Online Chinese class for kids How to choose?

Online Chinese class for kids, grasp the 3 main points and find a cram school suitable for your child.
Many parents will start to develop their children’s English ability and choose suitable cram schools for their children when their children are in junior high school.
However, in addition to choosing the right cram school, it is also very important to understand how to read Chinese and English and supplement enough Chinese and English vocabulary.
This article first introduces the advantages and trends of junior high school English cram schools for you, and teaches you the key points of choosing junior high school cram schools and how to increase your English vocabulary.
Finally, it provides junior high school cram school recommendations to prepare for learning English in advance.
If you are considering whether to let your child go to junior high school cram school to learn Chinese, then you first need to clarify the two purposes of attending cram school.
The first is to let your child broaden their knowledge and know that there is something in the future through healthy competition between the environment and peers.

Online Chinese class for kids

There are more things to learn, and through competition with classmates, the grades can be improved; while the second purpose is mainly to take care of and supervise, for example: parents will send children who are less spontaneous in reading to local schools In the cram school, accompanied by the cram school teacher, let the children complete the study questions and improve their grades.
From a long-term perspective, the purpose of the former will be better, just like the direction of hard work.
The cram school is not only an environment to urge children to learn, but also allows children to realize the general environment and the status of their school careers, so as to cultivate children’s ability to learn, and progressive awareness.
However, no matter what the purpose is, it is the key goal of choosing a cram school to let children start Chinese tutoring from the middle school period and accumulate Chinese proficiency.
The following are the three major advantages of online Chinese tutoring:
Training replaces companionship to improve children’s learning efficiency:
Since the school is compulsory education, under the normal division of classes, the teacher must take into account the learning progress of all students, but for children with higher levels, it may consume his interest in learning and motivation.
However, compared with the Chinese courses at school, the cram school will provide more logical teaching materials and extracurricular tutoring content to help children sort out the grammar they should learn in Chinese, and at the same time improve their speaking and reading skills, and learn from a more comprehensive perspective.
Training allows students to learn more efficiently, and then replaces the accompanying learning method.
Healthy competition with outstanding peers:
Junior high school teachers usually start teaching from a relatively simple foundation, but some children have already learned it, and what these children need is to compete with each other and help them move towards their goals.
This will not only target Students who do not perform well in the exam will be given extra reinforcement, and it will also let students feel the atmosphere that their peers in the cram school are working hard, increase learning motivation with healthy competition, and help children improve their Chinese learning ability!
Advance learning:
If the student is of a higher level, in the current situation that the content of the textbook is less, the student may waste time waiting for the progress of other students.
Online Chinese class for kids means that when others are building habits.
They have already completed the three-year junior high school courses ahead of time, and use the time to strengthen other weak subjects or extracurricular extensions.
How to choose the right Chinese tuition class?
Analyze 3 key points
Choosing the right cram school is the cornerstone of everything for your child’s Chinese learning.
The following 3 selection points will help you find the right Chinese cram school.
Parents can enter the class to understand:
Although some teachers are strict in management, the strictness is traceable and very fair and just.
By letting parents enter the class to understand the class situation and understand the content of the teacher’s class, you can know each teacher.
There are some differences in the way of teaching, so we can know more about the learning status of children.
Many parents are not aware of the above-mentioned adjustments, and the cram school not only allows children to consult, but also allows parents to know the current changes in the school system, examinations and learning methods.
Peer environment of healthy competition:
Having a good environment can improve children’s learning ability.
For example, the level of children in schools will also vary due to the gap between urban and rural areas. Choosing a cram school close to the city center can make students more willing to learn through peer competition.
For example: Most of the cram schools in Taipei are for middle-to-upper students who are willing to compete. In addition, through the list, you can understand the level of the cram school students.
If you can prove that your peers are strong enough, Online Chinese class for kids, he will work harder to keep up with everyone’s footsteps, which will help improve learning motivation.
How to increase Chinese vocabulary? 3 must-know points~
If you want to have a good Chinese ability, you must have enough vocabulary.
The following 3 methods will teach you to increase your Chinese vocabulary.
Systematic learning of words: Using the learning method of concentric circles, usually as long as one word is learned, similar words or synonyms will be more impressive.
In reading or writing, there are actually many commonly used words that appear together, so students must get used to memorizing words in concentric circles, so that the amount of words will continue to expand.
Clearly read aloud words: Usually, when reciting words, students will memorize Chinese first and then pronounce the pronunciation.
Although they have an impression of the syllables, but at the moment of examination or reading, the speed of association will be slow, so it is recommended to be clear when reciting words Read the word aloud to help improve the impression of the word.
Learn more words in advance: The amount of words in Chinese is like learning Chinese.
It needs long-term and regular accumulation, and it is necessary to develop the habit of reciting some words every day in order to quickly acquire enough words.
Chinese words are mostly composed of prefixes, roots and suffixes.
A deep understanding of the meaning of words can improve the efficiency of reciting.
Although most children know that they need to recite words, write sentences, and practice grammar.
But because children are less trained in reading at the elementary Online Chinese class for kids, their learning may not be in place and in-depth.

Online Chinese Class for kids What should I do ?

Recently, I received a message, about Online Chinese Class for kids from an American parent, saying that her daughter is 7 years old, and she will have Chinese lessons every weekend.
The child can use Chinese for daily communication at home and knows a lot of Chinese characters.
In order to expand the child’s Chinese vocabulary She bought Chinese books marked with pinyin for her child, but found that her child’s pinyin is not very good, and it is easy for her to make mistakes when encountering unfamiliar characters.
Once, the child encountered the word “can” and saw “càn” marked in pinyin, and directly pronounced it as “can” in English.
Another time when I saw “hèn”, it was also pronounced as “hen” in English. Although the two pronunciations are similar, there are still differences when you carefully distinguish them.
The mother also found that it is more difficult for the daughter to distinguish between “ou” and “uo”, and when encountering “hòu” and “huò”, she does not know which is which.
My mother would like to ask if there is any way to help her daughter learn pinyin well. If she keeps getting confused with English, will giving up pinyin have any effect on learning Chinese.
As native speakers of English, it is normal for Chinese children to be easily confused with English letters, words as well.

