Primary 6 Chinese tutoring “dangerous” for everyone?

Does sending your child to Primary 6 Chinese tutoring? A teacher who has been in the supplementary education field for 19 years reveals the open secrets of this profession…
Basically, I don’t agree with students going to tutoring (I mean “subjects”). You may be surprised that a famous Tujia teacher actually said such a thing!
Usually, parents send their children to cram schools for only one purpose—improved grades.
Of course, ordinary parents are not as sure about the content of various subjects as cram school teachers, so they are less likely to interfere in the teaching process of cram schools, and only use the results of school examinations to make a conclusion.
And “cramming teaching”, giving formulas and sets of solutions is the fastest shortcut to score, but it is also the most effective way to stifle thinking.

When I was first admitted to the Mathematics Institute of National Taiwan University, I taught in a well-known cram school in Zhongyonghe.
At that time, I taught students in the sixth grade of elementary school.
Since the entrance examination for gifted and gifted classes is quite difficult for ordinary students, it is understandable that they need to prepare in advance.

Since I believe that “the foundation of mathematics lies in understanding, not formulas or solutions”, in order to avoid letting students learn too many formulas that they don’t understand, I would rather take a long way and explain to students to understand.
Therefore, although no specific formula is given, the problem can be solved.

 Primary 6 Chinese tutoring

At the beginning, the students were really uncomfortable, because their previous teacher was a college student of electrical engineering.
He copied the formulas on the blackboard first in class, and taught the students to formulate the formulas and get the correct answers.
However, the students only need simple solutions, and they have A clear set of formulas is basically incomprehensible; even if they know how to solve it to get the correct answer, they don’t know why it is solved that way.

But when they switched to my class, they were startled.
They had been expecting a formula to appear, but they never saw a simple formula. For the students in the class, it is very “wasting time”.
At this time, many parents also discovered: Why didn’t I see any formulas in the children’s handouts?
Is this teacher messing around? If they are not teaching, there will be no formulas for students!
Therefore, the parents and the director responded, “Can you remind the teacher to be more serious? Otherwise, how could there be no formulas at all in math class!”
When the director interviewed me, I stated my philosophy and said that I would stick to this teaching method. At this time, the director had no choice but to ask him to hand over the mathematics in the class, and he would do it. Excellent test questions.

Usually after class, I will not leave immediately, but will stay for a while to understand the child’s learning situation. In addition to answering some students’ questions, I also understand and correct my teaching methods from the interaction with them, and see if my teaching results feel good about myself.

Once, a student responded: “Teacher, when you first taught us, I couldn’t understand because there was no formula to substitute. But after a month, I gradually understood your teaching method, and I realized that I began to understand Math! But last week, the director taught us a question, which confused me!”
what is the problem in Primary 6 Chinese tutoring? “
“That’s 1+2+3+…(continued to add)…+10” (Related reports: How many “Fang Siqi” are there in Taiwan? The winner of the Shiduo Award sexually abused single-parent young girls for 2 years, revealing too many unspeakable secrets |More articles)

“Oh! So? How does the director teach?”
“He just taught us to add the first number to the last number, multiply by 10, divide by 2, and that’s the answer… I know the answer should be right, but I don’t know why!”
“Okay, I will teach you now. Let me ask you, is there any order in addition? For example, is the result of 3+5 and 5+3 the same?”
“Then the result of ‘1+2+3+…+10′ is the same as adding ’10+9+8+…+1’ in reverse, is it acceptable?”

“Now let’s add these two rows and transcribe them horizontally into two rows up and down, aligned. Take a look, the first numbers in the two rows aligned up and down are 1 and 10, how much does it add up?”
“So, what about the second aligned number, 2 and 9, that add up?”
“And what about the third aligned numbers 3 and 8?”
“It’s also 11… well, it’s all 11!”
“Yes! Why?”
“Well… because the numbers in the upper row are incremented by 1 successively, and the numbers in the lower row are gradually decreased by 1, so the changes are all offset!”

