Online mandarin learning: common choice for your guys!

Mandarin is the common language of Chinese, Online mandarin learning also!
On November 24, 2001, the Putonghua Education Research and Development Center of the Chinese University of Hong Kong held a Putonghua Education Forum. Two business friends were invited to host a short speech;

Mr. Wang Wei of the group. Mr. Wu told everyone this experience: Recently, when he went to Xingma for business, the local Chinese like to talk to him in Mandarin (Mandarin), thinking that it is kind enough and it is easy to establish a relationship of mutual trust.

Mr. Wu also said that some talents who came back from the United States and Canada to Hong Kong, or professionals who lost their jobs due to layoffs, partly regretted that they could not catch the economic express train of China’s accession to the WTO because of their poor Mandarin. Based on his experience in job hunting and service in the Mainland,

Mr. Wang told us that Mandarin has opened up his career, won the trust of clients, and established a good cooperative relationship.

The son of one of my colleagues had just returned to Hong Kong from a vacation at the University of Melbourne in Australia, and he couldn’t wait to ask his mother to find a Mandarin teacher for him.

Native language rights are a beautiful misunderstanding

Online mandarin learning

“Mother tongue” is the language learned from the mother, and it is usually the family language. When it comes to the benefits of the mother tongue, anyone can cite a lot: comfort, naturalness, kindness, etc.

so it is no wonder that some people think that the mother tongue is a basic human right, and even insist on the mother tongue Education, and in Hong Kong, a Cantonese community, learning Cantonese is a matter of course.

It’s a pity that the so-called “native language teaching” in Hong Kong is just a misunderstanding: we speak Cantonese, but read and write standard written language, and it is difficult for Hong Kong people to fully accept Cantonese.

This phenomenon of separation of language and writing is projected on education, which does not meet the requirements of mother tongue teaching. It can be said that mother tongue teaching has never been really implemented in Hong Kong.


The reason is that family language, communication language, working language, academic language and teaching language are often not integrated.

Facts tell us that language policy and teaching language policy are determined by factors such as politics, economy, culture and the user population, not by personal factors. Love and hate and transfer.
English as the teaching language is conducive to creating an environment for language learning and comprehensively improving students’ English proficiency.

The use of Putonghua as the medium of instruction has the same assumptions as the use of English as the medium of instruction.

If we are not worried that teaching Chinese in English will weaken students’ Chinese ability and hinder their understanding of Chinese culture, we are worried that teaching Chinese in Mandarin will affect dialect culture. This is a double standard.

Those who oppose teaching Chinese in Putonghua think that the teaching of Putonghua and Chinese subjects are two different things.

This phenomenon of separation of language (Mandarin) and Wen (modern Chinese written language) is the reality of Chinese teaching in Hong Kong and the result of long-term maintenance of dialect teaching, but it does not adapt to the current social development. Let’s think about it: What is the main goal of Chinese teaching?

Isn’t it to help students master the ability to listen, speak, read and write standard language?

Is Chinese teaching that cannot help students complete standard language education considered effective Chinese teaching?

Putonghua is currently an independent subject, and it is difficult to play its role under limited resources and conditions.

We should look at the planning of Online mandarin learning as a whole, make reasonable arrangements for the long-term development needs of students, and let Chinese teaching realize its due goals.

However, the language skills and creativity of Hong Kong students have always been criticized, and they may not necessarily surpass those in Beijing, Shanghai, and Taiwan. Putonghua and Cantonese belong to the same Chinese system and share a common written foundation, but they differ greatly in pronunciation, spoken grammar and vocabulary.

Many schools that are currently teaching Chinese in Putonghua told us that after one or two months, students can already understand the teacher’s Putonghua explanations, and some students can’t keep up verbally. It does not mean that their minds are not active.

This generalized observation ignores the fact that language listening, speaking, reading, and writing do not necessarily develop simultaneously.

In recent years, there has been a saying in the education circle: In the Putonghua community, there are people who can speak Mandarin but have very poor reading and writing skills.

Therefore, it is not necessarily true that teaching Chinese in Putonghua can improve students’ Chinese ability. Teaching Chinese in Mandarin is indeed not the only effective way to improve students’ Chinese ability, but students should listen to and speak more Mandarin.

Is it possible to evaluate Chinese ability by only reading and writing indicators, or adding an indicator of Cantonese ability?

From 1997 to the present, we have done several surveys, and we have also visited the classroom many times to discuss with teachers and students the issue of teaching Chinese in Putonghua.

According to the responses of teachers and students, teaching Chinese in Putonghua has brought the following benefits: improving the ability of listening and speaking of Putonghua, enhancing the ability to express standard written language, enhancing the language sense of modern Chinese, and increasing the interest in learning Chinese styles.

In particular, the earlier the teaching of Mandarin is started, the better the students’ Mandarin ability will be developed. We believe that language ability is affected by many factors, including intelligence, motivation, language habits, learning patterns, etc.

Therefore, we do not agree that teaching Chinese in Putonghua can greatly improve the Chinese level of local students and completely solve the problem of language education.

Under the simultaneous planning of oral education, at least the distance between the two has been shortened, so that students can develop their standard oral English ability early and avoid repeating the painful experience of adults learning language.

If the listening and speaking ability is not developed in time, it will cause great obstacles to communication.

If a student’s Mandarin ability has matured in primary and junior high school, we can shorten the Mandarin curriculum, saving useful time and resources for Online mandarin learning.

Best way to learn Chinese characters, are you ready?

It’s about to enter July, and the footsteps of summer vacation are getting closer, but the children’s Chinese is still… If you want to lead the Chinese score at the beginning of school, then come and take a look at the Best way to learn Chinese characters!

Is the child’s Chinese final score not satisfactory enough? Reading comprehension or can’t answer the point? Composition or can’t conceive? If so, then it should be paid attention to!

But fortunately, the summer vacation is coming, and these two months should be used well!
When other children are playing, we must check for omissions and make up for vacancies, learn more, and surprise the whole class with Chinese scores at the beginning of school! (If you want to know more about how to improve your Chinese score, click here!)

What is the Best way to learn Chinese characters?
In the summer of 2023, we will launch summer Chinese courses, including summer Chinese courses specially designed for K1-P6 students. These Chinese lessons are specially designed for children.
These Chinese courses have specific teaching methods and professional Chinese teachers. We work together to further promote the progress of children’s Chinese learning.
Why should you take Sino-bus’ summer Chinese course?

We specialize in teaching (kindergarten/primary) online Chinese courses, start your 2023 summer Chinese courses for kids now! We are working hard to make these Chinese lessons suitable for your child;

Specializes in teaching Chinese to children:
Our summer Chinese course introduces tones early and emphasizes pronunciation, because this is the main difficulty for older Chinese learners, but it is easy for young children to learn.
We integrate Chinese culture into summer Chinese course learning.

Teachers analyze According to the needs and characteristics of each child, design the most suitable teaching method for each child, including designing situations, learning tasks, and auxiliary learning resources.

