Learn Chinese online for kids what did I do?

Is it better to Learn Chinese online for kids earlier? Pay attention to these key points!
Bilingual teaching can positively stimulate children’s brain development.

Many parents have many doubts about when they should start learning English for their children. Should I learn Chinese first and then start learning English? Or Chinese and English can be done at the same time?
According to Gigi Luk, an American research institute on bilingual learning – Harvard education scholar, bilingualism is a lifelong experience that shapes our brains.
Moreover, he believes that learning at a young age has a positive stimulating effect on the development of the brain. Why do you say that?
According to statistical analysis, bilingual education can improve concentration. Many children of Chinese families in the United States use English at school and Chinese at home.
The child will say “goodbye” to his mother before going out. When he arrives at school, he will automatically switch the language system and say “Good Morning” to the teacher. a named vocabulary. In their cognitive and language systems, both Chinese and English grammatical habits are also built-in.
Children have a strong learning ability, they will automatically switch languages, and choose which language to use in which environment.
According to research by scientists, such children have a very special experience in learning languages, and their bilingual reading ability is significantly better than that of children of the same age.
Moreover, the ability to understand articles and vocabulary is not inferior to children with Learn Chinese online for kids.
Because of this, American public schools have already largely set up bilingual programs, allowing many second-generation immigrant students to learn both their mother tongue and English at the same time. Bilingual instruction is currently being expanded in New York City, North Carolina, Delaware, Utah, Oregon, and Washington state.
Therefore, the sooner children start learning English, it will not cause confusion, but it will allow children to win at the starting point.
Choose an English learning mode that suits your child early.

Learn Chinese online for kids

As mentioned earlier, in the trend of innovation and change in modern science and technology, education has developed an emerging experience that is completely different from traditional teaching.
To learn English, you must also abandon the traditional way of sitting in the classroom and listening to lectures.
Instead of letting children listen and be in a passive absorption posture, I am willing to say that active learning will be better through play.
That said, encourage children to express themselves, allow for failure and the possibility of making mistakes, and don’t take away the joy of learning in the first place.
Children are just starting to learn Chinese, isn’t it the same?
They will go through the stage of babbling, and the use of vocabulary and syntax may not be correct, but they find it fun, can express their opinions, and learn the language from constant mistakes.
This is the way of learning that is close to daily life.
Therefore, smart parents should also change their concepts, and stop letting their children think that learning English is just to meet the requirements of cram school teachers or parents’ expectations.
Learning a new language can be fun, interesting and stress-free.
When they are babbling, they can combine DVD bilingual, YOUTUBE bilingual programs and various online learning platforms at the same time. Let them absorb at the same time at the stage of building the language.
Don’t be afraid to try. You can start with topics that each child is interested in, such as nursery rhymes, numbers, colors, toys, and cartoons. You can watch Chinese movies for the first time, and English movies for the second time, alternately.
How parents learn English with their children

Many parents are wondering, their English pronunciation is not standard, and they know the skills to cope with exams, but they cannot use colloquial English in their daily life, so how should they provide their children with an English learning environment?
Actually, there are many different solutions to this.
First of all, in terms of co-reading English picture books, you can start with reading books with simple sentences. Let children get used to basic English first, such as the names of items, characters, and animals that they use every day.
When children have a general understanding of these vocabulary, it will be easier to advance in Learn Chinese online for kids.
Furthermore, parents can search for the names of English picture books on the Internet Youtube. There are many foreign teachers who will record the content of the picture books.
These videos are free, and they are foreign accents, which can relieve many parents from worrying about their English pronunciation. Incorrect doubts.
These videos can also be a bridge to help children get in touch with English picture books, because some children’s books are available in both Chinese and English, and parents can make good use of these online resources.
Or, there are many popular cartoons, such as Pepe Pig, which are available in both English and Chinese. This is also a teaching material that parents can make good use of.
When children watch these cartoons, because they really want to know what happened to the protagonist of the story, those words are only auxiliary for him, and they will not be afraid.
Even if you don’t understand it at first, you won’t feel frustrated because there are many animations to assist.
According to statistics, if it lasts for 30 minutes a day, after half a year, the child’s English ears will be formed naturally.
Create an English environment that schools cannot provide
Breaking away from the traditional learning mode of classrooms, combining advanced technology in the industry, and connecting with global learning resources is an inescapable trend in future learning. How should parents of the new generation choose?

Online interactive learning materials and Learn Chinese online for kids are innovative learning methods in this trend. Why not start now?

Online Chinese class for kids How to choose?