“Okay! How many ’11’ are there?”
“Good! So, (1+10)X10 is the answer?”
“Hmm…should be divided by 2!”
“Very well, why?”
“Because we originally only needed one row of results, but now we add them twice. So we have to divide by 2!”
“Then do you understand Primary 6 Chinese tutoring ?”
After two or three minutes of guidance, students will understand the truth behind it, why should they “hide their hands”? I never think that playing tricks means that the teacher is very good. On the contrary, I sincerely believe that “there are no students who can’t learn, only teachers who can’t teach.” If students don’t understand, who is stupid?

In fact, it is tiring to teach without formulas like me, and the difficulty and challenge are relatively high.

It takes a lot of time to prepare lessons in advance, and the way of guidance and explanation is designed in advance so that students can understand what they have learned from the inside.

Lesson preparation time and effort, at least more than 3 times the general teaching.

If it is to directly give formulas and sets of solutions, it is the easiest teaching operation mode.
Anyway, under the urging of the general environment, not many students would want to try to understand.
As long as you can score in the end. Moreover, if you teach in a model that is more difficult for students to understand, students will feel more inadequate and have to take tutoring, sticking to tutoring classes will be tighter, and the industry will earn more!

Why do I look far away?
Because if I don’t take a long way, students won’t really understand.
If I seek convenience everywhere, students will never develop the ability to think independently.

In this way, instead of memorizing a bunch of “mathematical formulas that I don’t understand”, it is better to memorize a few more English words!
However, under the results orientation of parents, can cram schools survive if they don’t pay attention to quick results? I am afraid that the parents will ask for a change of teacher or even a cram school during the exam period!

The result of “short-sightedness and short-sightedness” finally encourages children. Most tutoring students never know what they have learned, let alone “right, why it is right; wrong, where it is wrong”.
And when the child grows up and becomes a parent, because he has never had confidence in the subject, he can only send the child to a cram school, which eventually becomes a karmic cycle of “rewarding the world”-is this not miserable?

Therefore, if we want to cultivate children’s future competitiveness, we must start with the ability to think independently.

If you can only follow others’ sayings and set formulas, you can only follow the trajectory of your predecessors in the future, and you will not be able to become a great talent!

Therefore, my sincere suggestion: I would rather my child have bad grades than study hard, otherwise, what can a brain that doesn’t know how to adapt do?

I hope parents will carefully consider Primary 6 Chinese tutoring!

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Still looking for Primary 2 Chinese Tuition?

Primary 2 Chinese Tuition? Really…need to start so early?

Parents, what do you think of when it comes to elementary school students?

A: maybe…a small person, carrying a schoolbag with various cartoon characters (Hello Kitty, Ultraman, Peppa Pig, SpongeBob SquarePants…) printed on it, bouncing to school every day, and coming back to eat in the afternoon After dinner and homework, I went downstairs to play;

B: Very cute, very innocent, carefree every day, when I get home from get off work, I will say “Mommy, thank you” and give me a big hug;
C: It is the stage with the least troubles, I am very happy every day, and my smile is very healing;

That’s right, the second child is indeed like this – very cute, loves to play and laugh, lively and active, sometimes naughty…

Children’s childhood should indeed be like this.

There is a saying like this: “Happy children use their childhood to heal their lives, and unfortunate children use their lives to heal their childhood.”

I really hope that all children have a happy childhood!
What I have to admit is that with the rapid development of society, people’s life pressure is also increasing. Parents, you can check it out.

There are tens of millions of college graduates every year, but what about the employment rate?

It’s freezing cold! The employment rate of undergraduates in “Double First-Class” universities in 2023 is only 13%, and that of graduate students is as low as 17%! !

May I ask if you still dare to let your children study Buddhism every day, do not make up any lessons, and have a “happy” childhood?

Some parents said: “Oh, my child is still young and only in the second grade of elementary school. The environment has been bad for the past few years. Take your time and there will always be a way out”…

Such parents are really kind people, and they are children’s “good friends”!

Unlike some parents who know how to urge their children to study all day long, and strictly control their children’s time playing computer games.

