putonghua became a subject of the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination. Primary 2 mandarin tuition become more and more useful.

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primary 2 mandarin tuition: cost or speed right now!

How to choose a primary 2 mandarin tuition class? In the third grade of elementary school, the reading is advanced, and students are also beginning to face the challenge of composition.
Many parents want to enroll their children in private composition remedial classes and composition camps outside the school classroom, and make arrangements for the entrance examination in advance.
There are many types of composition classes in the market, and the demands are also different. How to find the most suitable composition class for your child? Below is advice from schools and remedial teachers.
The child can’t speak Mandarin well? Let’s take a look at the primary 2 mandarin tuition in Hong Kong…

Children learning Mandarin will be delighted to discover that Mandarin has no verb conjugations and no irregular spelling or grammar.
That said, Mandarin has a reputation for being a challenging language—so, for parents interested in having their kids learn Mandarin, we’ll take a look at the challenges and how to address them.
 Chinese characters

Let’s start with one of the biggest challenges in learning Mandarin – the Chinese characters.
Unlike English, Spanish, French, German, and other European languages, Mandarin Chinese is written using glyphs, or pictographs, in which one or a few characters represent a word.

primary 2 mandarin tuition

Although Chinese has more than 80,000 “hanzi” or Chinese characters, it is said that learning the 1,000 most commonly used characters covers 92% of the written language.
Pinyin is the official romanization of Mandarin Chinese and helps students understand the pronunciation of words.

Chinese has two types of characters – Traditional and Simplified. Simplified characters were introduced by the Chinese government in the 1950s as a way to increase literacy.
As the name suggests, simplified characters generally have fewer strokes and are easier to learn and write.

Simplified characters are used in Mainland China, Singapore and Malaysia. Traditional characters are used in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.

Simplified characters are taught in most Mandarin courses in the United States. How are the roles different?

Some words, such as you (you) are the same in both traditional and simplified Chinese. Other characters are quite different — for example, body is a simplified version of body.
Hong Kong Chinese tutoring online courses have over 80,000 different Chinese characters – it sounds overwhelming. However, 1,000 commonly used Chinese characters are estimated to cover 92% of written information, and 3,000 Chinese characters are estimated to cover 99%.

Most college-educated adults use about 5,000 words in their daily life, work and study, and it is said that they only need about 3,500 to read China Daily.

challenge? Unlike English, where you can pronounce an unknown word using pinyin, for starters, Chinese characters give you no clues about how the word is pronounced or what it means.

To help cross that bridge, beginner books often spell out words in Pinyin, the official Roman phonetic system for Standard Chinese in mainland China, so students can learn to pronounce characters when they don’t know them.

 Idioms

China’s rich history and its wealth of stories and poems has led to the frequent use of idioms in speech.
These idioms can often be quoted in short phrases in conversation, and unless you know the idiom, it can be difficult to understand the meaning. For example, if you say “I threw a brick” at a business meeting, it sounds like an act of hostility. In fact, it references the Chinese idiom “throwing bricks to attract jade”.

In this context, it means “I offer some clichés to start with so others can offer valuable input.” It can be a very useful idiom once you know what it means.

Listen to Mandarin as much as possible
For the first month or two, just focus on listening.

Start by focusing on listening. Just getting used to the sound. You should read whatever you’re listening to, but do so using a phonetic writing system such as pinyin to better understand what you’re hearing. You’ll eventually have to learn the characters, but you can leave them alone and try to gain a little momentum in the language.

Take the time to memorize Chinese characters

Learning Chinese, Mandarin, is a long-term project. It will expose you to the languages and cultures of over 20% of humanity and have had a major impact on world history. For this reason, I always recommend learning Chinese characters if you are going to learn the language.
Once you decide to learn Chinese characters, study them every day. Spend half an hour to an hour every day learning Chinese characters. Use whatever method you want, but set aside a dedicated character study time each day. Why every day? Since you forget the characters almost as quickly as you learn them, you need to relearn them again and again.