Online Chinese class for kids, grasp the 3 main points and find a cram school suitable for your child.
Many parents will start to develop their children’s English ability and choose suitable cram schools for their children when their children are in junior high school.
However, in addition to choosing the right cram school, it is also very important to understand how to read Chinese and English and supplement enough Chinese and English vocabulary.
This article first introduces the advantages and trends of junior high school English cram schools for you, and teaches you the key points of choosing junior high school cram schools and how to increase your English vocabulary.
Finally, it provides junior high school cram school recommendations to prepare for learning English in advance.
If you are considering whether to let your child go to junior high school cram school to learn Chinese, then you first need to clarify the two purposes of attending cram school.
The first is to let your child broaden their knowledge and know that there is something in the future through healthy competition between the environment and peers.

Online Chinese class for kids

There are more things to learn, and through competition with classmates, the grades can be improved; while the second purpose is mainly to take care of and supervise, for example: parents will send children who are less spontaneous in reading to local schools In the cram school, accompanied by the cram school teacher, let the children complete the study questions and improve their grades.
From a long-term perspective, the purpose of the former will be better, just like the direction of hard work.
The cram school is not only an environment to urge children to learn, but also allows children to realize the general environment and the status of their school careers, so as to cultivate children’s ability to learn, and progressive awareness.
However, no matter what the purpose is, it is the key goal of choosing a cram school to let children start Chinese tutoring from the middle school period and accumulate Chinese proficiency.
The following are the three major advantages of online Chinese tutoring:
Training replaces companionship to improve children’s learning efficiency:
Since the school is compulsory education, under the normal division of classes, the teacher must take into account the learning progress of all students, but for children with higher levels, it may consume his interest in learning and motivation.
However, compared with the Chinese courses at school, the cram school will provide more logical teaching materials and extracurricular tutoring content to help children sort out the grammar they should learn in Chinese, and at the same time improve their speaking and reading skills, and learn from a more comprehensive perspective.
Training allows students to learn more efficiently, and then replaces the accompanying learning method.
Healthy competition with outstanding peers:
Junior high school teachers usually start teaching from a relatively simple foundation, but some children have already learned it, and what these children need is to compete with each other and help them move towards their goals.
This will not only target Students who do not perform well in the exam will be given extra reinforcement, and it will also let students feel the atmosphere that their peers in the cram school are working hard, increase learning motivation with healthy competition, and help children improve their Chinese learning ability!
Advance learning:
If the student is of a higher level, in the current situation that the content of the textbook is less, the student may waste time waiting for the progress of other students.
Online Chinese class for kids means that when others are building habits.
They have already completed the three-year junior high school courses ahead of time, and use the time to strengthen other weak subjects or extracurricular extensions.
How to choose the right Chinese tuition class?
Analyze 3 key points
Choosing the right cram school is the cornerstone of everything for your child’s Chinese learning.
The following 3 selection points will help you find the right Chinese cram school.
Parents can enter the class to understand:
Although some teachers are strict in management, the strictness is traceable and very fair and just.
By letting parents enter the class to understand the class situation and understand the content of the teacher’s class, you can know each teacher.
There are some differences in the way of teaching, so we can know more about the learning status of children.
Many parents are not aware of the above-mentioned adjustments, and the cram school not only allows children to consult, but also allows parents to know the current changes in the school system, examinations and learning methods.
Peer environment of healthy competition:
Having a good environment can improve children’s learning ability.
For example, the level of children in schools will also vary due to the gap between urban and rural areas. Choosing a cram school close to the city center can make students more willing to learn through peer competition.
For example: Most of the cram schools in Taipei are for middle-to-upper students who are willing to compete. In addition, through the list, you can understand the level of the cram school students.
If you can prove that your peers are strong enough, Online Chinese class for kids, he will work harder to keep up with everyone’s footsteps, which will help improve learning motivation.
How to increase Chinese vocabulary? 3 must-know points~
If you want to have a good Chinese ability, you must have enough vocabulary.
The following 3 methods will teach you to increase your Chinese vocabulary.
Systematic learning of words: Using the learning method of concentric circles, usually as long as one word is learned, similar words or synonyms will be more impressive.
In reading or writing, there are actually many commonly used words that appear together, so students must get used to memorizing words in concentric circles, so that the amount of words will continue to expand.
Clearly read aloud words: Usually, when reciting words, students will memorize Chinese first and then pronounce the pronunciation.
Although they have an impression of the syllables, but at the moment of examination or reading, the speed of association will be slow, so it is recommended to be clear when reciting words Read the word aloud to help improve the impression of the word.
Learn more words in advance: The amount of words in Chinese is like learning Chinese.
It needs long-term and regular accumulation, and it is necessary to develop the habit of reciting some words every day in order to quickly acquire enough words.
Chinese words are mostly composed of prefixes, roots and suffixes.
A deep understanding of the meaning of words can improve the efficiency of reciting.
Although most children know that they need to recite words, write sentences, and practice grammar.
But because children are less trained in reading at the elementary Online Chinese class for kids, their learning may not be in place and in-depth.