The child’s grades have declined seriously recently. He immediately contacted the teacher to inquire about the child’s current study status, tried to find out the reason for the child’s performance decline, and tried every means to solve it.
Many years later,

The children of such “some parents” have been promoted to key middle schools…

The children of these “some parents” were sent to mainland China as exchange students to study in high school because they speak Chinese fluently, and they made many good friends there…

The children of this kind of “some parents” paid attention to the Primary 2 Chinese Tuition at that time, and they were quite fluent in Mandarin, and finally received an offer from a top 500 listed company…

.Some parents also said that it is very important to train children well, but it is better to enroll children in other interest classes, such as piano, art, painting, swimming, snooker, etc.

Most college-educated adults use about 5,000 words in their daily life, work and study, and it is said that they only need about 3,500 to read China Daily.

challenge? Unlike English, where you can pronounce an unknown word using pinyin, for starters, Chinese characters give you no clues about how the word is pronounced or what it means.

To help cross that bridge, beginner books often spell out words in Pinyin, the official Roman phonetic system for Standard Chinese in mainland China, so students can learn to pronounce characters when they don’t know them.


China’s rich history and its wealth of stories and poems has led to the frequent use of idioms in speech.
“It’s useless to study Chinese now. Just go with the school. The sub-test is only in the fifth grade. Let’s learn some other talents first.”
Parents, don’t think so! This will ruin the child!

These idioms can often be quoted in short phrases in conversation, and unless you know the idiom, it can be difficult to understand the meaning.

For example, if you say “I threw a brick” at a business meeting, it sounds like an act of hostility. In fact, it references the Chinese idiom “throwing bricks to attract jade”.

In this context, it means “I offer some clichés to start with so others can offer valuable input.” It can be a very useful idiom once you know what it means.

Listen to Mandarin as much as possible
For the first month or two, just focus on listening.

Start by focusing on listening. Just getting used to the sound. You should read whatever you’re listening to, but do so using a phonetic writing system such as pinyin to better understand what you’re hearing.

You’ll eventually have to learn the characters, but you can leave them alone and try to gain a little momentum in the language.

Primary 2 Chinese Tuition

Language learning should be early, not late! Studies have shown that the best time to start language learning is before the age of 10.

The earlier the better, learning a language is actually a process of reshaping thinking. The older the child, the easier it is to think;

Take the time to memorize Chinese characters

Learning Chinese, Mandarin, is a long-term project.

It will expose you to the languages ​​and cultures of over 20% of humanity and have had a major impact on world history.

For this reason, I always recommend learning Chinese characters if you are going to learn the language.

Once you decide to learn Chinese characters, study them every day. Spend half an hour to an hour every day learning Chinese characters.

Use whatever method you want, but set aside a dedicated character study time each day.

Why every day?

Since you forget the characters almost as quickly as you learn them, you need to relearn them again and again.

You might want to use Anki or some other modern computer learning system.

I developed my own spaced repetition system. I have a set of 1,000 little cardboard flashcards of the most common 1000 characters.

I have a few sheets of graph paper to practice writing these characters.

I would take a card and write the character 10 times in one column on graph paper, then write the meaning or pronunciation in a few columns.

Then I’d grab another flashcard and do the same thing.

Soon I encountered the meaning or sound of the previous character I wrote there.

Then I wrote that character a few more times, hopefully before I completely forget about it.
So let’s start Primary 2 Chinese Tuition now!

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Online Chinese learning these need to be followed~

How difficult is it for overseas children to learn Chinese? The old mothers who taught their children Online Chinese learning at home expressed their sufferings!
When the teacher is chatting with the parents, I often hear many mothers complain that their children are very resistant to Chinese lessons when they are exposed to Chinese learning.
“Mom, I don’t want to learn Chinese anymore, Chinese is so boring!” “No, I have to go! Don’t be self-willed, be good.” “I hate Chinese!”
Looking at the baby’s red eyes, most mothers dare not say a word to their children at this time, for fear of arousing their children’s rebellion against Chinese; some mothers start to question themselves, is it right to insist on letting their children learn Chinese?
I believe that you who read this article must have encountered a similar situation. In order to escape the Chinese class, the children often fought wits and courage with the old mothers.
From the initial verbal resistance, to pretending to be sick and staying in bed, everything that can be used has been used.
Although most of the children’s tricks ended in failure, there is no winner after a fierce battle.
The child’s idea of “not wanting to learn Chinese” has not been dispelled, it is only a temporary submission to the authority of the parents.
After a long time, children will feel that their inner voice has not been listened to and understood by their parents.
As learning Chinese becomes more and more difficult, children who do not experience the joy of learning will inevitably have stronger resistance.
However, after meeting Online Chinese learning, too many children’s mentality towards Chinese has undergone qualitative changes, from being forced to taking the initiative, from resisting to liking.
Some children cry because they can’t go to class on time because of family affairs.
Although children’s changes in Chinese are inseparable from Sinobus well-designed courses and excellent teachers, parents’ attitude towards children’s learning Chinese is the key to making children fall in love with Chinese.
Today, I will talk about how, as parents, how should we correctly deal with children’s resistance to Chinese.

