Online Chinese learning what’s wrong with that?

How to break through the bottleneck of overseas Chinese youth Online Chinese learning from the some troubles?
Parents should reflect on whether we have said too much about why we should learn Chinese, but rarely actively explore and listen to the reasons why children do not want to learn.
When facing children’s negative thoughts about learning Chinese, parents must understand the meaning behind the five words “I don’t want to learn Chinese” and grasp the problem in order to prescribe the right medicine.
The process from “I don’t want to learn Chinese!” to “I love Chinese!” must be inseparable from the correct guidance of parents and the firm belief that children must learn Chinese well.
Facing the child, we should be a listener, a guide who is not powerful or oppressive, and when the child wants to give up, walk with him gently and firmly, understand his emotions when the child needs help, and help rationally.
He solves problems.
First of all, from the perspective of students, firm cultural self-confidence is the prerequisite for Chinese learning. Most overseas Chinese teenagers were born and raised in the country of residence.
Only when they recognize the identity of their parents and grandparents as overseas Chinese and have a sense of closeness to China can they truly accept Chinese learning.
It can be said that the premise of Chinese learning is cultural self-confidence centered on national pride and belonging.
In the process of establishing a sense of national pride and belonging, we should teach students in accordance with their aptitude and make the best use of the situation.
For example, I want to make a video call with my grandparents in China, I want to know why dumplings are eaten during the Spring Festival, I want to understand Chinese cartoons, etc.
With the initial motivation, there will be an entrance to learn Chinese.
Forming a long-term interest is fundamental to determining the level of Chinese, because interest is the internal driving force for learning Chinese.
Chinese learning should not be limited to how many words and sentences must be mastered at any stage, but should always maintain interest in learning.
Whether the Chinese level can continue to improve, and whether they can continue to study after adulthood are also important factors.
Secondly, from the perspective of parents, parents are the main factors that constitute the family’s language environment.
Parents’ language strategies and cultural awareness largely determine the attitudes of overseas Chinese teenagers towards Online Chinese learning.
In my opinion, parents can promote their children’s Chinese learning from four aspects.
First, insist on speaking Chinese at home, even if the child does not answer in Chinese, parents must insist on speaking Chinese.

Online Chinese learning

second, take the children to go back to China for field experience, go to various places to see famous mountains and rivers, places of interest and historical sites, and feel and understand contemporary China.
third, Consciously create conditions for students to experience and experience Chinese culture and participate in activities with Chinese cultural characteristics.
fourth, let children eat the most authentic Chinese food, because through taste memory, children can get closer to China.
Third, from the perspective of teachers, in addition to basic factors such as teaching skills and working experience, the sense of mission and professional loyalty of overseas Chinese teachers also play an important role in the Chinese learning of Chinese students.
It is worth noting that it is necessary to take care of the continuity of the development of overseas Chinese language teachers, so as to cultivate local successors of Chinese language education and complete the intergenerational inheritance.
Fourth, from the perspective of overseas Chinese schools, it is necessary to create a Chinese language environment on campus.
As a platform and link to connect Chinese students, parents, and teachers, schools should consciously use Chinese as the language of campus communication.
In terms of specific operations, for example, Chinese cultural activities can be used to promote language life, because learning Chinese is not only about learning language knowledge and acquiring language skills in the classroom, but more importantly, using Chinese in cultural activities to experience the joy of learning Chinese.
Stimulate the internal drive to learn Chinese. Take my Yokohama Yamate Chinese School as an example.
For many years, the school has held Chinese speeches in succession. Students give speeches in Chinese to hundreds of audiences on the stage. In fact, they combine language learning with self-awareness, challenge themselves, and overcome themselves. Combined, I also gained the confidence brought by Chinese.
In addition, in order to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the school also held a lion dance activity. All students participated and danced 70 lion dances in Yokohama Chinatown.
The sense of national pride was beyond words. After participating in the activity, Students are more motivated to learn Chinese.
It is worth emphasizing that, since Chinese education is rooted in the overseas Chinese society and teaches the language and culture of the ancestral (home) country, the two have also become important influencing factors.
In short, breaking through the bottleneck of Chinese language learning for overseas Chinese teenagers requires joint efforts and systematic planning.
A friend once said to me: “Aren’t they all teaching Chinese? What’s the difference!”
He was only half right. Indeed, both overseas Chinese education and international Chinese education are taught in Chinese and have certain commonalities, but the two should not be confused.
The biggest difference between overseas Chinese education and international Chinese education is the difference in teaching objectives and teaching objects.
In short, the teaching goal of overseas Chinese education is “inheritance”, while the teaching goal of international Chinese education is “dissemination”;
The main teaching object of overseas Chinese education is the children of overseas Chinese, while the main teaching object of international Chinese education is non-Chinese foreigners.
Therefore, whether it is class arrangement, curriculum setting, textbook compilation, or teaching, it must be suitable for its diverse characteristics in order to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.
For example, in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, grammar teaching accounts for a large proportion.
However, in the teaching of overseas Chinese education, many grammatical rules do not need to spend time explaining, and students from Chinese families generally have a better sense of language.
For example, the “bi” sentence is an important grammatical point in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, but Chinese children may say “his apple is bigger than mine” since childhood. The teaching of Chinese characters is a “difficult point” in the teaching of Chinese international education, but it is not the key point. In the teaching of overseas Chinese education, the teaching of Chinese characters is just the opposite.
It is the “key point” rather than the “difficult point”.
The growth environment of Chinese children makes them no strangers to Chinese characters, and there is no “fear” in learning Chinese characters.
Compared with international Chinese education, the biggest feature of overseas Chinese language education is the diversity of its teaching objects, which is also the biggest difficulty of Online Chinese learning.