Cool Online Chinese Class Now!

Well, online Chinese class, how does people learn Chinese in Hong Kong?
I never thought that “Chinese” in the eyes of Taiwanese is Mandarin Pinyin, but in the eyes of mainlanders it is Putonghua Pinyin.
Taiwanese and mainlanders generally learn Chinese first by learning pinyin and then learn characters, so learning Chinese must be later than learning pinyin, so they get the impression that people who don’t know pinyin don’t understand Chinese, and you can learn Chinese without learning pinyin It is unbelievable.
It is this kind of fallacy that resulted in some students who were jealous of Hong Kong people who could learn Chinese instead of pinyin and came out to speak out, going all out to ask all schools in Hong Kong to teach all subjects that use Chinese to be taught in Putonghua.
So what is online Chinese class?

online Chinese class

Online Chinese class is a way of learning Chinese language and culture through the internet. There are many online platforms that offer online Chinese courses for different levels and purposes.
How have Hong Kong people been using Cantonese to learn Chinese?
From Bu Bu Zhai to the schools established by the government, in the past 170 years, the way Hong Kong people learn Chinese has never changed. They still follow the tradition of oral tradition since ancient times and use the six-book method to learn. Bo Wenqiang Memorize, build up the understanding and connection of Chinese words by watching more, reading more and listening more.
Although this kind of learning process is long and difficult, but I remember it firmly and learn deeply.
People in Hong Kong learn Chinese by learning the shape of Chinese characters, the notes of the characters themselves and their meanings.
One word for one sound, with extensive references. If so, the words and sentences are gradually accumulated.
Therefore, there is no need to learn pinyin first and then learn Chinese like Putonghua. Instead, it is directly combined with traditional Chinese culture, because most Chinese characters have their own phonetic symbols, regardless of its origin, actually contains a complete set of nine tones and six tones, which perfectly retains the characteristics of ancient Chinese, and is also the most complete language that retains medieval Chinese. Get twice the result with half the effort.
As we all know, the predecessor of Putonghua is the national language, and the purpose of its appearance is only to hope to have a spoken language that can pass all over the country and allow citizens to communicate with each other.
Later, in order to show the “newness” of “New China”, there was even the idea of completely abolishing Chinese characters and Latinizing Chinese characters. Under the leadership of Mao Zedong, the CCP actually transformed Chinese characters into simplified characters, and “destroyed the old and established the new” of traditional Chinese characters.
The Hanyu Pinyin is the embryonic form of Latinized characters.
It separates the shape and sound of Chinese characters, and requires people to learn Pinyin first and then learn characters. sound, but this quick fix destroys the point of learning Chinese. Fortunately, Hong Kong separated from mainland China early, and the British ignored how Hong Kong people learn Chinese.

online Chinese class

By chance, they retained the learning method of teaching Chinese in Cantonese, which is integrated with ancient Chinese.
Hong Kong people originally learned Chinese with the best method, which coincided with the previous man-made characters, and learned Chinese from the shape, sound and meaning of characters.
Only Hong Kong in the world has retained this effective way to learn Chinese, but now some people are ignoring the basics and chasing after the last , take the Latinized pinyin of cutting Chinese characters, sounds, and meanings as the only way to learn Chinese, and use it to be complacent, not knowing that I am an accomplice in destroying Chinese learning and abolishing Chinese characters.
This is really ignorant.
Online Chinese class can be learned because it is used as a communication language, but teaching Chinese in Hong Kong using Putonghua is putting the cart before the horse. Abandoning the excellent and complete traditional methods, instead learning Chinese with a method with many defects and taking the elimination of Chinese characters as its own responsibility, thinking that this can improve the level of Chinese?
To put it simply, Cantonese contains a complete set of ancient Chinese elements. Learning Chinese is easy to resonate. Because of the meaning of the text, and the sound of the words, it is important for learners to read more and read more to accumulate vocabulary.
Since ancient times, the Chinese character creation system, although it can learn how to pronounce in a short period of time, it is not very meaningful for word learning
If you think about it carefully, you know that it is impossible.
This new teaching style make us close to each other, there is no doubt about it!
What if the child’s pronunciation incorrect and the parents are not allowed to correct it? In fact, there is no need to deliberately correct them, as long as someone says the correct sentence, the child will naturally understand the comparison. Well, what if the parents’ mandarin is not good? If you get a mandarin class and have a professional teacher, speak orthodox mandarin in a relaxed environment, wouldn’t it be easier for kids to understand?
Probably learning Chinese for kids, for everyone interest is more important!
Finally, a reminder. Now that we have entered the era of intelligence. Online Chinese class will also become a very common topic. If your mandarin is not standard, those smart devices may make wrong actions or judgments. Therefore, we should all make ourselves able to use the dictionary pronunciation of Chinese!