When learning Pinyin, because Pinyin is a form of phoneticizing Chinese characters with English letters.

For example, “A” can be pronounced as “ei” or “ɑ:”. After seeing it, it is understandable for children to be unsure which sound to pronounce for a while. Then pinyin is easy to make mistakes, as my mother said, can I just skip it?
After all, Pinyin is just a phonetic system for Chinese characters. The same sound can correspond to many words, and a word can have multiple pronunciations. When you see a pinyin, you can’t be sure which word it is.
Even if you learn it, you can’t spell it like the natural spelling in English Reading is the same, to achieve the effect that you can read the words when you see them, and you can spell them when you hear them.
Moreover, people in ancient times did not have pinyin. Didn’t scholars also learn how to read?
Some children do not learn pinyin, but this will require a higher vocabulary for the children, and in the future learning, it is difficult to determine how to read Chinese characters they do not know.
Even if they look up the dictionary through radicals, but because If you don’t know pinyin, you still can’t know how to read Chinese characters.
Online Chinese Class for kids every time you recognize a character, you need to ask teachers and parents for help. After learning Pinyin, the child can look up the dictionary independently, which is convenient for recognizing characters; it can also help the child increase the amount of reading. In the primary stage of Chinese, many books contain Pinyin.
After the child learns Pinyin, he can also read picture books alone, it can help improve their vocabulary.
Therefore, parents who want their children to learn pinyin but are hesitant can try to let their children learn pinyin.
In order to help children learn pinyin better, the teacher introduces three ways to learn pinyin well.
By practicing anytime and anywhere, it will naturally be different from English if you practice more.

For children who are just beginning to learn, when practicing pinyin pronunciation, you can find out which initials and finals are the same or similar to English pronunciation, and find a good pair, so that getting started will be very simple.
For example, the pronunciation of the initials “b, p, m, f, d, t, n, l, k, h” in Pinyin is the same as that of English consonants, so no special memory is required; another example is the sound “g” in There is a pronunciation [g] in English that is the same as Pinyin, and the same pronunciation can be used to assist in memorizing Pinyin.
Then pick out the pinyin with special pronunciation, such as “j, q, x, zh, ch, sh, z, c” and “ü”.

Such as individual pinyin with special pronunciation, memorize it separately, and the pronunciation of pinyin is basically no problem .
For children of this age, learning pinyin by playing games will make the practice more effective.
In the game of finding friends, write the initials and finals on different cards, and the mother reads a pinyin “guò” to let the children find the corresponding cards.
See if you can form pinyin, and then read it out, and compare who has formed more pinyin, so that in the process of playing games, children can understand the pronunciation of initials and finals more clearly, as well as the composition of pinyin.
Mothers can usually find some Chinese versions of English nursery rhymes for children, such as the song “Little Star”.

The melody is familiar to children, but the Chinese lyrics are changable.
You can sing and find the joy of learning pinyin from music.
In a similar way, you can also find some catchy tongue twisters, such as “eight hundred pacesetters rushing to the north slope”, which can strengthen children’s memory of the confusing “b” and “p”.
After practicing a few more times, record the tongue twisters she said, and then listen to them yourself.
It is easy to find the Online Chinese Class for kids you overlooked when speaking, so that the pronunciation will gradually become more and more accurate. After learning, you can also let others Kids can try it too, it’s a lot of fun.
In short, learning Pinyin is not difficult. Children tend to confuse it with English mainly because they don’t practice enough. Parents don’t have to worry too much.
If there is confusion in pronunciation, parents can correct it at any time.
At the same time, through the three methods introduced to you just now, parents can practice more with their children at home. After laying the foundation of Online Chinese Class for kids, it is no problem for children to correctly distinguish between pinyin and English.

Online Chinese class for Kids are necessary?

Parents often have questions like: “How important is Pinyin in learning Chinese?” , to help children improve their interest in reading, Online Chinese class for Kids is very helpful for them.
Today I will answer your questions about Chinese learning.
[The Importance of Learning Pinyin].
At the beginning of Chinese, there was no pinyin, and each Chinese character itself represented its pronunciation.
In order to standardize and unify pronunciation, from the Pronunciation Unification Conference held in Beijing in 1913 to 1958 after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the first National People’s Congress officially approved and promulgated the “Chinese Pinyin Program”, and in the autumn of the same year, primary schools across the country began to teach Chinese Pinyin.
Since then, the current Chinese Pinyin has become the first lesson in primary school Chinese textbooks, and it has continued for more than 60 years.
Compared with the thousands of years of Chinese characters, the 60-year history of Pinyin is relatively short.
In Chinese teaching, the role of pinyin is more of an auxiliary, mainly used for pronunciation and literacy, and it is also a bridge for children to transition from “passive literacy”to”autonomous reading”.
Pinyin is also essential when typing on computers and mobile phones in the future.
In the Sinobus teaching system, pinyin teaching is a very important part.
We found that children who are good at learning Pinyin are better at literacy speed, pronunciation accuracy, and independent Chinese reading speed.
However, without the help of pinyin, children can also directly establish a connection between Chinese characters and sounds.
The role of pinyin is more to provide unified pronunciation and standardized reference. The status of pinyin is similar to that of phonetic symbols in English.
Whether it is pinyin or phonetic symbols, it is only an accessory of the language, not a part of the language itself. Therefore, when learning Chinese, children must realize that Chinese characters are the main body of Chinese, and Pinyin is an auxiliary learning tool.
[Direct literacy].
Due to the different characteristics of Chinese characters and pinyin characters, they need to use different learning methods.
To learn to recognize pinyin characters, the most important thing is to develop spelling ability; while to learn to recognize Chinese characters, the most important thing is to develop the ability to distinguish glyphs.
Online Chinese class for Kids for the first time, their overall memorization ability is very strong.
They use a video camera to engrave Chinese characters into their minds one by one. This is the best time to learn Chinese characters.