You might want to use Anki or some other modern computer learning system. I developed my own spaced repetition system. I have a set of 1,000 little cardboard flashcards of the most common 1000 characters. I have a few sheets of graph paper to practice writing these characters.

I would take a card and write the character 10 times in one column on graph paper, then write the meaning or pronunciation in a few columns. Then I’d grab another flashcard and do the same thing.

Soon I encountered the meaning or sound of the previous character I wrote there.

Then I wrote that character a few more times, hopefully before I completely forget about primary 2 mandarin tuition.

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How To learn Chinese Fast attention Please!

How to help children build a sense of intimacy and How To learn Chinese Fast?
Interest first, positive psychological hint
Any active learning is based on interest. This is a commonplace topic, so how can we stimulate children’s interest and enthusiasm in learning Chinese?
That is not to instill in children the idea that Chinese is difficult, but to give children a hint that Chinese is very simple and very interesting, so that they will not resist learning Chinese psychologically.
Find the right way to get twice the result with half the effort
What kind of method is suitable for your child? Many parents are struggling with this problem.
We have summed up some tips that can stimulate children’s interest, and the operation is very simple.

1) Word cards – start with things that can be touched in daily life, whether it is furniture in the living room, food in the kitchen, or different types of clothes in the closet, we can make cards or use post-it notes to help children stay at home Find it, post it, learn and feel Chinese in the process of playing

2) Chinese songs – let children listen to Chinese songs, they can sing along and learn. Although the child may not be able to understand the meaning of the lyrics, he can exercise his pronunciation to a certain extent.

3) Chinese movies/animation works – In recent years, many excellent animation works have been released in China, such as: “The Return of the Great Sage”, “Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World”, “Jiang Ziya”, etc. We can use the film works to learn Stimulate children’s interest in learning Chinese.

4)Chinese mini-games – looking for pictures by reading words, opening treasure chests, clicking bubbles, cutting fruits, looking for Chinese characters, etc. Games are an effective channel to help children practice Chinese. Make good use of games, and let children learn Chinese happily during the game.
5)Chinese character enlightenment animation video – Find some animation videos related to the evolution of Chinese characters, which are interesting and allow children to feel the process of the development and change of Chinese characters more intuitively, thereby strengthening the image memory of Chinese characters.
Build children’s confidence in speaking Chinese
For many children living abroad, Chinese is a foreign language, and it is a long process to master a foreign language proficiently.
In this process, parents must give their children affirmation in time, encourage and praise their children’s efforts and dedication.
We are not afraid of children making mistakes, but to cultivate children’s confidence in speaking Chinese boldly, so as long as they try hard to express in Chinese, we should encourage and praise them.
The learning of children in the critical period of Chinese enlightenment is not accomplished overnight. So how To learn Chinese Fast
They cannot just seek more quickly, but need to use the right method, starting with basic listening and speaking, so that children can understand Chinese first and be able to communicate in Chinese.
Build children’s confidence in speaking Chinese
For many children living abroad, Chinese is a foreign language, and it is a long process to master a foreign language proficiently. In this process, parents must give their children affirmation in time, encourage and praise their children’s efforts and dedication.

We are not afraid of children making mistakes, but to cultivate children’s confidence in speaking Chinese boldly, so as long as they try hard to express in Chinese, we should encourage and praise them.
The learning of children in the critical period of Chinese enlightenment is not accomplished overnight.
They cannot just seek more quickly, but need to use the right method, starting with basic listening and speaking, so that children can understand Chinese first and be able to communicate in Chinese.
Encourage children to speak more Chinese at home. Parents can put stickers in both Chinese and English on refrigerators and other furniture, play Chinese songs in the car, and let their children speak more Chinese at home.