Passionate about helping children learn Chinese:
Our passion for teaching children and young people has helped many children around the world have an absolutely fun and enjoyable learning experience.
Our one-on-one online summer Chinese group lessons and professional services guarantee you the best Chinese learning experience. No matter what kind of Chinese learning goals you have, we hope our Chinese courses can help you more!

Why should you take Sino-bus’ summer Chinese course?

We specialize in teaching (kindergarten/primary) online Chinese courses, start your 2023 summer Chinese courses for kids now! We are working hard to make these Chinese lessons suitable for your child;

Specializes in teaching Chinese to children:
Our summer Chinese course introduces tones early and emphasizes pronunciation, because this is the main difficulty for older Chinese learners, but it is easy for young children to learn.
We integrate Chinese culture into summer Chinese course learning. Teachers analyze According to the needs and characteristics of each child, design the most suitable teaching method for each child, including designing situations, learning tasks, and auxiliary learning resources.

Passionate about helping children learn Chinese:
Our passion for teaching children and young people has helped many children around the world have an absolutely fun and enjoyable learning experience.
Our one-on-one online summer Chinese group lessons and professional services guarantee you the best Chinese learning experience.
No matter what kind of Chinese learning goals you have, we hope our Chinese courses can help you more!
Our management team is composed of energetic people with rich experience in Chinese language teaching from world-renowned universities such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Language and Culture University, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, working together to create the best Chinese language courses for your learning needs, Especially summer Chinese courses for your children.

Children’s Chinese class is specially designed for children aged 3 to 12. This Mandarin course helps children learn Chinese through playing games and discussing interesting topics.
In these Chinese classes, children will receive systematic training in four aspects: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Our children’s Chinese courses are divided into 6 different levels, from elementary to advanced, which can help your children gradually achieve their Chinese learning goals.

Every new student can try a Chinese lesson for free before signing up. It is completely free and there is no obligation.
The sole purpose of the free Chinese lesson is to help Chinese learners understand how our system works.

Please make sure you fill in the correct contact information. Our academic coordinator will call you within one working day.
The summer Chinese group class will help children improve their Chinese.
Learning Chinese characters can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. Here are some effective strategies to help you learn Chinese characters:

Start with basic radicals: Chinese characters are composed of radicals, which are smaller components that carry meaning or provide phonetic clues. Begin by learning common radicals and their meanings. Understanding radicals will help you recognize and remember characters more easily.

Learn stroke order: Chinese characters are written with a specific stroke order. Learning the correct stroke order not only helps you write characters more accurately but also aids in memorization. Practice writing characters by following stroke order guidelines.

Use mnemonic techniques: Mnemonic techniques can be helpful in remembering Chinese characters. Create visual or imaginative associations between the character and its meaning or pronunciation. For example, you can associate a character with a memorable image or create a story related to its meaning.

Break down characters: Break down complex characters into smaller components to understand their structure. Analyze the radicals, phonetic components, and meaning components of a character. This approach helps you recognize patterns and make connections between characters.

Practice writing regularly: Writing characters by hand is an effective way to reinforce your memory. Practice writing characters repeatedly, paying attention to stroke order and balance.

Best way to learn Chinese characters

Writing characters not only improves your ability to recognize them but also helps you develop muscle memory.

Use flashcards or character apps: Flashcards or character-learning apps can be useful tools for learning and reviewing Chinese characters. These resources often provide the character, its pronunciation, meaning, and example sentences. Reviewing flashcards regularly can help you retain and reinforce character knowledge.

Read extensively: Reading Chinese texts, such as books, newspapers, or online articles, exposes you to a wide range of characters in context. Start with texts appropriate for your level and gradually increase the complexity. Contextual exposure helps you understand characters in meaningful contexts and reinforces your overall language skills.

Practice with writing exercises: Complete writing exercises that require you to use characters in sentences or short passages. This practice helps you apply your knowledge and reinforce character usage in practical contexts.

Seek guidance from a tutor or teacher: A tutor or teacher can provide guidance, correct your mistakes, and offer personalized instruction.
They can assess your progress, provide additional resources, and answer your questions, making the learning process more efficient and effective.

Remember that Best way to learn Chinese characters takes time and consistent effort. Be patient with yourself and practice regularly to gradually build your character knowledge and proficiency.

How to learn mandarin fast make yourself a strong people~

Editor’s Note: How to learn mandarin fast in one year, complete three years of computer courses at MIT in one year, and learn to draw a self-portrait in one month… “God of Learning” Scott Yang in “Speed Learning” The book shares tips for quick learning, hoping to inspire you.
This article is translated from Medium, author Erik Hamre, the original title is Ultralearning — A Proven Method to Drastically Improve Your Skill Learning.

You might enjoy playing the piano and guitar, and after a while you become interested in Spanish, and a few months later, you learn to cook and surf, while also trying to become a good chess player.
It is also a good thing to have a wide range of hobbies, but if you want to make real progress in a certain field, you can’t just “dabble widely”.
There is a more targeted approach to learning called “Speed Learning,” a method defined by Scott H. Young, who I highly recommend reading “Speed ​​Learning” (Ultralearning) this book.

Scott himself learned four new languages in one year using this method: Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin and Korean.
He also used the method in a project called the MIT Challenge, teaching himself a three-year MIT computer science course in just one year.
He’s also used the method to complete shorter challenges, such as learning how to draw a self-portrait in a month.
Hyperlearning is a proactive, self-directed learning strategy. The goal is to learn something specific and make rapid progress.
Focusing on a results-driven approach allows you to improve yourself quickly.

This type of learning is more intensive and requires more effort on your part. How to learn mandarin fast means you are in control of everything.

Some basic elements of superlearning include: blocking out distractions, learning the hardest parts first, focusing on your weaknesses, devoting lots of practice time and using resources creatively.

If you’ve done one or a few speed-learning projects, you’ll find that learning any skill has a lot in common, and once understood, you can master the secret to learning anything fast.
The opposite of “speed learning” is “dabbling”, which is when you take a moment to participate in an activity from time to time, but you don’t want to go deeper. You do this activity mainly to have fun and make friends.
This is perfectly fine, but if you want to make progress just by “dabbling”, it’s unlikely.

By starting broad, you can find your interests and determine if you want to start a speed-learning program.
You can try everything and see if you like the skill.
If not, you move on to the next thing. Dabbling is fun and easy, doesn’t require much effort, but doesn’t lead to impressive results either.

“In a superspeed learning program, you don’t just try it out, you immerse yourself in it.” – Scott Young

Before deciding whether to embark on a speed-learning project, you should ask yourself one question: Is this something I really want to accomplish and invest a lot of time and energy into?
Or am I just doing it for fun and I don’t care if I improve? If you’re after relaxation and socializing, then “Dabble” might be a better choice.
Why speed study?
Your happiest moments come not from doing simple things, but from discovering your potential and breaking through your limitations.