Online Chinese class for Kids

At the initial stage of children’s learning of Chinese characters, the most important thing is to develop their keen ability to distinguish and understand Chinese characters in a timely manner. The teaching design of Sinobus pays special attention to children’s ability to develop direct literacy.
Direct literacy + pinyin assistance.
Learning Chinese characters first not only allows children to have a deep understanding of Chinese from the shape and meaning of Chinese characters, but also completely separates Chinese characters from pinyin characters, which can also cultivate children’s cognitive ability for Chinese characters.
It means. After getting acquainted with the basic shapes and structures of Chinese characters, introduce the systematic study of Pinyin, which will get twice the result with half the effort.
Will pinyin be confused with natural phonetics?
Phonics is a teaching method for children in English-speaking countries to learn English pronunciation and spelling, and improve reading and comprehension.
By directly learning the pronunciation rules of 26 letters and letter combinations in words, establish the perception of letters, letter combinations and pronunciation, and master the rules of English spelling.
So as to achieve the purpose of reading by reading and writing by listening.
For overseas children in the first and second grades of elementary school, phonics is the focus of the school’s teaching.
Because both pinyin and phonics are related to the Latin alphabet, it is easy for children to make mistakes when they first come into contact with the pronunciation.
In addition, if a child is exposed to phonics and pinyin at the same time, due to the excessive input of language signals, the brain needs to spend more time processing the information, which may cause confusion.
This is like the fact that children who learn to speak in a bilingual environment not only speak later than children who grow up in a single language environment, but also confuse the two languages in the early stages.
Online Chinese class for Kids (Pinyin letters) are abstract phonetic symbols and lack specific content, so learning them may be a bit boring.
Following the rules of children’s understanding of things, Sinobus carefully designs interesting and interactive courseware, adopts a variety of lively and vivid forms, and visualizes the boring content, so that children can master Pinyin in a relaxed and happy manner.
Online Chinese class for Kids, they are always confused by various words.
Obviously the pronunciation is the same, but the meaning is completely different; obviously it looks different, but it can express the same meaning.
Therefore, it is very important to sort out words with similar meanings, that is, synonyms.

Online Chinese class for Kids Let’s see~

Online Chinese class for kids in Hong Kong now get a rapid development. Why so popular?

For kids, what is the best age to learn Chinese?

The best age to start learning Chinese is a matter of debate. Some experts believe that the earlier children start learning Chinese, the better.

This is because young children’s brains are more receptive to language learning and they are more likely to develop native-like pronunciation.

However, others believe that it is never too late to start learning Chinese and that adults can learn just as well as children.

In general, it is recommended that children start learning Chinese as early as possible. Many schools offer Chinese language classes for children as young as 5 years old.
However, it is never too late to start learning Chinese and there are many resources available for adults who want to learn the language.
What are some tips for learning Chinese?

*Focus on a specific type of Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese)
*Set realistic learning goals
*Create a Chinese study schedule
*Utilize a variety of methods and activities
*Master the Chinese basics first
*Study topics you enjoy with authentic resources
*Use Chinese to learn it more efficiently
*Have patience and be consistent

So in addition to the school’s Chinese learning courses, why do we need to go to online tutoring?

One of the benefits of online Chinese class for kids is that you can study at home, which saves time and transportation costs.
In addition, online courses can provide more learning resources and more flexible learning methods, such as recorded videos, interactive teaching materials and instant questions and answers.
What’s more, online courses allow you to interact with other students from around the world, so you can better understand the differences between different cultures and languages.
Then, when is the best time to get it?
The best time to learn Chinese varies from person to person, but learning Chinese from an early age can help children develop a better grasp of the language.
According to experts’ recommendations, it is best for children to start learning Chinese between the ages of 3 and 5, because children in this age group have better language absorption and memory skills.
In a word, learning Chinese from an early age can also help children better understand and appreciate Chinese culture.

In the process of learning Chinese, there are some words and expressions that may be confused with English, such as:

“是” and “yes”: These two words are very similar in pronunciation, but they have different meanings. “Yes” means affirmation in Chinese, while “yes” means affirmation in English.
“不” and “no”: These two words are very similar in pronunciation, but they have different meanings. “不” means negation in Chinese, while “no” means negation in English.
“好” and “OK”: These two words are very similar in pronunciation, but they have different meanings. “好” means agreement or approval in Chinese, while “OK” means agreement or approval in English.
During online Chinese class for kids, these need attention~
Focus on this news: “A bunch of foreigners learn! What are the advantages of Chinese? Features revealed by Taiwanese: Much better than English.”
A netizen posted an article titled “What are the advantages of Chinese over other languages” on the gossip board of Piti Kick Industrial Square.
He pointed out that there are at least thousands of Chinese characters, whether they are traditional or simplified, and each of them must be Learn to remember, the learning efficiency is quite low, but other languages are easy to learn by analogy, which makes him very curious that Chinese is so difficult to understand.
What are the advantages?

Online Chinese class for kids

After the article was published, many netizens left comments, “Dirty words are more powerful”.
“Chinese has no morphological changes, it is very simple”, “Chinese characters are ideographic characters, and the text itself has a lot of information, even if it is not tied to pronunciation.
“The biggest advantage of Chinese is that the ancestors integrated all Chinese culture into it, so as long as the Chinese language is not lost, the root of culture will never be extinct”, “Chinese spoken language is very simple, there are no grammar rules, it is easy to learn “,/
“The order of the words does not affect reading at all, but the position of English in the sentence is different, and the meaning is likely to change.”
In addition, many people think that reading Chinese can understand meaning faster than English.