How To learn Chinese Fast

Join the Chinese class in the community or nearby to learn some simple Chinese vocabulary. It is not easy to learn a new language, especially Chinese, which is generally recognized as difficult.
Your child will learn Chinese more seriously and motivated because of seeing the parents’ efforts.
Take your children to eat in a Chinese restaurant or go shopping in a Chinese supermarket. Encourage children to communicate with staff in Chinese, and experience Chinese culture through food and shopping.
The various foods and Chinese characters in Chinese supermarkets can also make children feel authentic Chinese culture.
how To learn Chinese Fast?
Participate in Chinatown cultural activities and traditional Chinese cultural festivals. Every year during the Chinese New Year, many cities hold celebrations, including song performances, calligraphy, dragon and lion dances, Kung Fu performances, etc.
This kind of traditional cultural experience will bring a lot of fun to children and increase their curiosity in learning Chinese.
Let the children watch some Chinese movies and cartoons.
Parents can show their children some Chinese movies and cartoons that are suitable for their children to watch, and stimulate children’s interest in learning Chinese through vivid and interesting pictures. Knowledge of Chinese culture.

Create a Chinese environment at home
Set up a Chinese reading corner. If there are brothers and sisters learning Chinese together, let the children choose their favorite Chinese books to read in the reading corner. Set 20 minutes of free Chinese reading time every day to cultivate children’s reading habits.
After reading the book, let the children retell the story to each other in English.
Use online audio, video and various fun and interactive games to help children practice Chinese at home.
There are thousands of Chinese books in it, and they are equipped with audio recordings and pictures. The content includes stories, explanatory texts, nursery rhymes, picture books, etc. The themes cover all aspects of children’s lives and meet different reading needs.

If there is no Chinese language background or resources in the family, the child will face the situation of no Chinese input after returning home, which may lead to a decline in Chinese proficiency and make the child feel anxious.
Parents can help their children enhance their Chinese input through Sinobus live Chinese lessons.
The real teachers in Sinobus online courses will provide one-on-one tutoring with children, practice authentic Chinese, and improve their oral English and Chinese proficiency through rich and interesting activities.

Through the above activities, the children not only increased their Chinese input, broadened their horizons, and improved their curiosity, but also gradually developed their reading ability and self-learning ability. How To learn Chinese Fast actually the best answer is “I prefer to learn Chinese”!

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Cool Online Chinese Class Now!

Well, online Chinese class, how does people learn Chinese in Hong Kong?
I never thought that “Chinese” in the eyes of Taiwanese is Mandarin Pinyin, but in the eyes of mainlanders it is Putonghua Pinyin.
Taiwanese and mainlanders generally learn Chinese first by learning pinyin and then learn characters, so learning Chinese must be later than learning pinyin, so they get the impression that people who don’t know pinyin don’t understand Chinese, and you can learn Chinese without learning pinyin It is unbelievable.
It is this kind of fallacy that resulted in some students who were jealous of Hong Kong people who could learn Chinese instead of pinyin and came out to speak out, going all out to ask all schools in Hong Kong to teach all subjects that use Chinese to be taught in Putonghua.
So what is online Chinese class?