Superlearning gets you through the frustrating stages of being a beginner faster and quickly reaches an intermediate level where learning will be enjoyable and fun.
Everything is difficult in the beginning, when we start to learn a new skill, we usually feel terrible, and the speed learning method can let you quickly reach the intermediate level in a very short time.
After you have mastered some skills, subsequent learning becomes more interesting.

In this rapidly changing world, it becomes increasingly valuable to learn how to learn a new skill quickly. Once you’ve learned how to learn something quickly, you can replicate that approach and apply it to learning other skills.

You can decide what you want to study, how you want to study, and create a plan for what you need to do.
Both success and failure are your own, and you must make your own decisions, not follow what others tell you, so that you will have a deeper understanding of the learning process.
The Core Principles of SuperSpeed Learning
In the book “Speed Learning”, Scott Young lists 9 basic principles to improve learning efficiency.

 How to learn mandarin fast

1)Meta-learning: Meta-learning is learning “how to learn“, drawing a map before starting to learn.
By knowing which learning methods work best, you can get to your destination faster and less likely to get lost along the way. By discovering what works best for others, you can improve your own skills faster.

2) Concentration: How to stay focused and avoid procrastination is crucial to improving your studies. If you’re the type who can’t sit still for a minute, try sitting for half a minute. Half a minute quickly turned into 1 minute, then 2 minutes, then 30 minutes. You need to gradually improve your ability to do something, it’s like building a muscle. If you can’t do a single push-up right now, you can’t suddenly force yourself to do 10.
3) Straightforward: Take the shortest path. If you want to learn a foreign language, chat with people in the new language, not some fun app. If you want to be a programmer, design an app yourself. Don’t do something else just because it’s more convenient or comfortable to do it.

4) Repeated practice: hit your biggest weakness and practice your weakest point repeatedly. Many people don’t like to practice something they’re not good at, which prevents them from getting better. The most important element of a skill is what’s called breaking the bottleneck, which is a critical aspect of a skill, but you’re not good at it yet, so practice it.

5) Retrieve memory: Use tests to learn, and testing yourself is one of the best ways to tell if you’ve really learned something. We often have the illusion that we have learned everything, but when we are tested, we know nothing. After learning, first write down what you have just learned, and the output is helpful for further input. The test will also show which skills you lack, and which you need to improve.

6)Feedback: Get your learning feedback as soon as possible. Feedback can feel harsh and uncomfortable at times, but it’s the only way to know if you’re making progress.
7) Preserve memory: This one is about how not to forget, and how to learn something that you won’t forget. Rather than constantly trying to fill a leaky bucket, sometimes it might be better to fill in the holes so you can remember what you’ve already learned.
8)8) Develop intuition: Intuition is a deep understanding of how things work. One way to test this is to see if you can simply explain something to someone else. If you can’t do this yet, your understanding may not be as deep as you think it is.
10)9) Dare to experiment: Explore things outside your comfort zone. True mastery of a skill comes not only from following the path others have walked, but also from exploring possibilities they never imagined.
Keys to Speed Learning Success
Learn one thing at a time and focus on one project at a time. Trying to improve your French, guitar playing and cooking all at the same time will only lead you into confusion and often fail.

Active learning, learning by doing, not just on paper.

Hit the weak spot, directly practice what you want to improve, and if your goal is to learn Spanish, talk to people in Spanish.

Get feedback as soon as possible to see if you’re doing it right, and then make adjustments accordingly.

Be curious about the How to learn mandarin fast process and spend some time practicing to get results.

Instead of saying “I’ll do it when I have time,” put specific times for projects you’ll be working on.

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~

Primary 4 Chinese tuition: Why are their Chinese scores low?

Many Hong Kong students love to read extracurricular books since Primary 4 Chinese tuition. Why are their Chinese scores low?

My child is now in the fourth grade of elementary school. In order to prepare for the middle school entrance examination, I have started to send him to a large-scale entrance education class.

However, he failed in the Chinese language test in the cram school exam, and his grades were at the bottom of the class. I was also taken aback when I saw the questions in the Mandarin test. The child was in the third grade of elementary school when he took the exam, and at this age, he had to read such a long article in a short period of time…

I have been “reading storybooks to my child” since I was a child. Let him get close to books, and he can read storybooks himself. I thought it would be no problem, but it didn’t improve my Mandarin ability. I was very worried about what to do in the future.

If there is any good way, please feel free to guide me.

Not many people know that reading alone will not improve Mandarin skills. And that’s exactly what Ms. Iwata’s problem is. So, let me illustrate this point.

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Primary 4 Chinese tuition

I heard some mothers whose children got high marks in Mandarin said that although it may not be the case, these children have something in common since they were young. It is the behavior of “parents read storybooks to their children” → “go to the library”.

Whether you are willing to get close to books may be an inherent trait, but the environment in your family will have a great impact when you were a child.

However, at Primary 4 Chinese tuition, there will be such doubts, just like Ms. Iwata, “My family has read story books to the children since they were young, and the children can read at ordinary times, but they are not good at Chinese.”

Listen to it for the child, but he has a good score in Mandarin and was admitted to a well-known private middle school.”

This is true. Since there is no such thing as “one hundred percent can be achieved by doing this”, of course there will be various situations. However, it is also true that there are certain tendencies.

The following content is based on the facts I learned from the mothers who participated in the face-to-face surveys conducted by the students I have directly supervised in the past and the students of Tokyo University, and the mothers who participated in the reading club held at the Mommy Cafe across the country.

Generally speaking, there are two patterns of children who like to read. 1. The type of reading is only the story type; 2. The mode gradually extends from novels and stories to expository essays and essays.

National language questions have been divided into two categories: story type and expository type in the middle school entrance examination stage. This system will also extend to high school exams and university exams.

Although I loved reading since I was a child, I only read stories and did not extend to expository texts later. When I grew up, I became addicted to mystery novels.

And said in unison: “I like reading very much, but I just can’t do well in the Mandarin test.” If you ask him: “What kind of books do you read?” The answer is “stories, novels”. Of course, this is not bad, this is also a kind of reading. However, it will not help you get a high score in Mandarin.

On the other hand, those who start with stories and then increase their reading to expository texts usually have a high deviation in Mandarin and can be admitted to top schools in the middle school entrance examination.

As I said earlier, there are indeed a lot of essays on the national language questions in the middle school entrance examination. And for schools that are difficult to get into, most of the problems will make people jump.

At the stage of primary four, it is necessary to read articles with a very large number of words to answer questions. For children who have not been exposed to expository texts, it is hell.

Of course, for those who are accustomed to reading explanatory texts, the level of articles in the Mandarin test is not a big deal, and the level of vocabulary and thinking has also skipped a grade, so this has caused a gap in Mandarin scores.

Therefore, as in the case of Ms. Iwata, it is advisable to gradually change the type of reading for children from stories to expository texts in the future. Another way is to use the library.

Libraries are treasure troves of knowledge. There are many expository-type books that can hold a child’s interest. However, there are a few things that must be noted:

Let the child “choose” the explanatory books he is interested in, and he will borrow any book he gets home to read. Although it can also guide him or create a learning atmosphere, forcing reading will only fail.