“Chinese reading speed is much faster than English. This advantage is actually quite big.” , the subtitles have already been read before the words are finished”.
“Chinese reading speed is extremely fast, English native speakers read English at a slower speed than we read Chinese, Chinese is pictographs, and English must be read out.”
Chinese is extensive and profound, and many foreigners are willing to learn Chinese, but there are so many Chinese characters, whether it is simplified or traditional, not only the meaning of each character is different, but even the combination of different characters has different meanings.
Not to mention that the pronunciation is divided into tongue-rolling or non-rolling. One netizen was curious about “what are the advantages of Chinese”, which aroused heated discussions among the villagers.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of learning Chinese online compared to learning Chinese at school?

Advantages of learning Chinese online:
Children can study at home, saving time and transportation costs.
You can study on your own schedule.
Additional learning resources are available, such as recorded videos, interactive textbooks, and instant quizzes.
You can interact with other students from all over the world so you can better understand the differences between different cultures and languages.

Disadvantages of learning Chinese online:
Lack of face-to-face interaction, which may affect language development.
Students will need to manage their own time and schedule, which may require more self-discipline and organizational skills.

Advantages of learning Chinese at school:
Students can interact face-to-face with teachers and other students, which helps in the development of language skills.
They can get instant feedback and guidance in the classroom.
Children can study with other students, which helps to build social connections.
Disadvantages of learning Chinese at school:
Students spend time and money traveling to school.
Students must adhere to a fixed schedule, which may limit their flexibility.

What I wanna stressed is that online Chinese class for kids is almost a continuously process. Don’t worry~

Online Chinese class for kids quickly~

Well, online Chinese class for kids in Hong Kong become more popular and increase so many parents attention now. Then for kids, how to learn Chinese and how to increase interests?

Chinese is a language with a long history and rich culture, and it is also one of the most spoken languages in the world. Learning Chinese can not only broaden your horizons, enhance your understanding of China and other Chinese communities.
But also improve your communication skills and way of thinking.

However, Chinese is also a relatively complex and difficult language, which requires a lot of time and effort to master. So, how to learn Chinese effectively?
How to maintain and improve interest in the learning process? This article will give some suggestions from the following aspects.
Identify goals and motivations.

Learning any language requires a clear goal and motivation, so as to have direction and motivation. What is your reason for wanting to learn Chinese? What level do you want to achieve? What do you want to do in Chinese?

online Chinese class for kids

What kind of interest and enthusiasm do you have for Chinese? These questions can help you clarify your learning goals and motivations, and formulate appropriate learning plans and methods according to your actual situation.

Choose the right teaching materials and resources. Learning Chinese requires systematic and scientific teaching materials and resources, so as to ensure the learning effect and efficiency. According to your own level and needs, choose suitable teaching materials and resources, such as textbooks, dictionaries, software, websites, videos, audios, articles, etc.
These textbooks and resources can help you learn Chinese pronunciation, shape, vocabulary, grammar, sentence patterns, culture, etc., and provide a wealth of exercises and tests.
When choosing teaching materials and resources, pay attention to their quality, reliability, practicality and interest, and try to choose those teaching materials and resources that are authoritative, professional, updated and interactive.
Adhere to listening, speaking, reading and writing exercises.

To learn Chinese, you need to insist on practicing the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, so as to improve your Chinese level in an all-round way.
Listening exercises can help you become familiar with the sounds and rhythms of Chinese, and improve your ability to understand spoken language and the radio, etc.
Speaking exercises can help you develop fluent and accurate pronunciation, improve your ability to express yourself and communicate with others, and more. Reading exercises can help you recognize more Chinese characters and vocabulary, improve your ability to understand written language and read articles, etc.

Writing exercises can help you master correct writing norms, improve your ability to organize language and write articles, etc. Pay attention to diversification, practicality, repetition and feedback when doing listening, speaking, reading and writing exercises.
And now, you may questioned.
Online Chinese class for kids was that mean, just get the class online, that’s enough?
“My child learn Chinese at school, why get a extra class? School lessons not good?”
Well, that’s not true exactly.
Learning Chinese online saves time and money. You don’t need to go to school to attend classes, and you don’t need to buy expensive teaching materials and transportation expenses. All you need is a computer or mobile phone, and you can learn Chinese anytime, anywhere.
Online learning Chinese can choose appropriate teaching materials and resources according to your own level and needs.

You can find all kinds of free or paid Chinese learning software, websites, videos, audios, articles, etc. on the Internet, and you can learn according to your own pace and interests.
Learning Chinese online can improve independent learning ability and motivation. You don’t need to rely on teachers or classmates, but rely on your own curiosity and hard work to learn Chinese.

You can set your own goals and motivations, and monitor and evaluate your own learning in different ways.
Learning Chinese online can increase the language environment and exposure. You can communicate and interact with native Chinese speakers or other Chinese learners from different regions and backgrounds through online platforms and communities.
You can also learn about the culture and customs of China and other Chinese communities by watching Chinese movies and books.
Different children may have different abilities and degrees of adapting to online learning. Some children may find online learning very interesting.
They can arrange their own time and schedule, or use various online resources to learn. Some children may find online learning boring, lack of interaction and guidance from teachers and classmates, and are easily distracted and give up.
The advantage of learning Chinese online is that you can learn anytime and anywhere, without being restricted by region and time, and you can also choose courses and teaching materials that suit you.

The challenge of learning Chinese online is the need for self-discipline and autonomy, a good learning environment and equipment, and eye protection and physical health.
If you want to try to learn Chinese online, you can refer to the following suggestions:
Choose an online learning platform that suits you, such as Taipei Kukeyun, Learning Bar, Uniform Education Platform, etc.

Make a reasonable study plan, including study time, content, objectives and assessment methods.
Maintain good communication with teachers and classmates, give timely feedback on problems and difficulties, and share learning experience and achievements.
Use multimedia resources to enrich learning, such as videos, music, games, e-books, etc.
Online Chinese class for kids take time to rest and relax, avoid staring at screens for long periods of time, and pay attention to body posture and movement.
Keep a positive and open attitude and enjoy learning Chinese.
“Taking classes online allows me to use various online tools and resources to learn. Such as use computers, mobile phones, tablets and other devices to watch movies, listen to music, play games, read e-books and so on. “

“I can also search for various information through the Internet to increase my knowledge and insight, as well as communicate and share with people from different places online, and learn their culture and viewpoints.”