online Chinese class

Online Chinese class is a way of learning Chinese language and culture through the internet. There are many online platforms that offer online Chinese courses for different levels and purposes.
How have Hong Kong people been using Cantonese to learn Chinese?
From Bu Bu Zhai to the schools established by the government, in the past 170 years, the way Hong Kong people learn Chinese has never changed. They still follow the tradition of oral tradition since ancient times and use the six-book method to learn. Bo Wenqiang Memorize, build up the understanding and connection of Chinese words by watching more, reading more and listening more.
Although this kind of learning process is long and difficult, but I remember it firmly and learn deeply.
People in Hong Kong learn Chinese by learning the shape of Chinese characters, the notes of the characters themselves and their meanings.
One word for one sound, with extensive references. If so, the words and sentences are gradually accumulated.
Therefore, there is no need to learn pinyin first and then learn Chinese like Putonghua. Instead, it is directly combined with traditional Chinese culture, because most Chinese characters have their own phonetic symbols, regardless of its origin, actually contains a complete set of nine tones and six tones, which perfectly retains the characteristics of ancient Chinese, and is also the most complete language that retains medieval Chinese. Get twice the result with half the effort.
As we all know, the predecessor of Putonghua is the national language, and the purpose of its appearance is only to hope to have a spoken language that can pass all over the country and allow citizens to communicate with each other.
Later, in order to show the “newness” of “New China”, there was even the idea of completely abolishing Chinese characters and Latinizing Chinese characters. Under the leadership of Mao Zedong, the CCP actually transformed Chinese characters into simplified characters, and “destroyed the old and established the new” of traditional Chinese characters.
The Hanyu Pinyin is the embryonic form of Latinized characters.
It separates the shape and sound of Chinese characters, and requires people to learn Pinyin first and then learn characters. sound, but this quick fix destroys the point of learning Chinese. Fortunately, Hong Kong separated from mainland China early, and the British ignored how Hong Kong people learn Chinese.

online Chinese class

By chance, they retained the learning method of teaching Chinese in Cantonese, which is integrated with ancient Chinese.
Hong Kong people originally learned Chinese with the best method, which coincided with the previous man-made characters, and learned Chinese from the shape, sound and meaning of characters.
Only Hong Kong in the world has retained this effective way to learn Chinese, but now some people are ignoring the basics and chasing after the last , take the Latinized pinyin of cutting Chinese characters, sounds, and meanings as the only way to learn Chinese, and use it to be complacent, not knowing that I am an accomplice in destroying Chinese learning and abolishing Chinese characters.
This is really ignorant.
Online Chinese class can be learned because it is used as a communication language, but teaching Chinese in Hong Kong using Putonghua is putting the cart before the horse. Abandoning the excellent and complete traditional methods, instead learning Chinese with a method with many defects and taking the elimination of Chinese characters as its own responsibility, thinking that this can improve the level of Chinese?
To put it simply, Cantonese contains a complete set of ancient Chinese elements. Learning Chinese is easy to resonate. Because of the meaning of the text, and the sound of the words, it is important for learners to read more and read more to accumulate vocabulary.
Since ancient times, the Chinese character creation system, although it can learn how to pronounce in a short period of time, it is not very meaningful for word learning
If you think about it carefully, you know that it is impossible.
This new teaching style make us close to each other, there is no doubt about it!
What if the child’s pronunciation incorrect and the parents are not allowed to correct it? In fact, there is no need to deliberately correct them, as long as someone says the correct sentence, the child will naturally understand the comparison. Well, what if the parents’ mandarin is not good? If you get a mandarin class and have a professional teacher, speak orthodox mandarin in a relaxed environment, wouldn’t it be easier for kids to understand?
Probably learning Chinese for kids, for everyone interest is more important!
Finally, a reminder. Now that we have entered the era of intelligence. Online Chinese class will also become a very common topic. If your mandarin is not standard, those smart devices may make wrong actions or judgments. Therefore, we should all make ourselves able to use the dictionary pronunciation of Chinese!

Learning Chinese Language for Beginners Free A Big Progress?

Why said learning Chinese language for beginners free, read this or you’ll get a amazing finding~
Mr. Ji Qian, a Taiwanese educationist, once said: “Chinese children who grow up in foreign countries are happy, because their local foreign language is as nature as native, and their Chinese learning is no stranger than Chinese children learning foreign languages. They are uniquely endowed with the best of both worlds.” But if the parents don’t make good use of this strength, the children’s blessings will be lost day by day, and the two will be irrelevant. This is the big fault of the parents!”
Learning Chinese has gradually been widely recognized by everyone as a popular and universal learning phenomenon. With the growth of children’s age and the development of cognitive horizons, more and more parents are inclined to this kind of tutoring.
So what kind of choice will children be more acceptable to?
In view of the ever-changing actual situation, we update and launch Chinese learning with more flexible learning methods.