● Borrowing books to go home but find the contents are boring and don’t want to read them. Obsessively reading will only make reading more annoying.

● The point is that parents should intentionally go to the library. Even if parents do not have the habit of reading, go to the library to create an environment that stimulates children’s interest.

There are many other methods, but the nearby library is free to use, so you should take advantage of it. We must create an environment where children can absorb Primary 4 Chinese tuition happily.

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~

Primary 4 Chinese tuition: Chinese-style education, or Western-style education?

Like many “little sea turtles” who returned to live in Hong Kong from the United States, our 7-year-old son Dongdong entered the “Singapore International School [Hong Kong]”. Speaking of which, Primary 4 Chinese tuition is a bit hasty.
We don’t know much about the teaching style of this school. We only know that this is a school established by the Ministry of Education of Singapore in Hong Kong. Quite a good reputation.
We guessed that the child has stayed in the United States for a long time and is not very adaptable to the local traditional school model in Hong Kong, so we hope that the child can have a relaxed environment after entering the “international school”.
When one semester was about to end, at four o’clock in the afternoon, my husband and I came to the classroom on time according to the agreed time to attend the parent meeting at the end of the semester.
The classroom is quiet and tidy, and there is no more noise from the children on weekdays; outside the classroom, parents are waiting for their seats in a quiet and orderly manner.
The three main teachers lined up and greeted the parents with smiles on their faces. On the table was Dongdong’s report card.
“This is the highest score in the grade, this is the lowest score in the grade, and this is the average score. Also, your child’s score.” The head teacher, any teacher, first handed over a small note full of numbers.
Before I had time to greet politely, my brain immediately entered the state of mathematical calculations, and quickly judged the ranking of my son’s grades.
The meeting with the teacher was only 15 minutes long. But when we came out of the classroom, sweat oozed from the foreheads of our husband and wife. This scene is no stranger to students and parents in Singapore.
But for us who have just returned from the United States, we are still a little unprepared.
The grades we got from school touched our nerves. I never imagined that an international school would also have test scores. What is the difference between this kind of invisible fierce competition and traditional local schools?
For those who don’t know much about Singapore’s education, it is obviously too simple to cover its educational philosophy with just the word “international school”.
When it comes to successful education in Singapore, we have to start with PISA. The full name of PISA is Program for International Student Assessment, which is managed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) headquartered in Paris.
By measuring and comparing the language, mathematics and science levels of 15-year-old students in more than 70 countries and regions, this project reflects the knowledge and skills that students in different countries will have in their future life, and also reflects the different countries.
Participation in education. The project is implemented every three years.
According to the latest report provided by the OECD in 2009, Singaporean students ranked third, second and third in the three tests of reading, mathematics and science respectively.
In order to achieve their ideal academic performance, most Singaporean students inevitably have to sacrifice their personal freedom at the expense of their personal freedom.
They start to face competition with their parents at an early age.
“I have already enrolled my son in 5 training classes, even though he is only 2 and a half years old.” When I heard the words of any teacher, the class leader, I couldn’t help being shocked.
“There is no way. I know that the first few students in my Primary 4 Chinese tuition class have spent money and effort to fight this way. It is because I know this too well that I have to do this.” Teacher He also looked helpless.
Facing Dongdong’s report card again, the child’s father and I seemed to understand a lot.
Our children are normal and intelligent. And that series of sighing grade-level rankings can only show that other people’s children are too advanced, and the parents of those children are too advanced.
Since that parent meeting, the number of times Dongdong appeared in the community playground after school has decreased significantly.
In order to make my son’s academic performance reach a “reasonable” level in the class, Dongdong also participated in math and English remedial classes after school, and I did extra Chinese exercises at home by myself. As for the school’s swimming class, there is also an extra “additional meal”, because last semester, Dongdong only got a C in swimming class.
This grade seems to make Dongdong doubt her athletic ability.
Remedial, remedial. This is the content of life that students in local schools in Hong Kong are accustomed to.
From kindergarten to high school, without exception. What we didn’t expect was that our own children had to join this team when they were in an international school.
We have to admit that we need to re-understand this international school, or in other words, re-understand the Singapore-style modern basic education it represents.
Most parents believe that the teaching environment of international schools is relaxed, without the competitive pressure of examinations and rankings, and parents and students will not work too hard.
In fact, they are both international schools, some are free and open, while others are traditional and rigorous. Among the international schools in Hong Kong, the British “English School Foundation”, the American “Hong Kong International School” and the “Canadian International School” are typical Western styles.
The “German Swiss International School” and the “Hong Kong Singapore International School” are traditional and rigorous.
Take the local primary schools in Singapore as an example, the schooling period is six years, and the first four years are the basic education stage.
English, mother tongue (such as Chinese), mathematics and science are the main subjects. Starting from the fourth grade, students are divided into classes based on subjects (such as Chinese and mathematics), that is, Chinese fast class or math fast class.
Mathematics and science are core subjects throughout primary and secondary school. Upon graduating from primary school, all students take graduation examinations and are admitted to secondary schools of different levels according to their test scores.
It can be said that Primary 4 Chinese tuition test scores are basically dominated by parents and students.
Pick up a Singapore elementary school mathematics textbook, and you will find that the content of the book, and even the thickness of the book, are not much different from other ordinary mathematics textbooks.
Although the mathematics material used by Singaporean teachers is not extensive, it is deep and flexible. Just looking at the sixth-grade mathematics test in Singapore, the difficulty is about two years higher than that of most American schools.

Primary 4 Chinese tuition

There is competition when there are exams, and pressure when there are rankings. In such a teaching environment, children’s academic performance is generally outstanding.
“After my daughter graduated from primary school in Hong Kong Singapore International School, she was able to successfully enter another well-known international school ‘Chinese International School’ (Chinese International School) for secondary school, relying on solid basic skills. Can take exams and answer questions Strong, it is still very practical.”
Nan Nan’s mother is very glad that she made the right choice for her daughter a few years ago.
As for why the middle school had to be transferred, “the pressure is still too great,” Nan Nan’s mother said, “It is said that Singaporeans are afraid of losing, and they can’t lose.
We Hong Kong people are similar. In such a competitive atmosphere, I don’t know how adults and children How long can it last?”
With its solid elite education, Hong Kong Singapore International School has increasingly become the new favorite of the “elite” class in Hong Kong. Its expensive tuition fees are beyond the reach of ordinary working families.
In 2013, the school’s kindergarten half-day class tuition fee was 78,000 Hong Kong dollars/year, the primary school’s full-day class tuition fee was 102,000 Hong Kong dollars/year, and the middle school tuition fee was 120,000 Hong Kong dollars/year.
The children of Singaporeans naturally have the priority to enter the school, accounting for about 1/3 of the total number of students, and enjoy the tuition subsidy of the Singapore government (16,100 Hong Kong dollars/year).
The remaining 2/3 places are contested by mainlanders in Hong Kong (especially overseas returnees stationed in Hong Kong from Europe and the United States) and local Hong Kong people.
“Unless your child is particularly outstanding, it is difficult to enter the threshold of this school.
Even if you are lucky enough to be a member of it, you dare not relax in the slightest. Many mothers who work full-time have to quit their jobs or stay at home part-time.” Nan Nan’s mother sighed.
Kevin is a playmate that Dongdong met in the playground downstairs, and he is also a little returnee who speaks Mandarin.
He studied Primary 4 Chinese tuition at the Canadian International School, without any exams and pressure, so he always had a lot of time wandering around in the playground.
As time passed, he had a group of loyal friends around him.