“Taking classes online allows me to develop my self-discipline and autonomy. Taking classes at home, without the supervision and encouragement of teachers and classmates, I have to manage my time and study on my own. “

“I have to set my goals and plans and stick to them. I have to overcome all kinds of disturbances and difficulties, and give feedback and seek help in a timely manner. These abilities are very important for my future development.”

While there are some drawbacks and challenges in online Chinese class for kids, there are also many interesting and rewarding aspects. I think as long as you have a positive and open attitude, you can enjoy the fun of online classes.

Online Chinese class for kids in Hong Kong

So let’s talk about why kids all go to learn Chinese recently, in a word~ why online Chinese class for kids now more popular?

Hong Kong is a highly competitive place for education, and many parents and students want to excel academically. Chinese is one of the official languages of Hong Kong and the basis for studying other subjects. Therefore, many primary school students will participate in Chinese tutoring to improve their language ability and test-taking skills. So, what is the current situation of Chinese tutoring for primary school students in Hong Kong? What formats and resources are available for tutoring? What impact and challenges does tutoring have on primary school students’ Chinese learning?

I think Hong Kong primary school students may encounter some difficulties in learning Chinese, also the online Chinese class for kids in Hong Kong such as:
There is no fixed correspondence between Chinese characters and pronunciation, which is a challenge for elementary school students learning to read and write. They need to remember different glyphs, sounds and meanings, and be able to flexibly use them in different contexts.

Online Chinese class for kids

*The grammar and structure of Chinese is relatively flexible and obscure, which can be a challenge for elementary school students learning to write and understand. They need to master different sentence structures, figures of speech and conjunctions, and be able to express their thoughts and emotions clearly.

*Learning Chinese requires a lot of reading and practice, which is a burden for elementary school students who lack interest and motivation. They need to spend time and energy reading texts of different types and levels of difficulty, and be able to reflect on and apply the knowledge and skills acquired.

*Therefore, Hong Kong primary school students need to have a good foundation, method and attitude in learning Chinese, as well as proper guidance and support.

What’more, why so many parents take it?

One of the benefits of tutoring is that it can help primary school students improve their Chinese proficiency and confidence, especially for non-Chinese speaking students or students with weak Chinese foundation. Tutoring allows them to get more practice and guidance, make up for the deficiencies in the classroom, and adapt to the Chinese test requirements.

Another benefit of tutoring is that it can expose primary school students to more Chinese culture and knowledge, increasing their interest and motivation in Chinese. Tutoring can allow them to learn more vocabulary, idioms, stories, poems, etc., enrich their Chinese expression and comprehension skills, and broaden their horizons and thinking.

One of the disadvantages of tutoring is that it may increase the stress and burden of primary school students, affecting their physical and mental health and happiness. Tutoring can take away time they should be resting and having fun, leaving them bored and bored. Tutoring may also make them overly dependent on teachers and textbooks, and lose the ability to learn and explore independently.

Another disadvantage of private tutoring is that it may affect primary school students’ relationships with their peers and families, reducing their chances of social interaction and integration. Tutoring may make them feel distant or competitive with their peers, making it difficult to form friendships and cooperate. Tutoring may also make them have communication and understanding barriers with their parents, resulting in conflicts and dissatisfaction.

As same as other Chinese tutoring, good and bad, the same~
The benefits of online tutoring are:
1.Time flexibility: You can arrange the class time yourself, and you are not limited to the opening hours of the physical classroom.
2.Reduce transportation costs: You don’t need to spend time and money on commuting, as long as you have a computer and the Internet, you can take classes anywhere.
3.Flexible and diverse teaching content: You can choose the courses you are interested in, without being bound by fixed teaching materials or course planning.
4.Convenient marketing and reaching more students: If you are a teacher, you can use the online platform to promote your courses and attract more students from different regions or countries.
5.Less expensive classes attract more students: If you are a student, you can enjoy lower tuition fees because online tutoring reduces physical space and personnel costs.
6.Teaching videos can be reused: If you are a teacher, you can save your teaching videos for marketing or sales on other courses or platforms.
7.Create passive income by posting on platforms: If you are a teacher, you can upload your teaching videos to various online teaching platforms, allowing students to buy and watch them at any time to create passive income.
Online Chinese class for kids maybe not the perfect choice~ Every coin has two sides.
The disadvantages of online tutoring are:
1.Students are prone to lack of concentration: Due to the lack of face-to-face interaction and supervision in online tutoring, students may be distracted or give up due to external interference or their own psychological factors.
2.Delay problem (the degree of delay varies from platform to platform): Since online tutoring needs to transmit audio and video signals through the network, system delay problems may be encountered, which will affect the quality and effect of teaching.
3.No peers to study with: Due to the lack of cooperation and competition among peers in online tutoring, students may feel lonely or unmotivated.

And now, maybe you’re interested in the same parents as you, what are they opinions, or what are they thinking about?

“My family has a bilingual environment. Jack’s Chinese is not bad in listening and speaking, but his reading and literacy skills are slightly poor, so he dare not teach it himself. I tried an online enlightenment Chinese class and immediately fell in love with it. The courseware is very interesting, and the teacher is very friendly. After learning for a few months, my expression and literacy have improved a lot. I am so gratified.”
“The way of learning Chinese and Chinese culture online is very interesting, and children like it very much. The teachers are very patient and gentle. My kids feel so close to them. The teachers are also very experienced and use different methods to keep students focused in class. Of course, my children like gamification teaching and learning Chinese in cartoons the most.”

Online Chinese class for kids can give you a more suitable design, also provide different kinds of courses, why not give it a try?