learning Chinese language for beginners free

Our Sinobus courses include helping children who are about to enter primary school, that is also called the transition to primary school. Well, we want to help every kids interested in learning Chinese, of course we offered learning Chinese language for beginners free! Both time, place, teaching and …
At this stage, kids are young and have weak cognition. We should pay more attention to the visual experience brought to the kids, give full play to their thinking creativity as well as vitality, and experience the joy of the Chinese learning on the basis of interest!
Primary of 4 and 5 children who are about to enter junior high school will face more difficult Chinese subjects. So? We should not only need to help them improve their learning ability and cognitive level, but more importantly?
Let those kids concentrate their thinking and master more key points. Powerful. That is imperative, and our corresponding sub-examination remedial courses will consolidate and strengthen the original knowledge base to help them. Help those kids achieve even a small victories in the primary stage of elementary school!
Tutorials for pre-primary trasition and test taking are two very important stages in the primary school learning process. We divide different learning levels according to children’s ages and learning abilities.
More targeted and effective tutoring helps children make greater progress in the learning process~
Learning Chinese language for beginners free is not only to impart knowledge to children, moreover? To let more and more kids learn through courses in an interesting, joyful and relaxed atmosphere, and continuously improve their learning ability.
Share a interesting story~ “Their Chinese are better than my English”!
Many people may not be familiar with the name Janice Spiteri, but if they hear “Miss Beanbag”, they are probably no strangers. The scene of the snowboarder from Malta eating beanbags during the competition on the 9th became popular on the Internet.
She later posted a video on her social media account, the content was to learn dialect from the staff of the Olympic Village.
Not only useful to speak, but also useful to write.
The scene where the French contestant Simon DeStieux insisted on handwriting his Chinese name in front of a signature board after using translation software to search for his Chinese translation was ridiculed by netizens, “It will take more than 10 minutes to sign” and “I remember you”~
The way they learn Chinese so hard and speak Chinese, really cute!
And here’s another story about a danish girl Amalie learning Chinese.
Amalie said that learning Chinese became her interest later on. Every time she learned a new Chinese character, she felt as excited as playing a video game. Soon after, she decided to go back to Shanghai to study for a master’s degree and learn Chinese, but the process was difficult.
However, there were some obstacles in the middle. At this time, she just saw a lot of videos introducing Hong Kong on YouTube.
After watching them, she felt that Hong Kong gave her a more homely feeling, so she decided to give up her location and come to Hong Kong.
Amalie said that she studied Chinese and studied MBA (Master of Business Administration) in Hong Kong. At first she thought that as a minority Danish in Hong Kong, she might feel lonely, but later she found that it is easy to make friends in Hong Kong. In the future, she will also look forward to meeting more people, and she was really satisfied with her current life.
And also?

learning Chinese language for beginners free

“Learning Chinese is a light that illuminates my life”. –Interview with the Global Champion of the 14th “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary school students.
As part of the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary School Students builds a bridge of cultural exchanges between middle school students from different countries and ethnicities.
She also recalled that, when she first started learning Chinese, she learned paper-cutting to celebrate the Spring Festival, and cut out various interesting patterns. “I am interested in everything related to Chinese culture, but the most passionate about the art of Chinese calligraphy and painting, which have also deepened my understanding of Chinese philosophy, history and culture.
Language can serve as a bridge for cultural exchange. “Learning languages, not only Chinese, has opened another door to my life and, brought me to a whole new world.” In order to realize her dream, she is studying hard. “I think learning Chinese is a light that illuminates my life”~
In addition to cognitive aspects, of course we cannot avoid the cultural and emotional links.
I quote this quote here, and hope that parents can give a learning Chinese language for beginners free chance and retain their roots in Chinese culture~