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~

Primary 2 mandarin tuition: proper teacher how to be?

What are the requirements to be a Mandarin tutor?It is difficult to find a Primary 2 mandarin tuition, but it is not easy.
The reason why I say this is because this major is easy to learn but difficult to master. Just think about it, even if you can speak Cantonese yourself, do you have the confidence to teach this language to others? Next, let’s take a look at what it takes to be a competent Mandarin tutor.

  1. Language proficiency

Mandarin contains a variety of dialects, mainly from the southwestern and northern regions of China.
Nearly a billion people speak it as their first or second language. Unless you are lucky enough to speak Mandarin fluently, your first step in becoming a Mandarin tutor is to learn the language.
You can do this with language courses or with your own personal tutor, but many experts recommend that teachers learn the foreign language in their country of origin.
You also have to develop your teacher skills. There are many courses and programs you can take online and in person to earn a teaching degree or certificate, many of which are geared toward teaching foreign languages.
Whether you plan to teach students one-on-one or tutor an entire class, it’s important to understand the basics in teaching.

  1. Teaching experience

Teaching experience is very helpful, but not required. Beyond practical skills, if you want to be a Mandarin tutor, you need to find a way to source and screen prospective students.
As a Mandarin tutor, you develop lessons, which include designing step-by-step lesson plans to fit your specific class schedule. You must develop testing and assessment procedures to ensure that your students actually learn the material.

  1. Designate teaching objects

The curriculum that is developed depends largely on your students. For example, if you wish to be a Mandarin tutor with only one-on-one adult students, the lesson plan you develop may be very different from the lesson plan you develop for a large class of mixed-age students.
Therefore, before embarking on your quest to become a Mandarin tutor, it is important to consider what type of students you intend to teach.

While most teaching and language skills can be learned, there is no substitute for experience.
Before you tutor yourself, you might consider serving as a student teacher for a while. Consider advertising at local colleges and universities, and place an ad in your local newspaper.
Social networking sites are also invaluable in finding potential students. Be a member of different forums or other sites that may attract people with a particular interest in the Primary 2 mandarin tuition and ensure that other members are aware of your tutor wishes.
“Your Mandarin level is really poor, how could it be so poor?”

Primary 2 mandarin tuition

Xu Li (pseudonym) couldn’t help teasing her classmates when they couldn’t describe a simple idiom.

Xu Li, who was born in Hong Kong, taught Mandarin in Hong Kong for 4 years. Xu Li started teaching initials and finals, and guided students to upgrade step by step to fight monsters and overcome language barriers.
“Not all students like to learn Mandarin, but they especially like my Mandarin class.”

Since Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, Putonghua has become one of the core courses in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, and the SAR government has also begun to train Putonghua teachers.
In 2009, Hong Kong’s senior high school reformed its academic system, and the Putonghua curriculum covers Primary One to Secondary Three (equivalent to the Mainland’s third grade—reporter’s note).
Public institutions are the main force in teaching Mandarin courses.

In 2014, after graduating with a master’s degree in Chinese Education, Xu Li joined the Chinese Department of a college affiliated to her alma mater as a teacher. She mainly teaches three courses: Practical Mandarin, Mandarin Communication and Communication, and Chinese Reading and Writing.
Most of the students enter colleges and universities to study courses because of their unsatisfactory grades in the middle school graduation examination.
The pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar of Mandarin are different from Cantonese.
Whether in class or between classes, Hong Kong students whose native language is Cantonese always communicate with Xu Li in Cantonese.
When answering questions, when encountering situations that cannot be expressed in Mandarin, students always throw out a sentence in Cantonese and ask Xu Li to translate it.

“Please speak Mandarin with me.” Xu Li asked the students to communicate in Mandarin throughout the Mandarin course.

Slowly, Xu Li worked out a set of advanced course content. In the first class, Xu Li evaluated the students’ Mandarin foundation based on the students’ self-introduction. If the average level of the students in the class is not good, she will start from the simplest initials and finals, and then guide the students to translate between Cantonese and Mandarin and practice in context.
If most of the students have a certain foundation in Mandarin, she will teach them step by step in the order of vocabulary, sentences, and context.

In her class, there are generally about 30 students, and each class is 3 hours. According to the allocation ratio of Sanqi, Xu Li always guides students to give seven points and herself three points in course design.
“Students need to speak a lot to practice using the language.”
She found that sometimes students did not speak very well, but instead stimulated the attention and enthusiasm of other students. “Among the laughter, I realized that half of the ten classmates would not make the same mistake.”

But some mistakes are difficult to correct for a while. The student nodded after being corrected, and continued to make the same mistake next time.

For example, when Hong Kong students express “you eat first” and “you go first”, they always say “you eat first” and “you go first”. This is because in Cantonese grammar, adverbs often come after verbs, that is, “you eat first” and “you walk first”.

Another habit that cannot be broken is that students like to add the word “then” at the beginning of every sentence. Xu Li explained that it is easier for students to learn Taiwanese Mandarin because Cantonese and Taipu have no tongue-twisting sounds. Influenced by Taiwanese culture, Hong Kong students like to start a sentence with “then”.

“Many students work very hard, and their notes are filled with pinyin.” Xu Li observed that after the oral English practice in class, some students would practice oral English by themselves after returning home.
Two weeks before the Primary 2 mandarin tuition final exam, she will announce the exam questions of 6 scenarios in advance, and the students will prepare them by themselves. During the exam, the students selected one of the topics and expressed it one-on-one in front of her.
“I will design some spoken language scenarios, for example, if you are the sales manager of a restaurant, what should you do when a customer is dissatisfied.”

Some diligent people thought out the answers to the six scenes in advance, wrote them down on paper, and began to recite them.
Xu Li always guides them not to use this method as much as possible: “What is written on the paper is written language, and I hope what they speak is spoken language.”

In her spare time, Xu Li once asked her students: “What are your hobbies?”

One of the answers is “look at the original novels on Qidian”.

Xu Li herself reads it every day, and reads a chapter or two when she suffers from insomnia. “This is a cultural exchange and a student’s hobby, but it works.”

In class, Xu Li does not deliberately teach simplified characters, and students rarely read mainland newspapers, but students can basically understand the original novels of Qidian Chinese website.
Some new Internet vocabulary, such as “very good” and “moving bricks”, Hong Kong students may not be able to react for a while, but in the context, it is easy to understand.
“There is no problem in reading, but I just don’t understand pinyin to text.” Chen Ke (pseudonym), born in 1997, is a student of Xu Li’s class of 2015.
When he was studying in Hong Kong, he went to Tsinghua University for exchange and also worked as an intern at CCTV.