Online Chinese class for Kids hurry up~

“Are you OK”? In the best Chinese class for children in Hong Kong, the children learn more than just this sentence! Online Chinese class for Kids not only a strict lesson, more over, it is also a colorful learning process for everyone~
Although many parents expect their children to learn Chinese well, they still need to pay attention to the training of basic skills in language learning.

Overseas Chinese education is a long-term game and a great responsibility! –Xu Jialu, President of the World Association for Chinese Language Teaching

Choose the right method to make it easier for Hong Kong children to learn Chinese! Careful observation revealed an interesting phenomenon: mothers in China are worried about how to teach their children to learn authentic English. At the same time, mothers in Hong Kong are also worried about how to teach their children to learn authentic Chinese! Born and raised overseas, the “second foreign language” that gives them a headache is naturally Chinese.

In addition to the cognitive aspect, of course we cannot avoid the cultural and emotional links.

Online Chinese class for Kids

So when is the best time to give a Online Chinese class for Kids?

  • From the perspective of English learning, the earlier the better. Experts say that if you want to master a language to basically reach the level of “mother tongue”, then you should not be older than 10 years old at the latest.
    What is “mother tongue” level?
    It is difficult to quantify and describe. In practical applications, if the following two points can be achieved, it can be simply understood as reaching the level of “native language”:
    First, think in “English” and blurt out English without going through the process of “Chinese-English translation” in your brain;
    The second is that when people from English-speaking countries communicate with you, they will not realize that “English” is not your native language.
    Of course, not everyone will ask their children to achieve the second language “English” to reach the “mother tongue” level as their goal. However, if you want your child’s English level to reach the “mother tongue” level, then send your child to an all-English immersion environment no later than 10 years old at the latest.
    In this way, there is still a possibility, and, of course, the sooner the better. Otherwise, it’s unlikely.
    The reason why the level of “mother tongue” is taken as the standard is mainly because this is an achievable goal and it is also the goal pursued by many parents. Now many children in China are bilingual or English-speaking from kindergarten to elementary school.
    For example, they have been attending international schools, and their English proficiency has reached the level of “mother tongue”.
    Of course, if your “English” learning goals for your child are not so high, then discuss it again.
Online Chinese class for Kids
  • From the perspective of learning Chinese
    Some parents struggle very much when choosing primary schools for their children. On the one hand, I agree with the education methods of international schools, but on the other hand, I am worried that the Chinese teaching in international schools may be weakened, and I am worried that while children are learning English well, Chinese will fall behind.
    1.Many international schools in China actually attach great importance to Chinese teaching, especially in elementary school, and some even regard their Chinese education as a differentiated advantage to compete with other international schools.
    You can give preference to international schools that place emphasis on Chinese language teaching. In some international schools I know, in addition to Chinese, mathematics and other courses are also taught in Chinese in elementary school, and the amount of Chinese teaching is not a lot.
    2.Chinese is indeed more difficult to learn than English. Repeated practice in public schools will make children more solid in Chinese pinyin, reading and writing of Chinese characters, etc. However, whether they can learn Chinese well by studying the “Chinese textbook” is a matter of fact. Two said.
    3.If you are really worried about the Chinese language teaching in international schools, you can send your children to public schools, and then take foreign language tuition abroad at the same time, and then transfer your children to international schools when the parents think it is appropriate, such as grades 4 and 5. Because the international school has a special admissions department, the recruitment work is carried out periodically every year, and the students will be enrolled in whichever grade still has a place for admission.
    4.There is another way, that is to attend elementary school in an international school, and then find a cram school to supplement Chinese after class. Anyway, there are many cram schools in China, and the level of Chinese tutoring is definitely higher than that of English tutoring.
    Under normal circumstances, new students are enrolled at the beginning of a new school year.
    Mr. Ji Qian, a Taiwanese educationist, once said: “Chinese children who grow up in foreign countries are happy, because their local foreign language is as natural as native, and their Chinese learning is no stranger than Chinese children learning foreign languages. They are uniquely endowed with the best of both worlds.” But if the parents don’t make good use of this advantage, the children’s blessings will be lost day by day, and the two will be irrelevant. This is the big fault of the parents!”
    I quote this quote here, Online Chinese class for Kids offer so many opportunities for children to improve~ and I hope that parents can help Hong Kong children learn Chinese and retain their roots in Chinese culture.

Learning Chinese Language for Beginners Free-what?

Do you like learning Chinese? If you want to know which one is better for primary school Chinese tutoring, you must choose the learning method and tutor that suit you! Learning Chinese Language for Beginners Free maybe a more helpful choice~
It can be said that the elementary school stage is a critical period for children to lay a good foundation in Chinese, and the requirements for Chinese subjects are very strict. Many parents choose to send their children to various cram schools to improve their Chinese learning ability and academic performance. But now there are many kinds of cram schools, how to choose so as not to “step on the thunder”?
The first thing to bear the brunt of course is the understanding of the cram school teachers, and whether those courses are really suitable for my children to learn? You can’t waste your time doing useless work for a lot of money.
If we want to know which one is better for primary school Chinese tutoring before the first class, we can first listen to some suggestions and feedback from other parents~

Learning Chinese Language for Beginners Free

“My child was in an international high-quality kindergarten before entering elementary school, and the class was mainly taught in English. When the child entered elementary school, his progress was much behind other students. A friend introduced him to Sinobus Chinese tutoring. The teacher was very patient and guided and encouraged the child carefully, built their confidence in learning, and my child’s Chinese has improved significantly. He said that reading comprehension has become much easier to understand, and even speaking Mandarin has become much more fluent.”
“I used to think that learning Chinese was very difficult. I didn’t understand the meaning of the words, and I didn’t know how to pronounce the word. After participating in the Sinobus cram school, the teacher was very careful and strict, and guided me very hard. My Chinese expression ability greatly improved.”
Speaking of Sinobus, some parents may ask, “Is this a course? Or what kind of cram school? Learning Chinese Language for Beginners Free, how can it work for my kids?”
Sinobus is mainly aimed at children aged 4-16, and offers different courses for children at different learning levels, which is more targeted. The positioning of services and tutoring is also more precise. It can help children who are learning Chinese to solve problems and improve their abilities in a more targeted manner.
Different from the big class in the classroom that we accepted in the past, Sinobus is an online class that is not limited by time and place~ Whether you are at home or elsewhere, depending on the time you want to study, we will improve each stage Time teacher tutoring for you.
Choose Sino-bus, let Chinese become a bonus item in the entrance examination, and hold the future in your own hands!
Which one is better for primary school Chinese tutoring?
Not only for the improvement of academic performance, Chinese learning is essential for children. The importance of Chinese is self-evident~