Online Chinese learning these need to be followed~

How difficult is it for overseas children to learn Chinese? The old mothers who taught their children Online Chinese learning at home expressed their sufferings!
When the teacher is chatting with the parents, I often hear many mothers complain that their children are very resistant to Chinese lessons when they are exposed to Chinese learning.
“Mom, I don’t want to learn Chinese anymore, Chinese is so boring!” “No, I have to go! Don’t be self-willed, be good.” “I hate Chinese!”
Looking at the baby’s red eyes, most mothers dare not say a word to their children at this time, for fear of arousing their children’s rebellion against Chinese; some mothers start to question themselves, is it right to insist on letting their children learn Chinese?
I believe that you who read this article must have encountered a similar situation. In order to escape the Chinese class, the children often fought wits and courage with the old mothers.
From the initial verbal resistance, to pretending to be sick and staying in bed, everything that can be used has been used.
Although most of the children’s tricks ended in failure, there is no winner after a fierce battle.
The child’s idea of “not wanting to learn Chinese” has not been dispelled, it is only a temporary submission to the authority of the parents.
After a long time, children will feel that their inner voice has not been listened to and understood by their parents.
As learning Chinese becomes more and more difficult, children who do not experience the joy of learning will inevitably have stronger resistance.
However, after meeting Online Chinese learning, too many children’s mentality towards Chinese has undergone qualitative changes, from being forced to taking the initiative, from resisting to liking.
Some children cry because they can’t go to class on time because of family affairs.
Although children’s changes in Chinese are inseparable from Sinobus well-designed courses and excellent teachers, parents’ attitude towards children’s learning Chinese is the key to making children fall in love with Chinese.
Today, I will talk about how, as parents, how should we correctly deal with children’s resistance to Chinese.

Online Chinese learning

1.Rebuild self-confidence and identify with emotions.
When your child expresses negative emotions towards Chinese for the first time, don’t rush to get angry, Xiao Wukong will give you a big praise first!
When your child encounters a problem and can speak out on his own initiative, it means that you have communicated very effectively with your child in daily life.
When the child sends out his distress signal, the parents should not immediately get angry or get angry, first of all, they must express their position, we are friends on the same front, not enemies.
You can share your childhood experience: “My mother couldn’t distinguish pinyin and English when she was young, but you are so good at learning, much better than your mother!”
You can also fully understand your child’s mood and encourage them: “Mom understands your mood very well.
Writing Chinese characters is indeed more difficult than English, but you can learn so many Chinese characters in one class, which is really amazing!”
In the process of learning Chinese, children will face one challenge after another. It may be that just because a word is not written well will hit the child’s confidence and motivation to learn.
At this time, parents must help their children build up their self-confidence in learning, and at the same time, from the perspective of their children, find out the problems that need to be overcome at present, and recognize and agree with their emotions.
I believe that after receiving your encouragement, the children will be full of confidence to meet the next challenge.

  1. Lower expectations and focus on gains
    Parents should sometimes reflect on whether they have added extra psychological pressure to their children’s Chinese learning.
    Excessive expectations are sometimes the last straw that overwhelms their children’s Chinese learning.
    When some parents choose a course, they only choose which institution has the highest knowledge density in the class.
    How many words the teacher can teach their children in a class has become an important indicator for some parents to choose, but they ignore that the child can learn in a class.
    Understand, how much to absorb. Ignoring children’s ability to bear, and only relying on the wishes of adults to stuff knowledge into children, not only affects the learning effect, but also extinguishes children’s enthusiasm for learning Chinese.
    Parents should calm down their children’s Chinese learning, set clear goals, and first build up confidence in Chinese learning.
    After each class, write “Baby, how many words did you learn today? Write it several times and don’t forget!” Change to “Are you happy in Chinese class today? You have learned so many characters, how about teaching your mother?”
    Now that you have interest and confidence, are you still afraid that your child will not be able to learn Chinese?
    2.Interest is getting stronger, hobbies are the most important
    The saying “Interest is the best teacher in learning” is a cliché, but many old mothers still have difficulties in cultivating their children’s interest in Chinese.
    After all, the child grew up overseas and had neither a language environment nor the motivation to learn Chinese.
    How to cultivate a child’s interest in Chinese can be said to be even more difficult.
    The mother of Sinobus student Amy used to be one of the many troubled people, and she resolutely refused to go to the Chinese class, which caused her mother a lot of headaches.
    Until Amy accidentally saw the ancient costume TV series that her mother was chasing, the architectural style full of oriental charm, the exquisite ancient costumes, and the mysterious and melodious soundtrack made Amy have a strong interest in Chinese classical culture.
    Although I often don’t know much when watching dramas and need my mother to translate from the side, but after watching the TV series 3 times with love, Amy can speak many lines following the characters in the drama.
    Seeing this, Amy’s mother was overjoyed, and quickly applied for a trial class for Amy. Unexpectedly, Amy agreed this time without even thinking about it. Wukong’s class did not disappoint Amy’s mother, and the class firmly captured Amy’s interest.
    Now Amy not only likes to take Chinese class, but also likes to recite ancient poems and sing them out.
    I heard from Amy’s mother that, since Online Chinese learning the child wants to learn a national musical instrument recently~