As early as in elementary and middle school, Chen Ke had already learned Mandarin.

Putonghua has been a core subject in Hong Kong primary schools since 1998. Students enrolled in 1998 and later will learn Mandarin from the first grade of primary school to the third grade of junior high school.
In 2000, Putonghua became a subject of the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination. Primary 2 mandarin tuition become more and more useful.

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~

How To learn Chinese Fast make this plan for your child!

Some parents think that if there is a Chinese-speaking environment at home, the child’s Chinese level will naturally rise to a relatively high level. This view is one-sided. So how To learn Chinese Fast?
American psychologist Erika Hoff once said: “To master a language, you must have a lot of exposure to the language.”
Therefore, in order to improve children’s Chinese proficiency, a lot of exposure is required. At this time, the Chinese learning plan is particularly important.
The Chinese learning plan can help children establish good Chinese learning habits and make their Chinese learning more efficient. How to do it? Don’t worry, we will teach you how to make a study plan for your child.

How To learn Chinese Fast
  1. Listening and reading in the morning
    As the saying goes, “The plan for a day begins in the morning”. In the morning, the mind is clear and the memory is strong. Therefore, when making a study plan, you must grasp the time in the morning. Here I want to mention a concept of “language sense”.
    Language sense is the ability of people to intuitively perceive, comprehend and grasp language. Morning is the most suitable time to cultivate children’s sense of language.
    Parents can let their children listen to pure Chinese audio for half an hour every day when their children wake up in the morning. Parents can find some audios that can tell stories to their children. In addition to “listening”, “reading” is also necessary. Many language studies have shown that: “Learners reading aloud are very beneficial to the standard of language pronunciation and intonation and the formation of language sense.”
    Parents can listen to the audio after the child, Let the children imitate and read aloud, which can not only improve the children’s Chinese language sense, but also cultivate the children’s image thinking ability.
  2. Reading and animation in the afternoon
    Many parents let their children improve their vocabulary by memorizing Chinese words, but this method is inefficient, and children are easy to forget after memorizing.
    If you want to improve your child’s vocabulary, you need to let your child read. Remember words. Parents can arrange for their children to read for half an hour every day. For young children, parents can accompany them to read together.
    Parents can use actions to describe words that the children do not know, and let the children guess the meaning of the words. Through this interaction, the children can Accept input in comprehension.
    In addition to arranging children to read, watching Chinese animation is also a good choice. Chinese animation will show many daily expressions and language use scenes, which can make children’s Chinese level more natural and authentic.
    For the choice of Chinese animation, you can move to our previous issue. article push.
  3. Make a notepad at night to cultivate children’s writing habits
    Guide children with interest and stimulate children’s desire to create. Parents can work with their children or let them make notepads by themselves, and help them buy beautiful notebooks, stickers, colored pens, etc. How To learn Chinese Fast is actually every parents are worried about.
    After the production is completed, children can record their day in Chinese in the notebook through the combination of words and pictures, exercise Chinese expression and narrative skills, and stimulate children’s interest in Chinese in the process of creation.
    Targeted selection of books
    A good book is not necessarily suitable for children to read. When choosing Chinese books, you should focus on your child’s age, hobbies, and needs.
    For example, for Chinese children aged 3-9, you can choose short fables, preferably with pictures, such as “Aesop’s Fables” and “Andersen’s Fairy Tales”. Children aged 9-15 can choose novellas or idiom storybooks, such as “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” and “Education of Love”. Only children over the age of 15 who have years of Chinese learning foundation can buy him classics. At this time, the child has his own appreciation ability and accumulation needs. We can buy him some popular science books, including “Chinese Geography”, “Up and Down Five Thousand Years” and so on.
    In addition, when buying books, you should refer to your children’s opinions, and let your children choose according to their hobbies. Parents can’t buy books all over the place, so as not to keep the books they buy back on the shelf.
  4. Parent-child communication is very important
    Young children tend to gulp down the books when they read, and they read many books without actually acquiring any knowledge at all. Therefore, it is best for parents to have time to read with their children.
    If there is no time, it is recommended that parents communicate with their children about reading experience before eating or going to bed.
    You can ask them these questions: which character do you like (dislike) most in this book, what story is told in the chapter you read today, what did you learn, what did you understand, etc. Even if the child utters the simplest answer, parents should encourage in time and add positive reinforcement to the child’s reading, so as to improve the child’s reading self-control and reading passion.
  5. Help children develop good reading habits
    Many children feel that reading is boring and uncomfortable, and it is more because they do not have good reading habits, and children will feel physically and mentally exhausted.
    When reading, you should pay attention to your child’s reading posture, such as correct sitting posture, do eye exercises after reading, and look into the distance, which can reduce the physical pressure on your child when reading.
    In addition, it is best for parents to make a reading plan with their children. Including the fixed time and duration of reading every day, as well as the number of articles read.
    Avoid the disadvantages of children forgetting part after not reading for a long time after reading a part. Making children’s reading system continuous is also conducive to helping them form a good habit of persistent reading.
    It is best for parents to lead by example, create a good reading family atmosphere for their children, and let them fall in love with reading through hearing and seeing.
    How To learn Chinese Fast is not only a way to improve children’s reading ability, but also an effective channel to promote parent-child relationship. Parents may wish to pick up more books and actively join the reading team for their children and themselves! Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~

How To learn Chinese Fast attention Please!

How to help children build a sense of intimacy and How To learn Chinese Fast?
Interest first, positive psychological hint
Any active learning is based on interest. This is a commonplace topic, so how can we stimulate children’s interest and enthusiasm in learning Chinese?
That is not to instill in children the idea that Chinese is difficult, but to give children a hint that Chinese is very simple and very interesting, so that they will not resist learning Chinese psychologically.
Find the right way to get twice the result with half the effort
What kind of method is suitable for your child? Many parents are struggling with this problem.
We have summed up some tips that can stimulate children’s interest, and the operation is very simple.

1) Word cards – start with things that can be touched in daily life, whether it is furniture in the living room, food in the kitchen, or different types of clothes in the closet, we can make cards or use post-it notes to help children stay at home Find it, post it, learn and feel Chinese in the process of playing

2) Chinese songs – let children listen to Chinese songs, they can sing along and learn. Although the child may not be able to understand the meaning of the lyrics, he can exercise his pronunciation to a certain extent.

3) Chinese movies/animation works – In recent years, many excellent animation works have been released in China, such as: “The Return of the Great Sage”, “Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World”, “Jiang Ziya”, etc. We can use the film works to learn Stimulate children’s interest in learning Chinese.