Learning Chinese Language for Beginners Free

Take a look at some parents’ comments on Sinobus online Chinese classes~
“After learning Chinese at Sino-bus, not only the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing has been greatly improved, but now I can also write short essays proficiently. At present, I can recite “University” and “The Doctrine of the Mean”. I have to say that Sino-bus Chinese The courses are really perfect. I have participated in story clubs and Chinese training camps. Of course, these are all supplementary courses to improve children’s extracurricular reading ability. After participating in the trial class, I felt professional, meticulous and interesting in all aspects.”
“I have been studying Chinese at Sino-bus for 2 years, and my literacy has reached 3000, and I can read various picture books independently.” At the beginning, I was attracted by the phrase “It’s also playing games, why don’t you come to Sino-bus Chinese?” , I signed up for the trial class, and I was not disappointed. The children like this education method very much, the courseware is very interesting, and the teacher’s lectures are very exciting. “
Which one is better for elementary school Chinese tutoring, one-on-one online teaching, better help children improve their Chinese learning ability!
Topic like: After school, cramming Chinese. If I have a wish, I would like to…
Talking about Learning Chinese Language for Beginners Free, the beginners now as a kid. What’s going on?
Jason is in Primary 3 this year. Every day after school, he would take his favorite bus to study Chinese. On this day, his Chinese learning task was to make sentences. There were two questions on the worksheet. The first question had to use the word “friendly”, and the second question had to use the words “busy” and “care”.
The tutor explained the words first, and then let Jason make up the sentences by himself. At the same time, the teacher was preparing another girl’s Chinese silent book for the next day. Jason stared at the two black lines in front of his eyes, holding a pencil, unable to start.
Why is it so difficult to make sentences? “I know the meaning of these words, but I don’t know how to put together a sentence.” Jason, who originally spoke fluent English, suddenly spoke intermittently. Too much, too much, too much dissatisfaction poured out all at once, like a pile of colorful building blocks, and he couldn’t find the shape he wanted.
“I hate dictation,” he said. Over the years he had learned many words, but he never knew how to use them. “I hate Chinese,” he said. Odd structure, rote memorization after one homework, three months later meet the same sentence, like a stranger.
If you had three wishes to change the school and make you happier in school, what would you do?
I think one wish is enough. “Jason suddenly said: “Don’t have Chinese homework, dictation, quizzes, and exams.” He was promoted to primary two last year, and he has already complained to his parents that he doesn’t want to learn Chinese. “They ignored it. Is it normal? Adults usually ignore children’s complaints.”
Take Jason as an example. Most of the friends and teachers he met at school are also from ethnic minorities, and they communicate in English in daily communication. Only the Chinese class at school needs to use Chinese.
“Jason has no habit of using Chinese, and he doesn’t understand why he needs to learn Chinese well.” Parents can only hope that Jason will understand his painstaking efforts when he grows up.
So Learning Chinese Language for Beginners Free, at least for kids, why not give them free?

Learning Chinese Language for beginners Free worth to read!

What’s the meaning of learning Chinese language for beginners free? How to choose that and how can I find the proper one for myself?
Why Chinese is the mother tongue of Hong Kong children, but it has become a “blocking stone” in their learning process.
Although Chinese is the mother tongue, many families still communicate in English in their daily life. Then when children enter the primary school stage, they will encounter great difficulties in the process of learning Chinese. What should I do as a parent?
Is Chinese more difficult to learn than English?

In fact, every language learning has its easy and difficult places. The easy part of English learning may lie in spelling, but learning Chinese is quite strenuous. The meaning of Chinese characters is composed of shape, sound, and meaning. Recognizing the shape of a character does not necessarily understand the meaning of the word; understanding the meaning of the word does not necessarily mean being able to read it. But as long as you master certain rules of word formation, these problems will be solved easily.
When is the best time to learn Chinese?

 learning Chinese language for beginners free

Of course the sooner the better! If you want to learn Chinese well, it is best to start early! To learn a language, the initial language foundation and language sense training will have a profound impact on future learning. Therefore, primary school Chinese tutoring is the first and most important part of the process of learning Chinese for children.
So that’s the main key point of learning Chinese language for beginners free~
Zola said that “the whole meaning of life lies in the endless exploration of what is not yet known, in the constant increase of more knowledge”.
An interesting survey found that some children believe that taking cram schools can improve their self-confidence in learning. This actually lies in the importance the children attach to learning Chinese. Secondly, the convenient and effective learning skills taught in the cram school can greatly promote the progress of children’s academic performance.
So how to enhance children’s interest in learning Chinese?
Chinese is a very charming language, and the interesting cultural elements contained in Chinese words can be said to be unique. In the process of Chinese tutoring in primary schools, teachers need to be able to vividly explain the interesting characteristics of Chinese, and explain the development of characters with vivid stories. Chinese learning is not boring for children.
Chinese learning is closely related to the living environment. Children will encounter a lot of Chinese characters in their daily life, and subconsciously accept learning in their daily life. These subtle influences are a good thing.