Online Chinese class for Kids hurry up~

“Are you OK”? In the best Chinese class for children in Hong Kong, the children learn more than just this sentence! Online Chinese class for Kids not only a strict lesson, more over, it is also a colorful learning process for everyone~
Although many parents expect their children to learn Chinese well, they still need to pay attention to the training of basic skills in language learning.

Overseas Chinese education is a long-term game and a great responsibility! –Xu Jialu, President of the World Association for Chinese Language Teaching

Choose the right method to make it easier for Hong Kong children to learn Chinese! Careful observation revealed an interesting phenomenon: mothers in China are worried about how to teach their children to learn authentic English. At the same time, mothers in Hong Kong are also worried about how to teach their children to learn authentic Chinese! Born and raised overseas, the “second foreign language” that gives them a headache is naturally Chinese.

In addition to the cognitive aspect, of course we cannot avoid the cultural and emotional links.

Online Chinese class for Kids

So when is the best time to give a Online Chinese class for Kids?

  • From the perspective of English learning, the earlier the better. Experts say that if you want to master a language to basically reach the level of “mother tongue”, then you should not be older than 10 years old at the latest.
    What is “mother tongue” level?
    It is difficult to quantify and describe. In practical applications, if the following two points can be achieved, it can be simply understood as reaching the level of “native language”:
    First, think in “English” and blurt out English without going through the process of “Chinese-English translation” in your brain;
    The second is that when people from English-speaking countries communicate with you, they will not realize that “English” is not your native language.
    Of course, not everyone will ask their children to achieve the second language “English” to reach the “mother tongue” level as their goal. However, if you want your child’s English level to reach the “mother tongue” level, then send your child to an all-English immersion environment no later than 10 years old at the latest.
    In this way, there is still a possibility, and, of course, the sooner the better. Otherwise, it’s unlikely.
    The reason why the level of “mother tongue” is taken as the standard is mainly because this is an achievable goal and it is also the goal pursued by many parents. Now many children in China are bilingual or English-speaking from kindergarten to elementary school.
    For example, they have been attending international schools, and their English proficiency has reached the level of “mother tongue”.
    Of course, if your “English” learning goals for your child are not so high, then discuss it again.
Online Chinese class for Kids
  • From the perspective of learning Chinese
    Some parents struggle very much when choosing primary schools for their children. On the one hand, I agree with the education methods of international schools, but on the other hand, I am worried that the Chinese teaching in international schools may be weakened, and I am worried that while children are learning English well, Chinese will fall behind.
    1.Many international schools in China actually attach great importance to Chinese teaching, especially in elementary school, and some even regard their Chinese education as a differentiated advantage to compete with other international schools.
    You can give preference to international schools that place emphasis on Chinese language teaching. In some international schools I know, in addition to Chinese, mathematics and other courses are also taught in Chinese in elementary school, and the amount of Chinese teaching is not a lot.
    2.Chinese is indeed more difficult to learn than English. Repeated practice in public schools will make children more solid in Chinese pinyin, reading and writing of Chinese characters, etc. However, whether they can learn Chinese well by studying the “Chinese textbook” is a matter of fact. Two said.
    3.If you are really worried about the Chinese language teaching in international schools, you can send your children to public schools, and then take foreign language tuition abroad at the same time, and then transfer your children to international schools when the parents think it is appropriate, such as grades 4 and 5. Because the international school has a special admissions department, the recruitment work is carried out periodically every year, and the students will be enrolled in whichever grade still has a place for admission.
    4.There is another way, that is to attend elementary school in an international school, and then find a cram school to supplement Chinese after class. Anyway, there are many cram schools in China, and the level of Chinese tutoring is definitely higher than that of English tutoring.
    Under normal circumstances, new students are enrolled at the beginning of a new school year.
    Mr. Ji Qian, a Taiwanese educationist, once said: “Chinese children who grow up in foreign countries are happy, because their local foreign language is as natural as native, and their Chinese learning is no stranger than Chinese children learning foreign languages. They are uniquely endowed with the best of both worlds.” But if the parents don’t make good use of this advantage, the children’s blessings will be lost day by day, and the two will be irrelevant. This is the big fault of the parents!”
    I quote this quote here, Online Chinese class for Kids offer so many opportunities for children to improve~ and I hope that parents can help Hong Kong children learn Chinese and retain their roots in Chinese culture.