4)Chinese mini-games – looking for pictures by reading words, opening treasure chests, clicking bubbles, cutting fruits, looking for Chinese characters, etc. Games are an effective channel to help children practice Chinese. Make good use of games, and let children learn Chinese happily during the game.
5)Chinese character enlightenment animation video – Find some animation videos related to the evolution of Chinese characters, which are interesting and allow children to feel the process of the development and change of Chinese characters more intuitively, thereby strengthening the image memory of Chinese characters.
Build children’s confidence in speaking Chinese
For many children living abroad, Chinese is a foreign language, and it is a long process to master a foreign language proficiently.
In this process, parents must give their children affirmation in time, encourage and praise their children’s efforts and dedication.
We are not afraid of children making mistakes, but to cultivate children’s confidence in speaking Chinese boldly, so as long as they try hard to express in Chinese, we should encourage and praise them.
The learning of children in the critical period of Chinese enlightenment is not accomplished overnight. So how To learn Chinese Fast
They cannot just seek more quickly, but need to use the right method, starting with basic listening and speaking, so that children can understand Chinese first and be able to communicate in Chinese.
Build children’s confidence in speaking Chinese
For many children living abroad, Chinese is a foreign language, and it is a long process to master a foreign language proficiently. In this process, parents must give their children affirmation in time, encourage and praise their children’s efforts and dedication.

We are not afraid of children making mistakes, but to cultivate children’s confidence in speaking Chinese boldly, so as long as they try hard to express in Chinese, we should encourage and praise them.
The learning of children in the critical period of Chinese enlightenment is not accomplished overnight.
They cannot just seek more quickly, but need to use the right method, starting with basic listening and speaking, so that children can understand Chinese first and be able to communicate in Chinese.
Encourage children to speak more Chinese at home. Parents can put stickers in both Chinese and English on refrigerators and other furniture, play Chinese songs in the car, and let their children speak more Chinese at home.

How To learn Chinese Fast

Join the Chinese class in the community or nearby to learn some simple Chinese vocabulary. It is not easy to learn a new language, especially Chinese, which is generally recognized as difficult.
Your child will learn Chinese more seriously and motivated because of seeing the parents’ efforts.
Take your children to eat in a Chinese restaurant or go shopping in a Chinese supermarket. Encourage children to communicate with staff in Chinese, and experience Chinese culture through food and shopping.
The various foods and Chinese characters in Chinese supermarkets can also make children feel authentic Chinese culture.
how To learn Chinese Fast?
Participate in Chinatown cultural activities and traditional Chinese cultural festivals. Every year during the Chinese New Year, many cities hold celebrations, including song performances, calligraphy, dragon and lion dances, Kung Fu performances, etc.
This kind of traditional cultural experience will bring a lot of fun to children and increase their curiosity in learning Chinese.
Let the children watch some Chinese movies and cartoons.
Parents can show their children some Chinese movies and cartoons that are suitable for their children to watch, and stimulate children’s interest in learning Chinese through vivid and interesting pictures. Knowledge of Chinese culture.

Create a Chinese environment at home
Set up a Chinese reading corner. If there are brothers and sisters learning Chinese together, let the children choose their favorite Chinese books to read in the reading corner. Set 20 minutes of free Chinese reading time every day to cultivate children’s reading habits.
After reading the book, let the children retell the story to each other in English.
Use online audio, video and various fun and interactive games to help children practice Chinese at home.
There are thousands of Chinese books in it, and they are equipped with audio recordings and pictures. The content includes stories, explanatory texts, nursery rhymes, picture books, etc. The themes cover all aspects of children’s lives and meet different reading needs.

If there is no Chinese language background or resources in the family, the child will face the situation of no Chinese input after returning home, which may lead to a decline in Chinese proficiency and make the child feel anxious.
Parents can help their children enhance their Chinese input through Sinobus live Chinese lessons.
The real teachers in Sinobus online courses will provide one-on-one tutoring with children, practice authentic Chinese, and improve their oral English and Chinese proficiency through rich and interesting activities.

Through the above activities, the children not only increased their Chinese input, broadened their horizons, and improved their curiosity, but also gradually developed their reading ability and self-learning ability. How To learn Chinese Fast actually the best answer is “I prefer to learn Chinese”!

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~

Don’t let your children have the regret of “poor Chinese” Primary 2 Chinese Tuition make it~

It is expected that in the near future, more online Primary 2 Chinese Tuition can be designed for overseas students and the most precious age for learning Chinese (4-8 years old), and develop a series of courses focusing on character recognition and reading.
So that more Overseas Chinese children are equipped with the ability to read Chinese on their own before English reading becomes the mainstream language.
As everyone knows, in the past three years, we have taken every step with trepidation.
Children have never been in kindergarten where they don’t need to do their homework, and now they are at the formal elementary school stage;
whether it is the choice of school and after-school classes, or the conflict of schedules for different talent classes and sports classes on weekends, I find that the road of bilingualism will only grow with time. It gets harder the older the child gets, not easier.
New challenges for overseas parents who want to create a bilingual environment for their children

Since the first language is the golden period of development from the age of 2, when my child was 2-3 years old, I set a goal: let the child go to a Chinese-English bilingual kindergarten.

At that time, I found some very good bilingual kindergartens, and I really hoped to send my children there, but because there were twins at home, I had to pay double the tuition fees. In the end, we turned to a kindergarten that took about 40 minutes by subway.
There were a lot of people on the subway during peak hours, and we had to go to work after taking the children to school.
Looking back, it was a heavy physical burden; but although it was hard, it was also because of that The school provides an all-weather Chinese teaching environment, which lays the foundation for children’s Chinese.
When they were 4 years old, they transferred to a public bilingual kindergarten middle class.
There are relatively many English-speaking students in public schools. One of the children of the author did not have much exposure to English before, so he had no choice in many English courses or group sports activities.
Fully understood, the willingness to participate is not very high.
Probably after the next semester, the child’s oral English and listening skills gradually accumulated, and he was more willing to participate in the English activities of the school.

When they were 5 years old, the children were transferred to a bilingual public elementary school with a good reputation and excellent academic performance. The requirements for English are particularly strict.
From the beginning of the big class, a lot of homework and weekly quizzes are arranged.
As for Chinese, considering that many students are not of Asian background, Chinese classes are taught from the simplest level.
Our family has always attached great importance to Primary 2 Chinese Tuition, so our children’s English level is not as good as that of ordinary American children; but the school’s emphasis on English made us have to practice English repeatedly at home to meet the school exams.
At the same time, because the Chinese taught in the school is too simple, we have to find Chinese tutors or difficult Chinese courses outside of class to keep the children’s Chinese continuous improvement, which has become a new challenge for parents.