 learning Chinese language for beginners free

Where there is an exam, there is competition, and when there is a ranking, there is pressure.
Well, every study should be doing like this~ Learning Chinese language for beginners free as well.
“After graduating from elementary school, my daughter was able to successfully enter the well-known international school ‘Chinese International School’ to study in middle school, relying on her solid Chinese foundation and excellent Chinese learning ability, which is very useful.” Nan Nan’s mother is very happy. Fortunately, I made the right choice for my daughter a few years ago and chose the primary school Chinese tutoring course.
So on the other side, we can see some negative affects, too much Chinese study busy work has also bring lots of pressure.
Study pressure is high, temper is grumpy, and negative energy is emitted. Are these the results of tutoring? Jack, who is in the third grade of elementary school, has a bad temper. He pushes his classmates from time to time at school, and he tends to lose control of his emotions at home. The mother said that the younger brother was just teasing him as a joke, but Jack’s reaction was exaggerated, such as yelling and crying, attacking his younger brother, and even hitting his head against the wall!
Such a negative energy at such a young age. Jack said that his parents are very busy at work and have no time to accompany him; the schedule after school is the same every day, full of cram schools for different subjects, which is very boring, and he doesn’t like it at all. Jack once asked his parents for help but the problem was not taken seriously. Jack felt very unfair and very angry.
“I think primary school tutoring is a must for my children. In this highly competitive social environment, if other people achieve very good performance because of tutoring. Wouldn’t you suffer if you don’t take tutoring? In my opinion, primary school tutoring in Hong Kong It is an opportunity and a way to improve, so of course it cannot be missed.” Mother Wang, who has a son and a daughter, told reporters.
Parents may think that sending their children to cram schools will relieve a lot of burden on each other, not only can the children improve their academic performance, but also the children can be disciplined. This kind of thinking has made the trend of tutoring in primary schools in Hong Kong only increase.
In fact, I believe that parents also respect the free and comprehensive development of children’s personalities, and strive to provide them with a relaxed and cheerful growth environment and learning atmosphere. But we all clearly understand that it is impossible to not care about academic performance at all.
Chinese tutoring in primary schools has become an important part of the learning and development process of children, Learning Chinese language for beginners free offers different kinds of chance for children at the same time, because the traditional Chinese educational philosophy has been deeply rooted in our blood!

Learning Chinese language for beginners free From Mandarin

Learning Chinese language for beginners free through immersive mandarin Chinese learning? What’s that mean? Is it what we usually call imitation training, or is it the repeated practice of what the teacher said in class?
Even if you don’t agree with my point of view now. In fact, you have accepted it subtly and started immersive learning, which is what children have been learning all the time.
Through their babbling or everyday language in their daily life. They communicate in this way with those around them, by imitating and repeating what they need to say, which of course they do, because no one is born with the ability to speak.
In addition, when the children’s brains hear and accept the sounds of the surrounding environment, they will begin to form a pattern, and through long-term repetition in the brain, they will form an understanding and learning a new language.
In the process, children will realize. If they say “more”, they will get more of what they want. It just like, if they say “baobao” ,they will get a hug. Since the brain already has the function of learning language at this time, their comprehension and communication skills will be improved rapidly.

Learning Chinese language for beginners free

When I was five or six years old, I was already able to speak Mandarin Chinese very fluently, although sometimes the grammatical structure may be ambiguous~
That’s okay~ Learning Chinese language for beginners free through immersive way is to give full play to the innate language ability of children. From the first day of school, the teacher may use mandarin in the classroom, but in fact, at this time, the children are in the initial stage of accepting this new language for the first time.
In fact, they cannot fully understand or even understand the content of the class. This is actually equivalent to what they communicate with their families in English every day at home. For example, “milk”, “bottle”, “flower”. You must be wondering, so how do we let the children get it?
Let’s take a look at the conclusions of the research on immersion Mandarin Chinese learning.
The immersive language learning environment allows children to learn Mandarin as if they were exposed to their mother tongue. Research has shown that our brains can adapt to new languages, just like learning new methods!

Learning Chinese language for beginners free

  1. Children who use immersive learning methods learn vocabulary five times faster than students in traditional classrooms. –Milton, James & Meara. Paul 1995
  2. Immersive language teaching mode stimulates brain activity similar to learning a native language. –Morgon-Short K. Steinhauer K.2012
  3. Language learning works best when children are so engaged that they forget they are learning. –Kroshen, S.D. 1987 Principles and Practice of Second Language Acquisition
    Then, what I will share with you is the stage of the immersive language teaching mode!
  • Children first repeat what the teacher said in class through imitation. Pictures, body language, songs or nursery rhymes used in the lesson;
    *Kids learn to answer simple yes-no questions, and they begin to try to make sentences. But generally speaking, there will be many mistakes at this stage at the beginning, which is inevitable~
  • Gradually, they can speak longer sentences and begin to correct grammatical errors. The teaching at this time pays more attention to dialogue.
    What’s more, with more and more practice and improvement, little ones make greater progress, and they can use complex long and difficult sentences in speaking and writing. The focus of the course now is to speak up and learn to express yourself.
    Finally, one of the biggest improvements in learning Mandarin Chinese is the improvement of oral expression skills. What are the advantages of deep immersion learning? “Children’s brains are wired to learn language.” Research suggests immersion may be the only path to native language fluency~
    Learning Chinese language for beginners free Not only in mainland China, parents at home and abroad are seeking high-quality and efficient Chinese language teaching for their children, which has greatly promoted the vigorous development of Chinese language learning and education.
    Language learning is a long process. Due to the pressure of entering a higher school and the needs of the actual situation, most students need to constantly consolidate and improve their weak Chinese foundation to a certain extent, and continuously improve their Chinese learning ability and cognitive level, so as to promote the overall development of children and promote more Hong Kong children. Study Chinese class.
    Furthermore, with the significant improvement of China’s comprehensive national strength and international status, the Chinese language is also playing an increasingly important role in the exchanges between people from all over the world. Such a big environment has attracted more people to learn the Chinese language and prompted more Hong Kong children to learn Chinese.
    Overseas Chinese education is a long-term game and a great responsibility! –Xu Jialu, President of the World Association for Chinese Language Teaching.
    Last but not least, Learning Chinese language for beginners free offers all kinds of chance for everyone!