Online Chinese learning

1.Rebuild self-confidence and identify with emotions.
When your child expresses negative emotions towards Chinese for the first time, don’t rush to get angry, Xiao Wukong will give you a big praise first!
When your child encounters a problem and can speak out on his own initiative, it means that you have communicated very effectively with your child in daily life.
When the child sends out his distress signal, the parents should not immediately get angry or get angry, first of all, they must express their position, we are friends on the same front, not enemies.
You can share your childhood experience: “My mother couldn’t distinguish pinyin and English when she was young, but you are so good at learning, much better than your mother!”
You can also fully understand your child’s mood and encourage them: “Mom understands your mood very well.
Writing Chinese characters is indeed more difficult than English, but you can learn so many Chinese characters in one class, which is really amazing!”
In the process of learning Chinese, children will face one challenge after another. It may be that just because a word is not written well will hit the child’s confidence and motivation to learn.
At this time, parents must help their children build up their self-confidence in learning, and at the same time, from the perspective of their children, find out the problems that need to be overcome at present, and recognize and agree with their emotions.
I believe that after receiving your encouragement, the children will be full of confidence to meet the next challenge.

  1. Lower expectations and focus on gains
    Parents should sometimes reflect on whether they have added extra psychological pressure to their children’s Chinese learning.
    Excessive expectations are sometimes the last straw that overwhelms their children’s Chinese learning.
    When some parents choose a course, they only choose which institution has the highest knowledge density in the class.
    How many words the teacher can teach their children in a class has become an important indicator for some parents to choose, but they ignore that the child can learn in a class.
    Understand, how much to absorb. Ignoring children’s ability to bear, and only relying on the wishes of adults to stuff knowledge into children, not only affects the learning effect, but also extinguishes children’s enthusiasm for learning Chinese.
    Parents should calm down their children’s Chinese learning, set clear goals, and first build up confidence in Chinese learning.
    After each class, write “Baby, how many words did you learn today? Write it several times and don’t forget!” Change to “Are you happy in Chinese class today? You have learned so many characters, how about teaching your mother?”
    Now that you have interest and confidence, are you still afraid that your child will not be able to learn Chinese?
    2.Interest is getting stronger, hobbies are the most important
    The saying “Interest is the best teacher in learning” is a cliché, but many old mothers still have difficulties in cultivating their children’s interest in Chinese.
    After all, the child grew up overseas and had neither a language environment nor the motivation to learn Chinese.
    How to cultivate a child’s interest in Chinese can be said to be even more difficult.
    The mother of Sinobus student Amy used to be one of the many troubled people, and she resolutely refused to go to the Chinese class, which caused her mother a lot of headaches.
    Until Amy accidentally saw the ancient costume TV series that her mother was chasing, the architectural style full of oriental charm, the exquisite ancient costumes, and the mysterious and melodious soundtrack made Amy have a strong interest in Chinese classical culture.
    Although I often don’t know much when watching dramas and need my mother to translate from the side, but after watching the TV series 3 times with love, Amy can speak many lines following the characters in the drama.
    Seeing this, Amy’s mother was overjoyed, and quickly applied for a trial class for Amy. Unexpectedly, Amy agreed this time without even thinking about it. Wukong’s class did not disappoint Amy’s mother, and the class firmly captured Amy’s interest.
    Now Amy not only likes to take Chinese class, but also likes to recite ancient poems and sing them out.
    I heard from Amy’s mother that, since Online Chinese learning the child wants to learn a national musical instrument recently~