Going with the flow vs. pushing aggressively, two real examples

Recently, I met an American father A in the community where I live. Before his daughter went to the English kindergarten to study in the small class, he spoke Chinese at home; after entering the small class, English instantly became the main language.
A hopes that the child’s Chinese level can at least chat easily with his wife’s Taiwanese family, instead of just saying hello, so he is afraid that the child and the mother’s family will not be able to continue to communicate due to language barriers.
When talking with A, we gave him suggestions for bilingual schools, but he had other considerations and did not adopt them;
in the end, we recommended some Chinese-dubbed cartoon programs suitable for young children, and A was not too active in wanting to subscribe to related streaming platforms.
In fact, the experience of A’s child is a story that most of us will hear in the United States——after the child attends an all-English school, he is unwilling to speak Chinese; the child’s willingness to learn is low, and parents usually give up this bilingualism. the road.
We have also met many friends of the same generation who came to the United States from Taiwan. They only require their children to be able to listen and speak Chinese, and they completely give up reading and writing.
It is also because of this that there are fewer and fewer parents who are willing to continue teaching their children Chinese as their children get older.
I often feel very lonely on the road of insisting on giving children a bilingual environment.

Another case is the mother B of my child’s Chinese after-school classmate. She recently told me that her grandfather passed away, and her sister and mother came to the city where she lived to attend the funeral.
Her two children can easily chat with her family in Primary 2 Chinese Tuition, which makes her feel that her persistence in Chinese education over the years has finally paid off.
B immigrated to the United States when she was in the second grade of elementary school.
Since her Taiwanese parents immigrated to the United States in the early 1990s, they have been busy with work and could not devote themselves to teaching her Chinese.
Pity. B’s main language has long been English. Her current Chinese ability is slowly accumulated because she is interested in Asian culture.

Primary 2 Chinese Tuition

However, because she has not worked hard in reading and reading, she can only learn intermediate Chinese now.
Dialogue, and I am not very proficient in many Chinese vocabulary, so it is difficult to discuss many topics in depth.

B told me that she hopes that her children will have a Chinese language ability beyond her own.
On the one hand, they can communicate with family members in Taiwan, and on the other hand, they can use language to deepen their Asian identity.
There are actually many parents with a growth background like B, but few of them take Chinese as a “mission” as seriously as B, and are constantly looking for opportunities for their children to learn and speak Chinese.
Today, in order to allow children who have already attended an all-English school to maintain a certain level of Chinese, B arranges for children to take 7 online Chinese classes a week, including Taiwanese elementary school Mandarin courses, Chinese conversation classes, Chinese reading classes, Chinese Clay class; there are also some classes that are held 2-3 times a week, with different types of classes staggered each day.

The reason why B plans such a careful learning rhythm is because she deeply understands that if she wants to communicate fluently in Chinese, it is not enough to go to a Chinese school on weekends once a week. Knowledge (background knowledge) to construct.
Only in this way can the child have a conversation with Primary 2 Chinese Tuition Chinese-speaking family members or communicate with other Chinese-speaking adults.

Regardless of your child’s learning needs, we have tailor-made solutions Learn more~

Learn Chinese online for kids what did I do?

Is it better to Learn Chinese online for kids earlier? Pay attention to these key points!
Bilingual teaching can positively stimulate children’s brain development.

Many parents have many doubts about when they should start learning English for their children. Should I learn Chinese first and then start learning English? Or Chinese and English can be done at the same time?
According to Gigi Luk, an American research institute on bilingual learning – Harvard education scholar, bilingualism is a lifelong experience that shapes our brains.
Moreover, he believes that learning at a young age has a positive stimulating effect on the development of the brain. Why do you say that?
According to statistical analysis, bilingual education can improve concentration. Many children of Chinese families in the United States use English at school and Chinese at home.
The child will say “goodbye” to his mother before going out. When he arrives at school, he will automatically switch the language system and say “Good Morning” to the teacher. a named vocabulary. In their cognitive and language systems, both Chinese and English grammatical habits are also built-in.
Children have a strong learning ability, they will automatically switch languages, and choose which language to use in which environment.
According to research by scientists, such children have a very special experience in learning languages, and their bilingual reading ability is significantly better than that of children of the same age.
Moreover, the ability to understand articles and vocabulary is not inferior to children with Learn Chinese online for kids.
Because of this, American public schools have already largely set up bilingual programs, allowing many second-generation immigrant students to learn both their mother tongue and English at the same time. Bilingual instruction is currently being expanded in New York City, North Carolina, Delaware, Utah, Oregon, and Washington state.
Therefore, the sooner children start learning English, it will not cause confusion, but it will allow children to win at the starting point.
Choose an English learning mode that suits your child early.

Learn Chinese online for kids

As mentioned earlier, in the trend of innovation and change in modern science and technology, education has developed an emerging experience that is completely different from traditional teaching.
To learn English, you must also abandon the traditional way of sitting in the classroom and listening to lectures.
Instead of letting children listen and be in a passive absorption posture, I am willing to say that active learning will be better through play.
That said, encourage children to express themselves, allow for failure and the possibility of making mistakes, and don’t take away the joy of learning in the first place.
Children are just starting to learn Chinese, isn’t it the same?
They will go through the stage of babbling, and the use of vocabulary and syntax may not be correct, but they find it fun, can express their opinions, and learn the language from constant mistakes.
This is the way of learning that is close to daily life.
Therefore, smart parents should also change their concepts, and stop letting their children think that learning English is just to meet the requirements of cram school teachers or parents’ expectations.
Learning a new language can be fun, interesting and stress-free.
When they are babbling, they can combine DVD bilingual, YOUTUBE bilingual programs and various online learning platforms at the same time. Let them absorb at the same time at the stage of building the language.
Don’t be afraid to try. You can start with topics that each child is interested in, such as nursery rhymes, numbers, colors, toys, and cartoons. You can watch Chinese movies for the first time, and English movies for the second time, alternately.
How parents learn English with their children

Many parents are wondering, their English pronunciation is not standard, and they know the skills to cope with exams, but they cannot use colloquial English in their daily life, so how should they provide their children with an English learning environment?
Actually, there are many different solutions to this.
First of all, in terms of co-reading English picture books, you can start with reading books with simple sentences. Let children get used to basic English first, such as the names of items, characters, and animals that they use every day.
When children have a general understanding of these vocabulary, it will be easier to advance in Learn Chinese online for kids.
Furthermore, parents can search for the names of English picture books on the Internet Youtube. There are many foreign teachers who will record the content of the picture books.
These videos are free, and they are foreign accents, which can relieve many parents from worrying about their English pronunciation. Incorrect doubts.
These videos can also be a bridge to help children get in touch with English picture books, because some children’s books are available in both Chinese and English, and parents can make good use of these online resources.
Or, there are many popular cartoons, such as Pepe Pig, which are available in both English and Chinese. This is also a teaching material that parents can make good use of.
When children watch these cartoons, because they really want to know what happened to the protagonist of the story, those words are only auxiliary for him, and they will not be afraid.
Even if you don’t understand it at first, you won’t feel frustrated because there are many animations to assist.
According to statistics, if it lasts for 30 minutes a day, after half a year, the child’s English ears will be formed naturally.
Create an English environment that schools cannot provide
Breaking away from the traditional learning mode of classrooms, combining advanced technology in the industry, and connecting with global learning resources is an inescapable trend in future learning. How should parents of the new generation choose?

Online interactive learning materials and Learn Chinese online for kids are innovative learning methods in this trend. Why not start now?